Monday, July 07, 2014

And the winner of The Gay Gamer Giveaway™: Osawagase Penguin Boy Edition is ...

... Adam Lee.

Yet again, I offer up the sincerest of condolences to those of you who took the time to share your thoughts on your favorite arcade games but didn't walk away with the free copy of Osawagase Penguin Boy.

The good news is that at least one more Gay Gamer Giveaway™ is being prepped as we speak. Look for information on it to be published here within the next week or so.

In the meantime, congratulations to Adam and thanks again to all of you--not only for participating in these giveaways but for continuing to peruse this blog, too.

See also: all of my 'Year of the GameBoy' posts


TheGameroomBlitz said...

Heh, you know me... I'll share my thoughts regardless, even if people don't want them! Besides, as I already mentioned, I own this game, so I have no need for another copy.

I ought to take a look at all the responses... I was interested in seeing which arcade games people picked as their favorites.

Adam Lee said...

Yay! :D
I'll send my information your way Bryan and share thoughts once I've played. :) said...

And that's why I like you so much, Jess :) Anyway, yes, check out the other responses when you have a second. Sadly, though, fewer people commented on that post than did on the previous posts. Oh, well. said...

Great! I look forward to hearing what you think about it, Adam :)

Kaze said...

Congrats, Adam!! ^^ said...

That's nice of you, Marty! :)

RetroKingSimon said...

Games with penguins pretty much always rule :) said...

I agree, Simon! Also, I don't believe I've ever played a *bad* game that features/stars a penguin. You?

RetroKingSimon said...

Nope, definitely can't think of one. I think Penguin Land is the best so far :) said...

Really? That kind of surprises me, Simon! Are you just talking about games I'm giving away or that I've mentioned recently, though, or all games featuring penguins (that you've played/are aware of)?

For me, my favorite penguin game probably is Yume Penguin Monogatari, or the Parodius games, if those count. Sega's Pengo is pretty great, too, of course :)

RetroKingSimon said...

I was considering all penguin-based games. I like Penguin Land a lot but, as we agreed, most of them are good :)