The day's already off to a great start, by the way, as one of the presents my parents sent me was a copy of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, a game I've been admiring at a distance for some time now.

That's the only gaming gift I'm likely to receive this year, but that's OK--I bought a few games for myself earlier this week, including (but limited to) the three Namco Gallery titles I mentioned in yesterday's post. (I also purchased a Japanese copy of Crush Roller for the Neo Geo Pocket Color, despite the fact that I have nothing to play it on at the moment.)
While I wait for them to arrive, I'll do my best to put Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate through its paces--although maybe I should finally pick up a digital copy of Culty's Monster Hunter Beginner's Guide before I jump in.
Happy birthday! I love MH3U, if only it had online play for the 3DS we could go on a hunt.
Happy birthday, Bryan! Have a lovely day :).
Happy birthday, hope it's a good one!
Thanks, Jeremy :) And, yes, it would be great if the 3DS version of MH3U had online play. That said, I'll probably be glad for some time that it doesn't, as I'm sure to suck (at least for a while)!
Thanks, Marcus! It's been pretty lovely so far, thankfully.
Thank you, VGJunk! Much appreciated :)
Happy birthday, and welcome to the hunt!
Happy Birthday! Hope you're having a great time and have tons of fun with MH3, whenever you find the time to play it.. ;)
Enjoy the game(s) and happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! And what a great series to dive into on your birthday ;) (though I imagine you won't start playing it today... or will you?)
I definitely think the Beginner's Guide is a great help in making things seem less daunting. It's still a little overwhelming at first (and, who am I kidding... it's still pretty overwhelming for me!), but I hope you're grabbed by the presentation and atmosphere like I was!
Big Congratulations! It is my hubbys b-day too! And Dreamcast.
I will say that it seems SO CONFUSING at first, and the terrible, unintuitive eshop demo probably turned a lot of people off of the game (myself included). After you get over the initial "what is going on" hurdle it's second nature and you'll wonder why you had so much trouble. Also, I recommend you start with a Sword and Shield or Dual Blades instead of Lance/Gunlance like I did.
Thanks for the advice, Jeremy--and the pep talk, too. I'm especially thankful for the advice RE: what to start with, as that's always been something that's confused/worried me. I think maybe I'll start with sword and shield. Anyway, thanks again!
Thanks, Terry! I'll let you know how it goes :)
Hey there, miruki! Long time, no see :) Anyway, it was a great day. Haven't started MH3 yet, though, as I have to spend time with New Leaf today (it being the Harvest Festival and all...).
Ha ha! I had to think about that one for a second, Justin. I was like, "why on earth does he think it's my golden birthday?"
Anyway, YES, I just turned 27. Can you believe it? ;)
I'm going to buy the Culty guide today. I really don't want to go into this completely blindly, and the digital guide's only $9, so why not?
Did you ever pick up the full game, by the way, or did the demo turn you off completely?
Thanks, Sam! I wouldn't have been able to see your Swapnote anyway, as I've been too scared to open the app for ages, so don't worry about that :)
As for your comment on MH3U: I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm sure it'll make sense soon enough!
Thanks. Eduardo! As for me being 27: yeeeeaaaah, about that... Justin was kidding/being cute. I actually turned 37! Are you still older than me?
Thanks, Reggie!
Thanks, Anne! And, no, I didn't dive in yesterday. Not because I didn't feel like it, etc. It was only due to the day being full of other things. My sis-in-law took me to lunch and then The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, then an hour or so after we got home we all (me, David and my sis-in-law) went to dinner. Got home from that, sat around for a brief bit and then ... went to bed! Can you believe it? Both David and I were so tired (for various reasons) that we hit the hay at 10 pm. I guess I really am getting old :P
Thanks, too, by the way, for the MH3U advice/pep talk. I really think I'll benefit from the Culty guide, so I'm going to go for it. Wish me luck!
Thank you, Phillip!
Really, SpeLinnea? How cool is that? Hopefully he had a nice day as well.
Also, yesterday was the Dreamcast's birthday? How did I miss that?!?
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