According to and other sources, the game in question--to be called Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call--will include over 200 songs and more than 60 characters, as well as some sort of multiplayer battle mode.
Little else is known about Curtain Call at the moment, but to be completely honest I don't need to know anything more about it to know I'm going to buy a copy of it as soon as it's available.
Why am I so stoked about this Theatrhythm follow-up? Here are the four main reasons:
1. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the first game's art style--Believe it or not, but Theatrhythm Final Fantasy's art style is what drew my attention to the title in the first place. I'm sure some people abhor its paper-doll-like character designs, in particular, but I love them. In fact, I've love them so much I'd kill to see them in some sort of Final Fantasy spin-off--for handhelds or even consoles, not for mobile--that harkens back to the series' earlier releases (such as Final Fantasy IV, V or VI).

2. I can't wait to experience more of this series' unique brand of gameplay--Although initially I was a bit skeptical of Theatrhythm's gameplay, it quickly made a believer out of me. As is the case with the best rhythm titles around (hello, Rhythm Tengoku), at its peak Theatrhythm's screen-tapping and stylus-sliding gameplay feels like it's wired directly into your brain.

3. I want to be able to play as some of the characters that were overlooked in the original Theatrhythm--Seriously, where was Rosa (from Final Fantasy IV)? Or Lenna (from Final Fantasy V)? How about Edgar (from Final Fantasy VI)? Do I think we'll see each of them--along with a few of the series' more "out there" characters, like Gogo, Palom, Porom or Umaro--in Curtain Call? Not really, but it sure would be nice to see at least a couple of them.

4. I'm expecting an even greater soundtrack the second time around--Specifically, I'm hoping this iteration will feature more than one version of the Chocobo theme. Gaining access to some or all of the series' airship themes would be awesome, too. Thankfully, I have a feeling the latter is pretty likely given the screenshot above.
Are any of you also looking forward to this 3DS title? If so, let me know why in the comments section below.
See also: 'The Great Gaymathon Review #58: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy (3DS)'
I want more information about the tracks. I bought a lot of DLC songs for the original release, so if this is an all-in-one package, I'm not as interested.
I certainly wouldn't mind an expanded selection of Final Fantasy XI tracks and characters.
I'm also excited to know a sequel's in the works and I'm 100% sure it'll be released in the US as well since it did so well in sales here. I did buy the songs I loved from the DLC and I was about to purchase the game in the eShop but it was removed so it would be nice if Curtain Call uploads songs from the first game or at least has them as DLC. I wouldn't mind paying extra for the songs I love. The first game has a lot of replay value and I love playing it just to remember the songs from the series.
I would like to see Celes from FFVI.
Also boss battles could be a bit more challenging if they would make them use moves and magic to attack your characters and you could actually use attacks and magic as well. Maybe this is not what they meant to do but it could give the game a different feel in my opinion.
Online play would be awesome, not local but actually the option to play co-op, battle and so on against our 3DS friends and even players from other countries.
I have a feeling it's going to include all of what was included in the first one, Terry, plus more. I would guess, too, that the DLC will be included. For me, as long as there are new tracks, characters and modes, I'm in.
Hey there, jc! I have a feeling it'll be released here, too--hopefully the folks at SE will confirm that soon.
I'd like Celes, too, by the way, and I have a feeling we'll get her in this version as she was included in the iOS release of the first Theatrhythm.
Online play could be quite interesting, I think--if SE handled it correctly. It isn't a deal-breaker for me, though, if it isn't included in Curtain Call...
The one thing I didn't really like about Theatrhythm were the RPG elements... I actually wouldn't mind if they left that out completely, hah! I'm pretty intrigued by the multiplayer, but of course the main draw of another Theatrhythm is more great FF songs! Can't wait!
This about sums it up perfectly for me. I actually thought this game was the first one but with all the DLC included. Didn't realize it was a full on sequel until I read this.
TFF is getting a sequel? SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I LOVE the first one. Before New Leaf, I poured more hours into it than in any other 3DS game. In fact, there are more characters I still need to unlock and max their levels out.
Well, from the sounds of it, Frank, it's not really a full-on sequel--nor is it just a "complete" repackaging of the first game. I guess you could say it's something in the middle? Supposedly it'll have all of the tracks, etc., from the first game--including the DLC, I believe--as well as a bunch of new tracks, characters and modes. In fact, I believe there will be twice as many tracks in this one? Regardless, I'm excited!
You and me both, Reggie! Actually, I think I may have put more hours into either Mario Kart 7 or The Denpa Men than I put in Theatrhythm, but it's really too close to call regardless. Really can't wait to get my hands on this one and put even more hours into it :)
I hadn't heard about a sequel yet, but I'm a few days behind on my gaming news. Still, the first was a lot of fun and something I only recently started playing, so a second is more than welcome. :)
A recent Theatrhythm fan, eh, Chalgyr? Hey, better late than never, I say :)
Seriously, though, I'm happy to hear someone else is interested in this one, too. Bring it on, Square Enix!
Damn. Square Enix you win this round. I'm going to have to dig further into my wallet to buy this game.
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