As for what you're seeing in the photos below: it's my recently acquired copy of the game that started it all, Dōbutsu no Mori (which basically translates to Animal Forest).
As I'm sure most of you are already aware, Dōbutsu no Mori was released for the Japanese Nintendo 64 all the way back in early 2001. Sadly, that was right before the GameCube hit the market, so Nintendo never released it elsewhere.
I've wanted to own a copy of it for ages, but various things kept me from snagging one until a few weeks ago, which when I spotted the rather beautiful specimen seen in the snapshots below.
The photo above shows off the front cover of Dōbutsu no Mori's box, of course. I love how it looks like a shipped package, or maybe a postcard. Also, it features K.K. Slider, which always is a good thing.
This photo (above) showcases the back of Dōbutsu no Mori's box--which, admittedly, is quite a bit less thrilling than the front. Still, I thought some of you might like to see it.

Could Dōbutsu no Mori's cartridge label be any cuter? No, it could not.

The same goes for the labels that can be stuck onto the memory cart that was shipped with each copy of Dōbutsu no Mori. The one seen above is the "girls label," of course, while a second, blue-tinged one likely was meant for boys.
Here's another shot of the same label. Sorry neither of them are straight-on. Maybe I'll take another one in the coming days and throw that shot onto my Flickr photostream so interested parties can take a better, closer look at the adorable label art.
Finally, the focus of the photo above is the stamp that can be found in the upper-left corner of Dōbutsu no Mori's cover art. What I wouldn't give for a larger, cleaner version of that same image.
Although I haven't been able to put this copy of Dōbutsu no Mori through its pace yet--mainly because I don't own a converter that will enable my North American Nintendo 64 to play Japanese games--I'm planning to rectify that soon.
Once I do, I'll be sure to do a write-up (or two, or three) about my experience with this import-only curiosity.
This is a cool, cool box! My heart warms just at the sight of it! Part of me is sad to see such a charming design not be repeated for the other titles in the series, it seems a lot more distinctive than the other covers. I guess since Animal Crossing spreads so well, you'd want a cover that kind of looks "like the game" so people will recognize it easily.
They also really push K.K. Slider here, he doesn't seem to be on the covers of the others. Interesting?
Oh, I most definitely agree, Michael. I mean, I really like, say, the DS game's cover art (especially the Japanese cover art), but I like this game's cover art/style the best. I can see where it may be a bit too obtuse for the masses, though. And, yes, it's very interesting that KK Slider, and only KK Slider, appears on the cover here. I wonder what's up with that?
Yeah, the other covers certainly aren't slouches, but they don't evoke a mood the way this does. Same for the manual, and even the cart art, it's always reminding you that your town is just a train ride away! (you can tell I'm really taken with it, haha!)
I was thinking maybe KK is featured because he's really symbolic of the "time based" features of the game? Or discovering him in-game is extra special when you might have wondered "where's that cute dog I saw earlier?" Or maybe they just thought he was really eye-catching compared to the other characters they had (those eyebrows!) at the time. It could be anything!
Oh, yes, you're right, of course--this particular piece of cover art, plus the cart and even manual cover art, definitely evoke a mood that the other AC cover arts don't.
I love that you're so taken with all of this, by the way. So am I--which is why I finally picked up a copy of the game.
Also, you're probably right about why KK is featured on the cover. What I mean is, it's probably all of those things--and possibly a few more!
Haha, sometimes you just find a really good one, and I had no idea it existed! Never seen it before!
I have to confess, despite my enthusiasm for this box, I'm not actually a person who plays Animal Crossing! (It's part of why I've been quiet here lately. ;)
Huh! Have you ever tried it, Michael? I have a feeling you might like it.
Should you decide to start, the GameCube version or New Leaf are the best places to do so, IMO.
I also own the Doubutsu no Mori (Controller Pack version) and it is one of my favorite items. You probably know that but you do not need an expansive adapter to play japanese games on US N64, as the protection is just a physical protection.
I haven't played it, but I experienced the DS version up close via my wife and I felt that was close enough. I'd kinda like to play it (I'm really digging the pattern and fashion design elements) but it might be for the best if I don't go down that road. xD
Ha! Are you worried you'll get completely addicted to it or something? If so, I can understand that.
Should you ever decide to give it a go, though, I'd highly recommend New Leaf, as it is MILES better than the DS version (which I've never liked, for various reasons).
Was this released without the controller pack, Tatsui? If so, I didn't know that! Is that the only difference--that this one comes with a controller pack and the other (original, I'm guessing), doesn't?
Also, I know I technically could "mod" the system myself, but I'd rather not. I'm completely OK with softmodding systems, but even this kind of hardmodding scares me a bit :|
I feel like in order to get the most out of it I would need to be at least moderately addicted. :)
What didn't you like about the DS version? As a casual observer I'm not aware of the differences!
Yes, that's true. I'm fully addicted, of course, which is both glorious and terrible at the same time :)
As for what I didn't like about the DS version: horrible resolution (graphics look like shit, basically) and even worse frame rate.
Actually, I would've put up with the resolution if it hadn't been for the frame rate, which is so chunky/stuttery that it drives me mad.
As such, I really haven't spent much time with the DS version.
My preferences when it comes to this series: GC version and New Leaf tied for first, then City Folk, then Wild World.
If I were to pick one up at this point it would definitely be the 3DS one--it's the one everyone else is playing, after all, and I find I'm more likely to play games on a handheld than something else, if given the choice, I just like 'em!
Did you have similar problems with other DS games? I remember being really charmed by the low-def 3D in quite a few DS games (Mario Kart especially stands out in my mind, and 4 Heroes of Light) but that line between charming and crappy is pretty thin.
I didn't have similar problems with other DS games, actually. For instance, I LOVED the look of 4 Heroes of Light, even though it was pretty low-res, too.
I think my problem with the low-res nature of Wild World was just that the GC version looked so great, and it seemed like a lot of detail was lost in the transition to the DS.
yes, there is also the "single" version (, as far as i know, there is no other differences between the 2 packs.
I have softmodded my japonese N64 to play US games in the same way, it is not a big deal but i understand your fear.
That certainly could have done it. :)
Yep! BTW, the box art for the original release of this game--which doesn't include a memory cart--is even better than this one:
Ah, that's interesting, Tatsui. I wonder why they ever released it without a controller/memory pack, though? Kind of weird.
That said, I really like that version's box art. So much, in fact, that I may have to pick up that version in the future, too XD
Oh yeah! I had thought that little icon was a bit out of place, nice to see it without! I just noticed the shadow in the lower right, is that supposed to be the player character?
By the way, did you try reading the Japanese text beside the logo?
Whoa. I had no idea this even existed.
You know what? I just noticed that myself! Or, rather, I always just assumed it was supposed to represent trees. Now, though, I think it's supposed to represent the player, like you suggested--which is *REALLY* cool!
I haven't tried deciphering the Japanese to the right of the logo, by the way. No idea why! I'll do so tomorrow :) (I'll have to use an online dictionary, of course--my studies have stalled a bit as of late...)
Really? Why, then, I glad I could introduce you to it. Basically, this came out first, then Nintendo made a few changes to it and released it for the Japanese GC a few months later. After that, they translated it for English-speaking audiences, released it overseas, and then re-translated it back into Japanese because NOA added so much text to it. Crazy, eh?
That's nuts.
Cool! I'm pretty sure the graphics are very close to the GC version, aren't they? It would've been cool if this had come out on Super Famicom as a sprite based game. hmm, that gives me an idea.
No kidding! Anyway, I've wanted to try playing this through this version for ages, but of course the language barrier stopped me. Now, though, I thought it might be a good incentive to keep learning the language!
i assume the version w/o controller pack was cheaper for people who already own a controller pack...In fact, i hesitate to buy this version too :D
Yes, the graphics look very similar to the GC version, Jeremy. One interesting difference is that normally the game runs in kind of a lower-resolution mode, but that is doubled when you use the Expansion Pack.
i always thought it was Tom Nook's shadow, don't you think?
Honestly, if I had known this before, I would've gone for the one without the controller pack, due to its "clean" box art. That said, I really like the labels for the controller pack, so I'm not *too* upset with my purchase :P
Oh, that makes sense, too--what with the ear-like shapes and all. Either way, it's new to me!
I love the memory card stickers! I didn't know it came with them
That is awesome. I know it's inconvenient and unnecessary now, but stop-gap solutions/enhancements like that, or unlocking extra animation frames in Saturn fighters with RAM carts, etc...really thrilling to me, haha.
Oh, yeah, they're pretty thrilling to me, too, Jeremy--or at least they were back in the day. I may actually need to pick up one of them soon so I can see how it alters this particular game's visuals.
I didn't either until the game arrived, Anne. I should post a photo of the "boy" one, too, eh? It's also cute, of course, but I preferred the girl one :)
I'd definitely like to see it, but I bet I'll agree with you in saying the girl version is cuter ;)
The front cover is so cute. When I first saw it, I was thinking that it was rather plain. But the longer I looked at it, the longer I fell in love. And that little stamp on it as the most adorable picture!
Hah! And here I thought it was mail for the player, I guess it's just another rent check for Nook...
You silly goose--of COURSE it's just another rent check for Nook :P
The one bad thing I'll say about the girl version, Anne: it made me realize I've never had the pink lamb that's featured on it in any of my AC towns. How horrible! ;)
Thanks, Girly Gamer! And, yes, it is kind of plain at first glance, isn't it? After a bit, though, you start to see what they were going for at Nintendo, and then it seems pretty darn cool :)
You are so cute ;)
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