I haven't kept people out of my New Leaf town because I'm a big jerk, by the way. Rather, I kept them out (until now) because I was feeling bashful about Animachi's status as a "work in progress."
I still am, to tell you the truth, but my shyness has softened a bit thanks to the fact that Animachi's main street is nearly full--Kicks just opened and Club LOL will follow this weekend--and its trees now feature every kind of fruit a visitor could desire.
Anyway, the point is that I welcomed my first human visitor--Terry, aka Zaphod65--last night. Of course, me being the numbskull that I am, I didn't nab any screencaps while we roamed about Animachi.

Thankfully, Terry did. Not only that, but he made a little comic out of said screencaps for his New Leaf-focused tumblr, The Dunwich Hoarder, and published it (above and here) earlier today.
Would you believe I'm now starting to second guess my decision to allow Terry to (attempt to) woo away Hamlet?
Oh, well, at least if he succeeds I may finally get to meet one of the game's many deer villagers (especially Fauna or Erik).
See also: 'He likes Animal Crossing: New Leaf and he loves to abuse the screencap function'
I met Fauna, you know @Haruto__ on my Twitter? almost positive it was him that has her, I squeed! So lucky (he has Cookie too, that I had in my Wii game and she was one of my favs)
I don't know @Haruto__ on Twitter, but I may have to track him down and visit his NL town :)
I also think my blogging pal Anne (@apricotsushi on Twitter) has a deer in her NL town--possibly Fauna. So, I'll have to check out her town as soon as she's back from Japan.
I love how all of us AC fans have our own favorite villagers. I've always loved Snake, for instance, and pretty much all of the cats.
Barold, new to NL, is quickly joining that list, by the way. Have you met him, or at least seen him? He's so cute--both in terms of appearance and personality :)
You tweeted him a few times when I was talking about getting AC.
Flurry is one of the newbies I'm starting to add to my favourites. I had Snake but he moved lately, I'm trying to get a frog character. Lily is the one I'd absolutely love to get, she's the cutest of the frog characters or get Cookie, Drift or Stitches back.
Never saw Barold til you mentioned him :3 I hope I'll get to meet him sometime.
Oh! I must know him then--just forgot his Twitter handle, I guess :)
BTW, I love the frog characters, too. All of them! Or at least all the ones I've met in past games. They're all so cute--even the grumpy ones.
I don't think I've ever had Stitches or Drift, by the way. Boo!
My friend has been trying to poach my little Hamlet. He reminds me of my ex (short furry muscle cub) too much for my psyche to handle him leaving me.
I know what you mean, Bryan. I haven't let anyone visit Gamerock (my town) because it still has a lot of evolving to do.
Oh, no! Well, then, don't let your friend have him, I say :)
Ah, well, it's nice to know I'm not alone. I feel like such an ass when I go on and turn off the notification thing that allows other people to contact me :|
So far I've only 1 had guest at my village also. Strangely enough it was also Zaphod65. Know that I think of it you and him are the only ones on my friends list that I know are playing AC:NL (hopefully more people on my friend list will get the game).
I don't think that you should feel like an ass for that. I'd probably freak out the first time it happens to me. I'm mostly just using the best friend feature to know if I can visit other towns. I'll also probably added everyone I play with to my best friend list since I don't think I'll be playing with 32 different people.
Thanks, Sam :) I have to say, although I've enjoyed spending a bit of time with some Internet pals via my New Leaf, I still prefer playing these games by myself. I think that's partially because the "real life" interaction takes me out of the imaginary world, and partially because trying to actually "play" with other human beings in this game can be frustrating/challenging/awkward in many ways.
Ha! Terry/Zaphod really gets around, doesn't he? :)
I'm surprised more of your friends aren't playing the game, BTW. I think a good portion of my 60 or so 3DS friends are playing the game these days!
Hamlet is too adorable. He's not as adorable as my real-life hamster Nicodemus, but close. lol
I think of it as a solitary game, too. Most of my visits to other towns
are like trips to the mall: I want to check the shops and maybe buy
things the player didn't, unload turnips, write a letter or two to
the townsfolk for them to show off later, and then leave.
I had a few people over last week, but nothing recently. Looks like you guys had a ball!
I think that's a great way to think about visits to other towns, Terry! I'm going to look at them/think about them in the same way from now on :)
Ah, so that's why you like him so! Actually, I understand liking him regardless--he's a cutie! Still, I think I'd rather have one of the cat villagers, or one of the frogs, or one of the deer :)
I'll have to keep an eye on your status then and hit you up when you're on so we can finally connect :)
One thing I find odd about the communication features is that you can't send letters between towns like in City Folk. I'm guessing it's because the 3DS can't be connected online when the powers off like the Wii could but it still seems like you should be able to do it when the player you want to send the letter to is online. I haven't been sending many letters myself mostly because I don't have anything to say that could be used in a letter.
Yeah, I find that weird. Surely there's some way to make such a thing work? Oh, well, maybe next time? (Sigh.)
Great Post! Thanx for
sharing! http://www.unn.edu.ng/
Spam? Or real?
My guess is spam :P I'm getting a lot like this lately
I can understand being shy to share your town with others when it's still a work in progress, but I gave up worrying about that long ago when I realized I'll never put in enough time to get my town "finished" by any means! Glad to see Terry snapped a few screenshots, at least ;)
Even if you don't want people to visit you, I hope you'll come visit Mamemura soon!
Speaking of deer villagers, I have Diana and she's lovely.
Yeah... I mean, that link doesn't look suspicious or anything ;)
Oh, I'll let people visit, Anne--especially you (if you want). I just needed to work some things out. The good news: I'm pretty much there! I mean, my town is far from 'done' or perfect, but I think it's in a good enough condition for people to visit now.
Also, OF COURSE I'll come visit Mamemura! Just say the day and time and I'll be there :)
Damn! I'm jealous, Alois. Maybe a deer will move into Animachi now that Chevre has moved out...
Hello there, Aki! Thanks for visiting--and for commenting, too :)
I'll be publishing many more posts about New Leaf and other AC games in the future, so hopefully you'll come back from time to time.
I'm jealous that you have two wolves, by the way! Not that I want *two* of them, mind you, but one would be nice.
Of course, I'd also like a cat, dog and frog, too, so take that as you will :)
As for adding you to my friend list: I'll do it in just a bit. Look forward to connecting via New Leaf at some point!
Hi there !
Of course I will, this AC is so great, and I really love how busy the whole community is right now !
I just started a few days ago, since I'm from France, we got the game a bit after America, and I had decided to wait until I had finished my exams, so it was left on my desk for like two weeks... I'm so glad the wait's over ! :)
So, thanks, same here !
Yup, none of my friends are interested in AC (You know, the "too old to play it" thing...), so that's great : I already met a lot of people to have fun with !
And that's okay, no problem !
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