Thursday, May 16, 2013

You've got my attention, Sony Japan Studio--now show me some gameplay

Earlier this month, the folks at Sony Japan Studio revealed that they're working on a new title: Panopticon.

A two-and-a-half-minute teaser trailer for the game was released this morning and can be seen below.

What kind of game is it, and which system is it being made for? I have no idea, sadly--although it seems that information may be shared (likely on the game's official site) on May 21.

Until then, all we have are guesses and speculation. Personally, I have a feeling Panopticon is yet another Monster Hunter clone and, as such, will grace the still-struggling Vita, but I hope I'm wrong.

(I'm OK with it potentially being a Vita game, by the way. The portion of the prognostication above that concerns me is the part about it possibly being a Monster Hunter clone. I'd much rather it be an RPG or even a straight-up action title.)

What do all of you think of the teaser above? Did it catch your attention, too, or put you to sleep?