I can't claim responsibility for "Baby Got Back(log)," by the way--that honor goes to reader Tony Sadowski, who recently suggested it via The Gay Gamer Facebook page.
I thought it was so spot-on perfect that I couldn't help but steal it--with Tony's permission, naturally--and put it it to use.

And who knows? Maybe I'll continue this little "project" of mine next year, too. Not just so I can type "Baby Got Back(log)" as often as possible, mind you--although I'd surely be lying if I said that wasn't at least a slight source of inspiration.
Anyway, aside from that, I probably should tell you a bit about the games I've played since the last "Bye-Bye, Backlog," er, "Baby Got Back(log)" post I published.
Sadly, I've only enjoyed two titles in that time, both of which were nabbed from the 3DS eShop: Crimson Shroud and Witch & Hero.
I'm absolutely loving the former game, by the way. I love its graphics, its soundtrack--even its quirky, table-top-RPG-esque gameplay. I can't say I understand everything that's going on at the moment, but I'm guessing I'll get up to speed eventually.

I'm also continuing to enjoy Witch & Hero, of course, although not as much as I was earlier in the week. That's mainly because I'm stuck on the final boss. Here's hoping I can topple him tomorrow, so I can type up a "somewhat gay review" about it.
In the meantime, are any of you playing either of these games--or have you in the recent past? If so, what do you (or did you) think of them?
And if you aren't playing (or haven't played) either of them, what games are you playing right now?
I haven't played either, but I'd like to play both. Crimson Shroud's weapon fusing system sounds like a nice hook. I'm currently playing through The Walking Dead on PC. Holy hell. It's AMAZING! I've never had a game make me cry so much and make such hard, hard, GUT WRENCHING choices...
The other game is Little Big Planet, the original. It's way frustrating, but I'm plugging away at it.
I'm so behind on new games and downloadable games in general...the last one I bought was Spelunker HD on PS3. Witch and Hero looks really cute though! I'll be interested to see your review.
As for what I'm playing, my backlog has recently become the entire PC-Engine catalog...so many wasted years not knowing/caring about the system. I was amused to find out that the blog I was reading for information/design ideas on a HuCard art project turned out to be your old blog, haha. Thanks for the resource! (I strongly disagree with your opinion of Exile's box art though)
I haven't exactly gotten to the weapon-fusing system in Crimson Shroud, Justin--or at least I don't think I have!--but I'm looking forward to experiencing that aspect of the game, too.
You know what other aspect I think you'd like? The story? The game kind of feels like a Choose Your Own Adventure Game to me, which I really like.
That's awesome that you're currently hooked into The Walking Dead, by the way. I've heard mixed things about the game, so it's nice to hear someone I know saying something positive about it.
I absolutely love the TV show on which it's based, so maybe someday I'll give the Wii U version (or PS3?) a try.
Is this your first time with Little Big Planet? Regardless, it's too bad it's frustrating. I've always liked the looks of those games, at the very least.
Hello again Jeremy!
What do/did you think of Spelunker HD, if you don't mind my asking? I've long been curious about it (despite the fact that I still don't have a PS3).
As for you playing through the PC Engine catalog: YEE HAW!!! No kidding? If you ever need any recommendations, just let me know. The PC Engine is right up there in terms of being my favorite system ever.
Also, how funny that you've been perusing my old PCE blog. Sorry I had to put her down, but at one point every post that was published there was published here, too, so it didn't really make sense to continue both.
I don't remember my opinion on Exile's box art, by the way. Did I say I preferred the Japanese version's to the North American one or something?
One more thing, Jeremy: congrats on being selected for this year's My Famicase Exhibition! I just saw your entry--too cute :) I think I'm going to write up a post about it and a few others for tomorrow...
As someone who has logged major time into the NES Spelunker (which is actually considered a bad port of the PC version from what I hear), Spelunker HD is actually a very faithful successor, read: horrifically hard but fair once you understand the game mechanics. Unlike the 5 stages from the NES version I think it has 10 sets of 10, and they're brutal--I think I'm stuck on stage 4 of world 2.
I can't BELIEVE I never bothered to look into how Hudson basically had its own console to do whatever they wanted with! And the amount of exclusives on the PCE is truly amazing...it's like being a kid again and having no idea what anything is. I'm actually looking for a good sidescroller to try once I've played through its awesome shootemup library.
Changing your blog is understandable, sometimes the name you chose will end up limiting you if you decide to broaden your scope. In my case the blog was called Simply Awful which not only sounded too much like the much more well known Something Awful, but it just wasn't a very stirring endorsement of my own abilities, haha. The only problem with it now is that the title gives the reader no clue that it's a gaming blog!
Yup-when I was looking for PCE box art I found your comparison of the japanese and american versions. The terrifying hand made sculpted diorama on the NA cover was so different than almost all other cover art (particularly on the anime-heavy PCE) that I was super impressed and would have been much more intrigued to see it on the shelf than another collection of anime headshots. Having never played Exile though, I can't judge which cover is a better reflection of the game.
Hello again!
For various reasons, I've never played the NES version of Spelunker. A few years ago, though, I was turned on to it (probably thanks to the release of the PS3 version) and, well, I've been kind of fascinated with it ever since.
Not enough to actually play it, mind you--but I suppose that isn't all that surprising :P
I never actually changed blog names or anything like that, by the way. Basically, I started this blog in 2007 and then at some later point I decided to start I Was a Teenage PC Engine Fan as a side project. In part, I wanted to see what would happen if I started a "non-gay" gaming blog, and in part I wanted a place where I could geek out on the PCE to my heart's content.
It was fun while it lasted, but like I said, at some point all of that blog's content appeared here, too, and few people ever seemed to visit IWATPCF so I closed up shop.
Anyway, YES, the PCE and its catalog are awesome. If you like weird, quirky games, you'll be set with the PCE.
You said you're looking for a PCE sidescroller. And by this I'm guessing you mean Mario-esque? If so, one I would recommend is Obocchama-kun by Namcot. It's actually kind of ugly (at least at first), but I've really grown to like it over the years.
Aoi Blink (Blue Blink) is another option. It's not as quirky or interesting as Obocchama-kun, but it's a nice Mario clone with a twist.
Oh, and Son Son II! Another very good game. I'd recommend this over Aoi Blink, actually.
Finally, there's Jigoku Meguri and Mizubaku Daibouken, two Taito titles that are strangely similar but equally excellent.
Did I actually say that I don't like the North American Exile cover, by the way? I really can't imagine I said that, but who knows? Maybe I was in a "state" at the time I wrote that post :P
You know what--my bad on the Exile (Exile 2 actually) thing. I just went back to reread it and even though you said that you preferred the japanese version, I saw that you had linked to an earlier post I hadn't seen where you actually praised it and offered some interesting info from Vic Ireland!
Ah I see, I thought that IWATPCEF was a previous blog, not a side project. In that case sometimes it can be useful to narrow your scope, but like you said, there's no need if your other blog makes it redundant.
It may have been the Hardcore Gaming 101 article on Spelunker that got me to finally try it, I had just gotten back into retro games and had to see why it was so infamous. Like 90% of people who play it, I fell for the first trap two seconds into the game, haha. It's worth playing for a laugh if you have the time.
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll look into them. And thanks a lot for the words on Famicase! If you haven't seen it I put some more photos of the cartridge (and some mockup gameplay images) on my blog...you're free to use whatever in the service of advertising my blog :^J
Ah, that's great to hear RE: Exile/Exile 2. I definitely remember liking the claymation-esque NA art for that one, so it surprised me to hear that I may have said otherwise on my old PCE blog.
I'll definitely give Spelunker a try soon. It's good to go into it knowing it's frustrating, I think. Or maybe I should say 'I hope'? Regardless, I'll try to let you know what I think about it after I've finally played it.
Oh, and thanks for letting me know about the extra photos of your Famicase Exhibition entry on your blog. I'll probably use the shot from the official blog/site for my post, but I'll certainly link to your blog post on the subject as well!
One more question for you, Jeremy: why did you decide to go with the name Ribbon Black for your blog?
I mean, I know why you re-named it, but why did you go with Ribbon Black specifically? What's it supposed to mean, if anything?
Why, thank you for asking. It means nothing! Originally I wanted a name for a semi-evil corporation (originally for a storyline to go with the monster characters I drew a lot--including the girl on the famicase label) that sounded a little refined and a little sinister. Eventually I took that name for my other projects and there you go. The phrase's imagery and cadence really appealed to me so it kind of became my brand over the years!
Ah, I like that story, Jeremy. I think you've achieved your goal with it, by the way, as it's definitely a little refined as well as a little sinister. Anyway, keep up the amazing work!
Ah, I need to get back to 999 myself--and then try Virtue's Last Reward, too, of course.
As for Crimson Shroud: I look forward to hearing what you think of it after you've spent a bit more time with it!
I had no idea this game was so emotional! Not sure I'd be able to deal with it either. Hell, the show itself gets me teary-eyed on a regular basis thanks to the tough decisions its characters have to make :(
Thanks a lot man!
And now you have to make all the awful decisions... it's seriously stressful & touching from what I've heard from the though guys who usually laugh at me when I start crying while we watch movies and stuff (and I always cry - so this will kill me. XD)
Make sure you see the True End of 999 before starting VLR, everything makes so much more sense (and it's so much more exciting!)
I'll be sure to write about my thoughts on Crimson Shroud after I've seen some more of it. Hopefully I can get myself away from VLR for a while today so I can finally write my FE:Awakening review... :D
Ooh! Yay for Crimson Shroud! I had a blast with that game :) I hope a sequel or something comes soon (or a full 3DS game).
I just really enjoyed it. The music was brilliant, the art style, while simple, was good. The story was engaging. The gameplay - while mostly fun, I think needed more "info" for certain things (like the random chance key item that I would never had know about if I didn't happen to read about it)..
I wish more games like this would come to 3DS.
Oh! I don't know if I like that. Well, in a way I do--as it seems like a cool element to add to a game--and in a way I don't--because I wouldn't want to have to make those decisions. Ugh.
As my husband would say: you welcome! :)
Okie dokie. As for Fire Emblem: Awakening--you're already done with it? Man, and I've had it for weeks longer than you have. I just haven't played it much yet :| Anyway, look forward to reading your review!
Yep, Crimson Shroud, Igor. Yay! I like pretty much everything you like about it so far. I haven't gotten to the random drop part yet--thankfully--but I'm ready for it. I think. Anyway, yes, I hope a sequel is made, too, and that more games like this find their way to the 3DS (eShop or not).
Like I mentioned before, the main can be easily finished in under 20 hours. XD I played through half the game, then restarted after putting 25 hours into it (I was at ch13) because I regretted some of the decisions I made (mostly: not marrying Chrom on a first playthrough) and since I pretty much knew what I was doing I did a speed run through the game, saved right before ch11, married Chrom and played through the whole game just using Chrom and MU (and later on their children, so I'd unlock all their unique support convos for the support log XD) - normal mode gets ridiculously easy if you know the system well. I think I finished ch13-25 in around 5 hours? XD
Now all I've got left to do is see all the support conversations for each possible character combination, hurr.
I'm so, so glad Virtue's Last Reward is much more interesting to me... I kinda feel guilty already by just thinking about how much time I'll be wasting with useless grinding just to get the relationship points up.. orz ...but I really want to see all the cute & awkward support scenes. 8)
Ah, well, that's good to know about Fire Emblem: Awakening. I think I'm going to restart my playthrough as well--mainly because it's been a while since I played it and I don't want to feel lost when it comes to the story.
As for 999 and VLR: I'll let you know when I get back to them--or get them, period, in the case of VLR. Glad to hear you're enjoying the latter, though!
VLR is really good, especially after you've played 999 - it gives you some answers to the questions that were left open, tho it throws a thousand new questions at you at the same time as well. XD The puzzles are a bit on the easy side so far tho and I've been playing on hard the whole time. They are still pretty cool and entertaining and the dialogues are just as engaging as in the first game. Tho, the protagonist acts a little overly dumb at times, which is a little annoying (considering he is the one cracking all those puzzles in-game...), but well, I've only seen one story path so far, so I'm hoping he's less dumb in the others. XD
Have you done the fusion yet?
Nope. I'm not very far into the game yet, though. Do you reach a certain point and they explain it? If not, maybe I've just missed it?
It's briefly touched on. But I think you can start almost straight away.
You should try it now. Bring up the menu (X), Items - first option that you see in that menu should say Meld. If it says Meld, you can fuse items together.
I know I've said I don't like grinding in RPGs but I actually didn't mind in Crimson Shroud, as the battles could be quick and can be random at times (plus I love the music hehe). It's a good way to get more weapon drops etc to use for fusion and make your weapons stronger, since your characters don't really "level" in the traditional sense. It's more your gear and the characters just gain new skills over time.
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