Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Let's Play: 'Which Box Art is Better?' (Pokémon X/Y edition)

I may not be the biggest Pokémon fan around, but I like the series well enough to follow developments related to its mainline releases.

Which is why, of course, I decided to devote a "Which Box Art is Better?" post to the covers that are being considered for Pokémon X and Y.

I'm guessing you don't need me to point out which is which, but just in case you do, here's Pokémon X supposedly preliminary box art:

And here's the art that'll likely grace the covers of Pokémon Y copies:

As for which I prefer: I'm a bit torn this time around, I have to say, as I really like X's cool tones and commanding protagonist while I think Y's has a better, more balanced, design.

If I were forced to pick one over the other, though, I'd probably go with Y. Which one would you choose and why?

See also: previous 'Which Box Art is Better?' posts


Zaphod65 said...

I pick Y as well. I like the look, which is good because my quirky gaming rule when it comes to Pokemon games is to buy the second of the named pair.

I'm looking forward to picking this one up. I'm always happy to have new Pokemon to catch.

Justin Difazzio said...

I thing they're both sort of samey and ho-hum, but I think X has the slight edge. Maybe that's just because that's the version I plan to get...

Nate said...

I prefer the box art of pokemon X. It looks alot more refreshing with the blue and green undertones. But I agree with pokemon Y being alot more balanced (Pokemon X looks really plain, theres too much white tbh). I'm really liking how there is a background of a forest and sky in both covers though (maybe to represent their roles as guardians of the sky and earth?). said...

I like that you have a quirky rule when it comes to picking up Pokemon games, Zaphod. I tend to pick up whichever one has the better cover (in my mind, of course).

Anyway, I'm looking forward to it, too, although I'm not entirely sure I'll be buying it at launch. We'll see! said...

Oh, I hear ya, Justin. Of course, I think Pokemon game covers in general are pretty "meh."

Can I ask why you're already planning to get X, by the way? Is it because you prefer that version's Legendary? said...

Hey there, Nate! I agree with you about X's box. I actually think I'd like it a lot more if the white section of the background image were switched with the forest-y looking section, if that makes sense.

alan cavazos said...

In my opinion both covers look "poor", maybe Y has better balance between colors but overall they don't look appealing to me. Also, the designs of the new pokémon look forced to look cool, I think the simpler designs of the original pokémon look better. said...

I agree that they're far from amazing covers, Alan. Of course, most/all Pokemon covers are a bit boring in my book, so take my comments as you will.

As for the Pokemon designs this time around not being simple enough: are you talking about the regular Pokemon or the Legendaries on the covers?

I ask because I actually like most of the "regular" Pokemon designs we've been shown so far. I agree that the Legendaries are a bit "busy," but then I've never really liked the designs of any of this series' Legendaries :|

michaelstearns said...

I like Y better too, I like the color and the active light and dark silhouettes, but also I like the symmetrical design of X. They aren't super exciting boxes to me but I think they're both pretty good. As a "set" I think it would be interesting to see them balance each other more, the X & Y aspect is neat (along with the inverted light and dark) but the pokemon's positioning couldn't be more different. I bet they did that intentionally, I don't know nothin' 'bout deez pokemans but just from the covers there's a certain good/lawful/conformist?!) and evil/chaotic dichotomy just to the color and positioning, without even taking the Pokemon's individual details into account. That's pretty cool! said...

Ah, yes, I like that aspect of these covers, too, Michael, even if they're hardly mind-blowing in any other form or fashion.

Elliot Cross said...

I really like Y, although it's mostly because I like the looks of Yveltal said...

Works for me, Elliot! Hell, I'd be fine with it if you preferred Y simply because it has red on it :)

Alex Timmons said...

Honestly, I prefer X because blue is my favorite color. Over the years, I've always picked the "bluer" of the games - blue, silver, sapphire, diamond, white, black 2... I'm very easy to please! said...

Ah, see, I like that, Alex. Do you only do this when choosing between Pokemon games, by the way, or do you do it with other games (and even systems), too?

apricotsushi said...

Well, my two cents are though I tend to lean towards Y from purely a box art aesthetic standpoint, I much prefer X's legendary and am thus more attracted to that ;) But I really wish X didn't have so much empty space; Y's cover is much more dynamic!

In terms of which version I'll get, though, X has definitely caught my eye since I'm a sucker for deer-like Pokemon. I'll wait and see what is announced regarding other differences between the two versions before deciding, though. October is still a few months away!

Which of the two Pokemon's designs do you like better, Bryan? said...

Hey there, Anne--and thanks for sharing your two cents :)

I fully understand your reasoning, by the way. I'd always go with the game--or the Legendary--that I prefer, too, even if that game's cover art isn't *exactly* how I'd like it to be.

As for which Legendary I prefer: I also prefer the one in/on X. He (she?) looks so ... regal, or something.

Monster_Hunter2882 said...

I'm also going with Y but the box art doesn't matter to me because I plan to go the download route because of Pokemon's 1 save file per game card bs. With a digital copy I could just download the game to another SD card so both me and my bf can have a save file without us both having to buy a copy. Though I guess this could to arguments over whose 3DS gets the game, whose turn it is, and which version to get. said...

Do you know which version you'll be buying yet, MH2882? I'm guessing Y?

Monster_Hunter2882 said...

I'm waiting to see what the main legendary pokemon look like in game. I think xerneas was the better looking one in the pre-rendered bit at the end of the 1st trailer but I find Yveltal the better looking one in the 2d art. I'm still trying to decide which starter to chose (right now I'm thinking maybe Froakie). I also haven't decide If I'm going to play as a boy or girl. Usually I play as a boy but I kind think the boy's outfit in this one looks boring. I've heard that you can change their outfits so I might still chose to play as a boy. Oh well, I still have until October to chose.

My bf said he didn't care which version I buy. I'm not sure if that's going to make it easier or harder to decide. said...

I don't much care about the Legendaries myself. My main question, at the moment, is: which starter to pick? I'm strongly considering Froakie, too, although the flame-eared thingie is a possibility, too :)

I'm pretty sure at the moment that I'll play as a girl, as I much prefer her design. That said, I find both of them (girl and boy) to be kind of boring :|

Monster_Hunter2882 said...

When choosing a starter I usually chose them based off of their final evo's design and what kind of personality they have. I chose Tepig in White because of Emboar's confident look and his manly beard made of fire. If the panda was a starter though I would of chose him when I frist saw him. said...

Yeah, I don't much like the birdlike one, either Of course, I'm not usually a fan of this series' Legendaries, to be completely honest.

Justin Difazzio said...

Call me when their legendaries are just as cute as the starters, and you'll see me get very excited. said...

You and me both, Justin! I mean, why do the Legendaries always have to be so ... ugly?