I especially like the blood spatter on the Wii U GamePad, by the way--although the piece of art that's plastered across the side of the system is pretty sweet, too.

Have any of you played ZombiU? If so, what do you think of it--and would you recommend it to someone like me (a guy who likes zombies despite the fact that they're a bit overdone at the moment)?
See also: more photos of this awesome OSKUNK creation
Okay, that's pretty slick looking. And I agree the red tear-like blood really pops on that controller.
Thanks, Chalgyr! I really should ask OSKUNK sometime if he sells these systems or keeps them for himself...
Sweet jebus that's awesome! I love ZombiU. Puts my regular Black Wii U to shame.
I'd say ZombiU is a must-own for Wii U. If you buy the system, the ZombiU bundle is a decent value. The zombies are an actual threat in that game; more than a few at a time and you're likely to die if you don't play it smart and cautious.
Oh, yes, I know that Matthew. Actually, I'm thinking maybe I should edit the post and include a mention of your amazing review!
Oh, that's great to hear, Adrian--that you love ZombiU, I mean. I wonder if I'll love it when I finally get around to owning a Wii U?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Zaphod! I like that the zombies are an actual threat, BTW--as they should be in a game like this.
Depends. Some love and some hate it. But whatever you do, don't listen to the reviews. It's survival horror at it's best, and the zombies are actually a threat. You WILL die in it.
Will do, Adrian. I'll listen to one review, though, no question--with that review being the one written by Matthew Weise (above) :)
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