This little tête-à-tête apes the format of Nintendo's wonderfully informative Iwata Asks interviews that I've written about here and there--which is a very good thing indeed.
Also a very good thing: for the last few days, the person behind the KameDaniRyuu tumblr has been publishing translated versions of the discussion between Itoi, Iwata and Nagata.
My favorite parts of this EarthBound-cenric Q&A include the revelation that Itoi and his team worked on the game for four years before Iwata, head of HAL Laboratory at the time, swooped in and whipped it into shape (it hit the streets a year later) and that Itoi wrote its script by hand with a pencil.

To read KameDaniRyuu's translations of this chat, check out the introduction here, part one here, part two here and part three here.
Thanks so much for sharing this <3
I'm gonna follow the KameDaniRyuu tumblr as well :3
You're welcome! And, yes, the MakeDaniRyuu tumblr is well worth following, if you ask me :)
Do you watch GCCX? (if not, think about it) I just saw on the tumblr Arino is gonna play it, it'll be fantastic (>w<)
I have seen the show, yes, but I wouldn't say I've seen a ton of it or that I watch it regularly, etc.
Actually, I believe the Mother 2 episode already aired. In fact, I watched a bit of it yesterday or the day before, I believe. I'll search for a link and post it here if I can find it, OK?
A ha! Here it is, in case you're interested:
I'll wait til it's subbed, half the fun is Arino making jokes, but thanks so much for the link!
Yeah, that was my problem with it, too. I started to watch it and then was like, "What's the point if you can't understand anything?" Hope it's subbed soon...
It got subbed! I didn't think it would be so fast, check the GCCX Tumblr http://gamecentercx.tumblr.com/ (felt like crying was so happy)
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