I ask this question, in part, because I'm generally curious about these kinds of things. I also ask, though, because I have a feeling I'll buy both systems at some point in the future (although the Vita is a less likely purchase than the Wii U, I think) and I want to know if those of you who own them currently feel they were worth the price of admission.

So, what do you say? Are you glad you bought your Vitas and/or Wii Us, or do you wish you'd saved your money (at least for the time being)?
If your response is that you wish you hadn't picked up a Vita or Wii U, why do you feel that way?

Personally, I've only regretted buying a system once--that being the Xbox 360--and even then I still got a good amount of enjoyment out of the console in question (just not as much as I imagined I would).
Given that, I can't imagine I could go wrong by adding either or both of these machines to my "collection" at some point. Still, I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions on them all the same.
I bought a Vita near the end of last year. I only have a handful of games (I started with Project DIVA f and Gravity Rush) but I also had a few PSP games transferred over (they benefited from the screen upgrade)
Overall, I'm happy I got it. There's not much on the system, but what good there is available is very good- Gravity Rush was one of my favourite games of last year (it's got so much charm), I've gotten a lot of play-time out of DIVA f, and there's still stuff like Phantasy Star Online 2, Soul Sacrifice and Dragon's Crown on the way.
Really though, I just love that snapshot feature. Makes reviewing games on it a million times easier!
After one year with it, I can say, I really love my Vita even tho there's still not much out I can play on it... while I was excessively playing Persona 4 Golden the past few days I noticed something that bothers me about the Vita, which you can read about in detail on my blog tomorrow, as I was already preparing to write about that today.. but I'm too tired to finish it up now... :)
But still, it's a really great handheld. I definitely prefer it over my 3DS, which I haven't touched for weeks.. I mean, I don't play much on either system, since I barely got any games to play on them, but the Vita definitely does all the other "features" better than the 3DS. The screen resolution is so much higher on the Vita.. especially on the 3DS XL the low solution (that is the same as on the normal 3DS) looks not that great... you can watch youtube videos on the Vita, use google maps if you've got the 3G version (which I've got), the browser has a nice size that displays most site's in a nice way and is easy to use... the Vita's whole menu is very intuitive while I was struggling a little with the 3DS interface at first. ^^;
Also.. why can you only watch videos that are no longer than ten minutes on the 3DS? What I find rather neat about the Vita is the wi-fi support Sony added later on, which lets you acces your files on the PC and copy them to the Vita or vice versa. It's small convenient stuff like that, that makes me likes systems.
As for the question which system I prefer in terms of games, my answer would be... neither, I guess. I currently own 2 PS Vita games I really liked and played a lot: Touch My Katamari & Persona 4 Golden. For the 3DS the only game I own is Style Savvy Trendsetters and while I find it very lovely & fun, it sure does get boring after a while. ;> So far there's not been much announced for either systems I'm interested in besides Fire Emblem Awakening & that Atelier Totori Vita port.. so yeah, I think it's too early for me too decide which system is my favourite of these two.
As for the Wii U, I haven't heard much negative about it, actually, I haven't heard much about it at all.. which does not really seem like a good sign. But it's Nintendo and somehow they always get people into their stuff, so.. yeah. :>
Thanks for the insights, Ant! I'm not surprised to hear you say you like the screenshot/snapshot feature--all systems (portable or otherwise) should offer such a feature these days, IMO.
In fact, I wish Nintendo would update the 3DS' OS to allow that at an OS level. We know certain games allow it (including the upcoming Animal Crossing: New Leaf), so why not make it possible in each and every game?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Vita, too, Miruki! Sounds like you're really enjoying it--or at least enjoying it quite a bit.
I look forward to reading what you have to say about Persona 4 Golden, by the way, as that's one of the handful of Vita games I'd probably pick up if I ever bought the system. (Look out for a blog post about that later this week!)
As for your experience with the 3DS: I'm kind of surprised to hear you've bought so few games for it so far! I'm guessing games like Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy and such don't appeal to you?
Also, will you be getting Etrian Odyssey IV, or does that game not appeal to you either?
I'm completely in love with my 3DS and its library of games, and things only seem to be getting better for it here in the US and in Japan, too. If only a few of those awesome Japan-only games (Bravely Default, Fantasy Life) would make their way over here...
Well, I love my Vita so far. Both from playing games I already love like Final Fantasy IV on a fancy new screen and experiencing new games like Gravity Rush (This is THE Vita game, IMO). PS+ makes the system worth it since you can try out more games without having to buy them (Just pay for the service). Although my sub ran out and Sony autorenewed and took all my money. I mean, I wanted to renew anyway, just when I'm more financially secure next week.
Speaking of which, I don't have a Wii U yet, but my dad might be getting one for my brother and I so I'm relatively excited about that. Both systems may have "weak" libraries now, but they look to be a bastion for indie development and there are cool looking games on the horizon.
I'm kind of surprised everyone who has commented so far has talked about the Vita rather than the Wii U, as earlier it seemed like a lot of folks who follow me/comment here are Nintendo fans and own Wii Us. Hmmmm...
Anyway, thank you, too, for sharing your thoughts, Brendan. I just mentioned this on Twitter, but it's interesting how everyone who talks about the Vita these days talks about Gravity Rush. What is it about that game that's so appealing? I'm honestly curious!
As for the Wii U: that's great that you may get on soon. And, yes, you're right that it (and the Vita, too, in some respects) have a number of cool games on the horizon.
That's what will keep me from getting a Wii U, especially, until late in the year (if not early next year), by the way--the current lack of must-own games. Once Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 and the next Mario Kart and hopefully Dragon Quest X are out, though, it's going to be hard for me to avoid it any longer :)
I think I could kill if only someone would take me away from my WiiU lol! Miiverse is an awesome, even if strongly biased, social media... but I feel it misses gaymers (I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that posted a very gay screenshot of Hayabusa... that tasty-perfectly-round-big-yet-fit-muscled ass, how can you resist when the camera pans at 30 centimetres from such awesomeness?). Anyway, I really like the console, from tech perspective as well as what has to offer.. yes because they can say what they want but Sonic Racing, Black Ops, Assassin's Creed, Tekken, Ninja Gaiden, Trine2, The Cave, New Super Mario, ZombiU (and I'm just writing what I like more) there's plenty to enjoy for a long time, even without Rayman: who fucking cares now about Rayman, MH3U is about to land as is Lego City, then Pikmin 3 and The Wonderful 101. The problem is just the hole the absence of Rayman has caused.
Plus, I'm playing SNES title F-Zero on ludicrous-high-speed on my GamePad, and Super Metroid soon too! ;p
Vita? I Wanted one badly, more than WiiU, to play WipEout. But Sony messed up thing, first party games (Uncharted and forget what else) didn't even run at native screen resolution (usual Sony's scam on playe- err.. customers), the memory card that's the biggest Sony's fail since Memory Stick... Studio Liverpool shut-down (yes, does count as INCREDIBLY HUGE GAMING FAIL). Then, the second big Vita fail: the policy of cross buy! So I can buy a Vita game and play it on my PS3! I can avoid buying a Vita and play it on my already owned PS3! YAY!
For me, I think vita is too expensive, since I'm only interested in one game: Persona 4 Golden.
I'll consider vita when it has a better price and interesting games. So far, apart from P4, nothing has grabbed me.
I have no regrets with Wii U and I wish general game media sites would stop trolling Nintendo, I'm just sick of it. Wii U sold just over 3 million in the first 2 months, Xbox/ps3 sold less than half that in their initial months.
And I hate this expectation that games should be made instantly. Rushed games are rubbish. Once the games start coming the hardware sales will pick up. Look at 3DS, that had a super slow start but now it's going great. I'm expecting similar with Wii U.
A ha! The first person to comment on their experience with the Wii U. Thanks, Giuda :) I think you deserve some sort of prize. I'd give you a painting of Hayabusa's ass if I had one....
Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your Wii U so far. I think I was worried that a lot of folks would come in here and say that they wish they hadn't bought one, etc.
I'm very interested in Miiverse myself, as well as NintendoLand and even ZombiU. Outside of those games, though, all of the games I'm interested in have yet to be announced or released (depends on the game): Dragon Quest X, Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101, especially.
In a way, though, I'm glad they're not yet out, as I have too many 3DS and retro games to play at the moment, so there's nothing wrong with being forced to wait a bit before jumping on the Wii U train.
I'm not really much of a Sony fan at all. I'm a HUGE Nintendo fanboy but I haven't been able to afford one. You also have to take into account that the Wii U has been out for only a few months while the Vita's had a year. More time for memories to be had.
Gravity Rush takes advantage of the Vita's every asset, from the console like graphics to the gyrometer. Coupled with the beautiful presentation values and the original concept, it's not just my favorite Vita game, but it's my 2012 GOTY.
And yeah, not that many Wii U games I want right now, some indies, Mario, and Zombi U I guess. Definitely excited for more Mario, Zelda, and Dragon Quest in the future though! I'm a huge handheld guy so the concept of the Wii U is really appealing to me, so that alone is enough for me to get one. Plus, if I have one now, I'll be able to take advantage of all the upcoming $.30 Virtual Console sales (Not the rentals, the sales like the one going for F-Zero right now). I saw that one is going to be Super Metroid and I'd love to be able to play that on a handheld-like device in a legit fashion.
I agree with you RE: the Vita's price and current library of games, Igor. For me, there's no way I'll buy one until both of those things change--although I'm especially concerned with its price. Should that drop to a reasonable price, I'm sure I'll pick one up down the road, although that probably won't happen for a year or two. (I did the same thing with my PSP, by the way--waited until it had been out for about three years and then picked up a cheap system and a bunch of games.)
I'm interested in more Vita games that you are at the moment, though. In fact, I'll be publishing a post about that on Friday. P4 Golden is one of them, of course.
As for the Wii U: I agree with you that the mainstream and gaming media's harping has become a bit old. That said, Nintendo deserves some of the criticism, I think. Not the criticism about sales, so much, but definitely about some of the issues with the system itself (slow loading times, lock-ups, etc.) and also about the many delays.
Like you said, we shouldn't want them to rush games, but we also shouldn't want them to hold back games that are finished (like Wii Fit U, I'm assuming). I also think they could have done a better job in being honest about the fates of games like Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101. Surely they knew some time ago that these wouldn't make it out in late 2012 or early 2013, yet they kept saying they would be. So, they only have themselves to blame for the current uproar.
All that said, I'm still very interested in the system and it's games, but I won't be buying one until late this year or even early next year--depending on which games are announced and released between now and then and also depending on when Nintendo drops the system price and by how much.
Ah, we're in the same boat, it seems, Brendan. I'm not really a 'Sony fanboy' either, although I will say I really love the PS1, PS2 and PSP. That said, it's hard for me to have many feelings--positive or negative--about the company itself. Maybe that's because Sony's never really created the image that it's a company that makes games or cares about making games, which is something that Nintendo, for instance, has always prided itself in.
Regardless, thanks for the further thoughts on Gravity Rush. I was just looking into it the other day and I have to say I found the game's look really appealing. I'm still not at all sure what you do while you're playing it, but all of the praise surrounding it makes me pretty certain I'd enjoy whatever it is.
As for the Wii U: I actually like its handheld-esque nature, too. In fact, after I get one, I'm going to make sure I put it somewhere that will allow me to play games where I'm most likely to play them (on our living room couch).
BTW, since you brought up Dragon Quest: I'm honestly going to cry if the Wii U version of DQX isn't released here. It's one of the games I'm most excited about at the moment, and if it were released tomorrow I'd go out and buy a Wii U the second it hit store shelves. Anyway, hopefully SE or NOA will announce a NA release soon...
yeah if a guy owns both WiiU and 3DS the situation is getting really busy, I had to choose what to skip to be able to afford Pikmin3 or Luigi's Mansion... and what the fuck june 13 hurry up give Animal Crossing!
Maybe that's why I don't feel so much the hole done by Rayman (even if I skipped NSMBU to buy the Ubisoft title...), because if you own a 3DS too there is really TOO MUCH to play.
To think that 3DS in its first 6 month was considered as good as dead.. WiiU's future is already brighter that 3DS' one.. add to that Bayonetta2... OMG I need money!!!!1!
p.s.: omg there's so few Hayabusa cosplay/fanservice/yaoi on the internetz ç_ç
Oh, yeah, I agree that owning a Wii U and 3DS at this point would make it tough for most people to keep up. Of course, the same could be said for folks who own a PS3 and Vita, etc.
Regardless, it's easy to see that game delays, etc., really aren't the biggest deal in the world.
That's one reason I really haven't complained *too* much about Animal Crossing: New Leaf's delay to June 2013. I mean, I want it now, and I'd play it now if it were available, but I've still yet to start Fire Emblem: Awakening, and Etrian Odyssey IV is on its way to me as I type this, as is a Japanese 3DS game, so it's not like I'm hurting for games to play right now!
Also, I agree with what you said about the 3DS being 'dead' not too long ago and about how that kind of commentary is quite similar to what we're hearing about the Wii U.
The thing is, most people are very short-sighted--and usually intentionally so, in my opinion and experience. So, it's easy for them to call the Vita dead, the Wii U dead, etc., when in fact either of those systems could turn around quickly with the right price and the right game(s).
All you need to do for evidence of that is look at the PSP's situation in Japan after the first Monster Hunter Portable became a phenomenon or the 3DS after the price drop, MH3G's release and Animal Crossing's release.
I have a feeling the same will happen to the 3DS here in the US after Animal Crossing and Pokemon X/Y are released and after the Wii U gets a price drop and games like the next Mario Kart.
The Vita is great. I really enjoyed playing a game as epic as Uncharted on the go. I also love Sly and Allstars--kinda prefer playing them on the Vita than on the console out of convenience. I am really happy with my purchase.
Yeah, the Vita is much prettier than the 3DS, which feels kinda junky, and it's much less comfortable to hold. The mario games are great, but otherwise, the 3DS has almost nothing of interest to me. The Vita is doing better, but largely because of the crossplay/crossbuy options.
Well, I'll certainly agree with you that the Vita is a pretty piece of equipment, Raphael, but I don't agree that the 3DS feels junky--at least not the XL. The original 3DS, though, I'll agree is a bit tough on the hands (especially when you've got big ones like I do).
Also, I actually think the Mario games are among my least favorites when it comes to the 3DS. My favorite so far is Theatrhythm, actually, and I think Fire Emblem and Etrian Odyssey IV will join it soon enough.
Anyway, I shouldn't make this all about the 3DS. What are your favorite games on the Vita so far?
That's great to hear, Raphael. You sound like me, in a way--preferring portable gaming to console gaming at the moment, for various reasons. Nothing wrong with that!
I haven't commented in ages because I can't connect my Twitter account to my Disqus account, but whatever--this is lunch from GAF.
I enjoy my Vita quite a bit. I loved Virtua Tennis 4, and, uh. Virtua Tennis 4. And Virtua Tennis 4. Virtua Tennis 4 was also good.
I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that the Vita's library is poor, but it's not a library that I'm interested in. I bought, completed, and sold Gravity Rush and Persona 4 Golden and enjoyed them decently enough, but there are a lot of games coming out for 3DS that I really wish were on the Vita. I really wish the new Harvest Moon was on the Vita. I really wish Revelations was on Vita. I really wish Castlevania, and Tales of the Abyss, and Ace Combat, and so many other titles were on the Vita, because there are so many 3DS games that feel cramped by the resolution and power afforded by the 3DS. I would buy an Assault Horizon Legacy port for Vita in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, none of those games are available for the system, and nothing is coming out that really interests me. When I don't want somebody at GameStop to go down the preorder list and try to convince me to reserve something, I tell them that all I own is a Vita, and that quickly shuts them up.
The Vita is the nicest console I've ever owned; I just don't have any reason to use it.
Hey there, lunch! Or should I call you Matt?
Regardless, sorry you're having problems with Disqus. It just goes to show that no commenting system is perfect, I guess.
Anyway, I'm sorry to hear you're at a bit of a crossroads with the Vita--or at least that's how it seems.
The system itself is kind of at a crossroads, too, isn't it? It can't sell better and become more popular without a good library of games, yet developers seems hesitant to make games for it because it hasn't sold well. And on top of that you have Sony, which seems more interested in making games for its shiny new PS4.
That's one area where Nintendo will always 'beat' Sony, BTW--they always support their systems to the hilt, even if they aren't so popular. Sure, they drop their support eventually (as in the case of the Wii), but only after a good number of years of trying.
Anyway, I bring that up because that's why you eventually see games like Harvest Moon and such on the 3DS, isn't it?
I think there's still hope that a game will come out for the Vita that will revitalize it to a degree, but obviously it has to come out sometime soon-ish (by the end of the year?).
Regardless, I hope the Vita eventually gets at least some of the games you desire for it so you once again have reason to use it :)
I don't know. I'm suddenly having an identity crisis. :(
Yeah, it's in a sort of limbo, and I'm not convinced that Tearaway, Killzone, and Soul Sacrifice are going to be enough for the system, and I don't know what else is coming out for the system. If LittleBigPlanet, Call of Duty, and Persona 4 can't help the Vita, then a new IP, a (likely better) game in an IP with less cache, and an entirely new JRPG without a built-in fanbase probably aren't going to do the trick.
I agree with you about Nintendo, even though they don't develop anything that interests me. A few niggles aside, there are so many things about the Vita that I love, and I really want the system to succeed and if I can be that guy for a second, I'm disappointed that Sony has put out a great handheld that isn't getting the respect publishing-wise it deserves. I think a price drop (not that that's a new suggestion) and good indie and cheap game support would be a nice step.
I am too! I've been banned from PSN for the past five months due to payment issues, and it's about time I get that resolved and pick up some of the games I miss. Kyntt Underground looked awesome.
Well, I certainly feel for you and all of the other Vita owners/fans out there, Matt.
I have to agree with you when it comes to Killzone, Soul Sacrifice and Tearaway, BTW. Soul Sacrifice could do well enough in Japan, of course, but I'm not sure it'll convince new people to the buy the system. Likewise, Killzone may interest some folks in the US, but I'm guessing many/most of them already own a Vita.
For me, I'm much more interested in unique and niche games, plus RPGs.
As for the Vita not garnering the respect it deserves: that's debatable, of course, but for the most part I agree with you. That said, I think a lot of the blame for that can be laid at Sony's feet. They haven't done much to support the system themselves (and in such a case, why should third-parties?), plus they've dragged their feet far too long in regards to dropping the price of the system, which is something Nintendo smartly did fairly early on in the 3DS' life.
Speaking of price-drops: I'm kind of shocked Sony's yet to announce one for the US. They've got to hurry on that, if you ask me, as I have to imagine the 3DS is going to receive a boost in interest after Animal Crossing and Pokemon X/Y are released, and after that there may not be much hope left for the ol' Vita.
I don't have a Vita but I received a Wii U for Christmas. Since I didn't pay for it my opinion might be a little different than if I did. During Christmas-time I was home with my family so the Wii U was a lot of fun. Even my parents whose only gaming experience is Pokemon Rumble Blast and Wii Sports [Resort] had a lot of fun with it. Now that I'm ~3 hours away from my parents' home and back to living by myself in my studio-apartment the only time I turn it on is to download that month's [S]NES game for 30 cents. None of the titles released so far really interest me. I probably won't purchase a game for it until either The Wonderful 101 or Wind Waker HD come out.
That said, I'm still glad I have one. I think every Nintendo console and handheld is worth getting because they always get a handful of great exclusive games. So while I won't be using it for the next 5-6 months I know that I'll get my money's worth eventually. In the meantime I'll just be winding down my backlog.
I have a Wii U, and I am stunned at the amount of features it presently has. I try to be on it at least once a day, if only for Miiverse. Miiverse is such a huge deal, i can only see it getting bigger. Focused communities where nerds can gather on the fly, mid-game? Get outta here! We're about 3 months into the Wii U's life--the negative press is shoddy journalism by children with laptops and no real sense of logic and argument. I am very happy with Wii U, the cliche of all its potential is borne from fact--HUGE things can come from Wii U, and all the stuff going on behind the scenes at Nintendo highlights this new era of Nintendo, or as I call it, Nintenjoy. I'm kind of wary at the current relative game drought for Wii U--I personally spend most of my Wii U play with Miiverse, Youtube, and Netflix (gamepad use makes all this such a ridiculous breeze). But realistically--being an adult with a job, a husband, and a life outside of gaming--this current drought is a bit of a relief. If there was an onslaught of AAA games, I'd be poor and stressed out, complaining on Miiverse just before I konk out cuz of a long work day. I LOVE WII U, and I'm in love with the future. Nintendo in HD? Oh my god, bring it the F ON!
Another comment on Vita: if I got it now like I said I'd only get one game then it'd likely sit on the shelf collecting dust like my PSP has. I've gotten way more use out of my DS and 3DS by comparison.
My media comment is mostly directed at trollish statements etc made on Nintendo. I'm not saying Nintendo is blameless, they could've done things better for sure. On the slowness issue, there is an update coming that addresses that so it's good to see they are aware of it (tho thinking about it has anyone made real comparisons of the slowness vs other systems? I have a feeling it's a little overblown but that's not to say it can't be improved!!).
I have a feeling that in this new cycle Nintendo will become very indie friendly compared to the other 2 (not counting PC as that is almost always indie friendly) and I look forward to seeing what these indies come up with for the Wii U and 3DS.
But back to main topic: so far I'm happy with Wii U. I don't see the need to be jumping up and down and frothing at the mouth over any perceived bad situation. It's only been 3 and a bit months for Wii U. How long has it been for Vita? And it's only NOW improving? Tell me who's doing better again? (Not to mention sony's junk status.......)
I think it's disingenuous to dismiss Nintendo so much that current media seems to be having an orgy over (if that makes sense LOL)
You shift gravity a bunch using motion controls to direct your movement. It's really cool. As for DQX, I think we'll get it. It's just a matter of when...
Thanks for your input, too, Vaatiful :) I agree with you that the Wii U is sure to have at least a handful of titles worth owning by the time Nintendo moves onto its next console. Hell, I have a feeling that'll be true by the end of this year if the company comes through w/ the titles it mentioned during its last Nintendo Direct.
BTW, which game did you enjoy with your parents? Nintendo Land, I'm guessing? If so, which mini-games did you/they like the most?
Ha ha! I love your excitement, Johnny. We need more of that in the gaming world, don't you think? That and fun, IMO.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear you think your Wii U purchase was worthwhile. I'm especially glad to hear you like Miiverse as much as you do, as that's something that I've always *thought* I would enjoy, but I really won't know that until I experience it myself, you know? Anyway, your comments make me feel like I'll probably like it quite a bit in the end.
As for your comments about game droughts being a relief: I actually agree with you there. In the past I would've complained like many others are, but, like you said, as an adult with a job and a social life, I'm having a hard enough time getting through the 3DS games I currently own; having to buy Wii U games on top of that probably would drive me over the edge.
I hope you're right about DQX, Brendan. I really think it would be a mistake for Nintendo, especially, to pass it up. Sure, it likely isn't going to be a mega-blockbuster in terms of sales, but I think it's one of those games that could really excite NA Wii U owners--kind of like how MH3U has.
Also, and I know we're supposed to be talking about Vita and Wii U here, but I really hope we get the DQ7 remake at some point. I've been meaning to buy and play the PSone version of the game for ages, but I'd much prefer to wait and buy the 3DS remake if it's going to be released here.
Yeah, they loved Nintendo Land and found Mario Chase to be the most fun. It's really funny because my mom can barely move her character around but still gets very excited. They enjoyed Sweet Day and the Luigi's Ghost Mansion(?) too but don't really have the "game sense" to understand them as fully as Mario Chase which is pretty much a game of tag. Since there are 5 people in my family we didn't spend much time playing the other attractions.
I'm pretty sure DQIX sold pretty well in the US, so I think we'll get DQX and DQVII. I just hope Europeans get them too (And there aren't region-locked servers for them) as I want to play them with my friend from the UK. I had to sell my PS1 copy of VII before I got to play it recently for school stuff which kind of bummed me out, but I mostly only play JRPG's on handhelds and PS1 games are extra difficult for me to get into so I don't think I was going to play it anyway. Totally hyped for the 3DS remake though.
Heh I'll just pop in here to say as an owner of 3DS and Wii U I'm not too bothered with current release schedule. I have games to complete on Wii U (trine 2, warriors orochi, nsmbu). I'm waiting for luigis mansion and fire emblem for 3DS. In some ways I'm glad I'm not into Animal Crossing LOL so many people are squeeing in anticipation for that game LOL
I love to hear stories like this, Vaatiful. It goes to show that there are games out there that literally anyone can enjoy, and I think that's great. This is one of the reasons I really want a Wii U, by the way. I love the idea of having some friends over and all four or five of us playing one of the Nintendo Land games, or one of the Game & Wario games, etc. My only concern at the moment is the price, as I only have two Wiimote Pluses, so shelling out $80 or so for two more of them, plus a Wii U is a bit daunting :|
Yep, we're in agreement there, Igor. Even without a Wii U I've got more games than I can handle at the moment. I still haven't started Fire Emblem, for instance, and Etrian Odyssey IV be in my hands in a few days (it was shipped yesterday, I believe). So, no complaints from me--even though I'm one of those folks who are squeeing in anticipation of Animal Crossing: New Leaf :)
I love both of them, for different reasons. I love the Vita because it is providing me with the games I like to play - JRPGs, strategy games, mobile phone style games for on-the-go play.
It's actually my most played console these days.
The Wii U I love for its potential. Aside from a couple of games (Warriors Orochi, Mass Effect) it's not giving me games I especially like playing, but I can see what is possible with the dual screen layout, and I'm really looking forward to seeing it in the future.
I do really, really love Wii U Street View. That's an incredible use of the technology.
BTW when are you going to add Digitally Downloaded to your friends list? :P
I love the Vita. The screen is beautiful to behold. Sly Cooper and Persona 4 Golden have been getting most of my attention lately, when I'm not playing Fire Emblem on the 3DS. I'd probably be annoyed by the smaller Vita library, but there are plenty of PS1 and PSP games on mine to keep me busy. Final Fantasy 8 goes everywhere I go, as does Resident Evil 2, Jeanne d'Arc and FFT: War of the Lions.
I also like the media capabilities. It's great for watching movies, and a major improvement over the PSP is that it will actually save the spot where you left off.
As for the Wii U... I bought one today. GameStop had the ZombiU bundle, so now I'm ready for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate next month. I didn't have a lot of time to play with the machine today -- I had to set it up and then go to work -- but I think I'm going to like it just fine.
Again, I hope you're right, Brendan. I do think it helps that Nintendo really helped make DQIX a success here in the States, so that's good.
Also, I agree with you that it would be nice if they were released in Europe, etc., too, and that their servers aren't region-locked.
Oh, I agree with you completely about the media's obsession with Nintendo failing--the gaming media, especially. Of course, that's been the case for years now. I think the last time the gaming media actually gave a rat's ass about Nintendo was during the SNES era, and even then many gaming 'journalists' had an issue with Nintendo's supposed 'kiddie' focus as compared to Sega's 'cool' status. So, it's been a very long time since the gaming media 'played nice' with Nintendo. Oh, well, it's not as if they have much sway in terms of whether or not Nintendo, its games or its systems are successful...
Hey there, Matt! Well, that's certainly a first: someone saying their Vita is their most-played system these days. I'm not saying that in jest, by the way--I actually think it's cool.
I also think it's cool that you love both the Vita and the Wii U at the moment. Oh, and that you love Wii U Street View. I completely forgot about that! I know a few friends of mine have mentioned liking it on Facebook, but aside from that I haven't heard anything about it.
Thank you for bringing to my attention that your site isn't in my blogroll, by the way. Believe me when I say that I wasn't intentionally ignoring it! Often I can't remember if a friend's site is in there or not, so reminders like yours are very welcome :)
Ah, another happy customer. Great! :)
I have to say, I really want to see the Vita's OLED screen in action. I'm not easily amazed by such things, it must be said--I think the 3DS' screen is pretty great, for instance, while lots of people call it horrendous, etc.--so I'm curious as to how I'll receive it.
As for you getting a Wii U *today*: awesome! And not only that, but you got the ZombiU bundle? Even better.
Not sure you saw it, but earlier today I tweeted about a friend's awesome write-up of ZombiU. It alone renewed my interest in that game--and I'm someone who generally can't play such games because they're too damn stressful for me.
Anyway, I look forward to hearing what you think of the Wii U and of ZombiU after you've had a chance to spend some quality time with them :)
Yeah, it's surprised me a little too, but the Vita seems to just have games that fit in with my tastes - Gravity Rush, Disgaea, Persona 4, Ragnarok Odyssey, the PSP RPG catalogue.
It surprises me because the 3DS is all the rage in Japan, and yet Australia is getting almost none of these Japanese games.
Also, thanks :D
You Australians aren't the only ones getting Japanese 3DS games, Matt. Sure, we're getting a few here, but most of them are passing us by, too. Sigh.
Oh, and you're very welcome :)
The thing that disappoints me is that so many gamers fall for it and start believing the rubbish "facts" and start regurgitating these ideas.
Your friend is right. I've played about 30-40 minutes and already I'm jumping at shadows. I'm a big fan of zombies (Night of the Living Dead is one of my favorite movies), and this feels like I've been dropped into a Romero movie. In terms of showing off the gamepad, I'd consider it a must-buy for any Wii U owner.
Gravity Rush sadly gives me the worst case of motion sickness.. ;_;
I think the 3DS XL feels.. I dunno, the weigth feels imbalanced when you hold it while it's open. It also feels so much heavier than the Vita.. tho it's just a 60g difference between them (I just weighed them, out of curiousity XD)
It's not that they don't appeal to me, I just suck so much at this stuff that it's not really fun for me to play such games alone. I love these games in co-op with a friend or some on my consoles, that's mainly the reason I got the Wii. But on a handheld I'd rather play relaxing stuff or games that require brains instead of fast reflexes.. XD I'll definitely get the both Layton games at some point (Miracle Mask and the new one..) but they aren't really a priority to me right now, as I've got enough puzzly stuff on the PC I've yet to play... :)
And Fire Emblem is still weeks away for me... and Virtue's Last Reward I'm gonna get for the Vita when that finally gets it retail release next month (unless it gets delayed a third time...) - I'm not usually one who prefers bigger screens and higher resolutions, but the Vita's screen really is damn shiny and VLR looks just awesome on it.
Etrian Odyssey - No. I'm absolutely not into dungeon crawlers. I tried the first one, since it looked interesting with all the customisation and the way the touch screen was implemented but in the end, these types of games tend to lack in the character development and story deparments and I get easily bored after a few hours.. ^^; And frustrated, as EO is extremely hard, imo. ;_;
There's a few e-shop titles I'm interested in but I find everything quite expensive, tbh. Are they ever any sales going on for the e-shop? Because the Nintendo newsletter never really says anything about that and I couldn't find anything as convenient as the official playstation blog (which always tells you about promotions and PSN sales and whatnot) for Nintendo Europe.. ;_;
Anyway, I'm sure there's gonna be lots of stuff released that'll keep me from regretting getting a 3DS.. my DS Lite was my favourite gaming system for years and I'm sure the 3DS won't disappoint me either. :)
Diaglyph about your comment on comparison between other console's OS I can speak only for PS3. Nintendo mentioned long times for boot-up a game too but that's really not a problem, in fact not only the "loading screen" on WiiU is really elegant, but if you take in account all the "screen transition" you have on other consoles, it ends that WiiU game boot is pretty much and incredibly fast affair.
On the other hand, if we consider it has 1GB of RAM flly reserved for OS tasks, it's just insane the whole friend list, miiverse, eshop, aren't ALWAYS full cached in it. I can understant they want as many ram possible to allow the browser to load tons of tabs, with big rich pages, images video, etc... but as a programmer trust me there are so many ways to improve/speed up things that I'm pretty much ashamed Nintendo could not release a faster OS since day1. The transition between "core" programs is messy too: if you open up the system setting ou need what.. I think 60 seconds, and when you exit it and come back to main menu... you'll wait another 30/40 second... WTF! I'm pretty sure Nintendo is currently NOT utilizing the reserved ram (left empty to be used by the browser). But I'm also pretty sure with the summer update (the second) they will fix that.. they're not fools and if they planned to reserve 1GB they'll use it... one day or another...
Fire.. what? Etrian... what? Warriors... what?.. I CAN'T REALLY LISTEN TO WHAT YOU SAY BECAUSE TOM NOOK IS SHOUTING IN MY HEARS "ANIMAL CROSSINNNNGGGGGG"! My social life will end in June, the happy thing is that I'll stop buying games for a long period then!
Oh, I agree that the XL is heavy, and a bit top heavy at that, but that's not quite the same thing as feeling 'junky,' in my opinion. I can't speak to how the Vita feels, though, because I've never held one.
Really? I guess it's bound to cause that reaction in some folks given its 3D nature and gameplay. Do any other 3D games bother you, miruki?
Ha! You and me both, Giuda :) I have a feeling New Leaf will take over my life for a good few months at the very least.
True. Sadly :(
Oh, thanks for this insight, Giuda. I have to say, some of those 'transitions' sound terrible to me. Here's hoping the summer update really does address/fix them!
Damn. Well, I guess I'll have to buy the game alongside my Wii U--whenever that happens :| Thanks for the update, BTW!
I like the Wii U so far. I'll LOVE it once more games are available. But what I own/have played so far, I've enjoyed. Being able to play solely on the GamePad screen is a KILLER APP for me, and I hope to be able to do so in many games in the future.
You haven't missed out on TOO MUCH sitting out so far, but by the holiday season, you'll probably want to think about checking the couch cushions for loose change. :)
Ah, that's understandable, Miruki--that you're not big on certain kinds of games, and that you're not into Etrian Odyssey, for instance.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on VLR, BTW. I'd like to get the 3DS version eventually, but I haven't done so yet because I've barely scratched the surface of 999.
As for eShop sales: yes, they do happen, although only occasionally. I personally think some of the best games are well worth the regular asking price, but I can see wanting others to be placed on sale.
Well, that's certainly good news, Tony :) I can imagine playing solely on the GamePad's screen is a great feature, BTW. It's definitely something I'm looking forward to enjoying myself eventually :)
As for me checking the couch cushions for loose change: actually, I could buy the system now, but I don't want to for various reasons. The main one is that I'm swamped with 3DS and other systems' games at the moment, although another biggie is that I sense a price drop coming between now and the holiday season, and I'm completely OK with waiting for that. Plus, I want Nintendo to work out some of the kinks of the OS, etc., before I jump in.
Do you like video games? I'm sure you'll like the Wii U and Vita then.
Couldn't the same thing be said about pretty much every system in existence, though?
Really, though, my main intention with this post was to hear what others think of their purchases. In that sense, it's been really nice to hear that pretty much everyone is happy with the systems they bought.
Oh, I was being flippant or anything like that! Sorry.
I suppose my reasoning with every console is "I like video games" so I buy the things that let me play video games. I don't regret the chance to play more video games :p
I didn't think you were being flippant, actually--my response was serious!
In many ways I'm like you, by the way--I pretty much can find a way to enjoy any console/handheld I buy.
That said, I only have limited income to spend on games, so I prefer to buy systems that give me the most bang for my buck, so to speak.
This is why I kind of regret buying a 360, for instance, as although I've enjoyed the games I've bought for it, I wouldn't say they were worth the $199 (or was it $249?) I spent on the system.
Hello Bryan!
Since I bought some super awesome Vita games, I love my Vita!!!
-Gravity Rush
-Uncharted Golden Abyss
-New Little Kings Story
-New Little Big Planet Vita
-Dynasty Warriors Next
-Touch my Katamari
-Silent Hill Book of Memories
The graphics are sooooo great for a handheld console. I really wish Monster Hunter 4 would be a Vita game.
As for my Wii U: Huhm, I guess thats hard to say.
I only own one game for the Wii U (Nintendo Land) so I don't know yet how I like my Wii U.
I think I need Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Zelda Wind Waker HD and other great games to fully experience the Wii U.
Lizzi you should give Trine 2 a go :)
It's a beautiful looking game, and is quite fun with the puzzle platforming :)
Multiplayer is a blast too!
Ah, you do have a nice list of Vita games, Lizzi. Also, glad to hear you're enjoying it so far :) What's your favorite of all the Vita games you own, by the way?
As for the Wii U: yeah, I have to imagine you'll like it a bit more after games like Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101 come out. Hopefully they'll be out soon :|
Thanks, Igor! I'm completely clueless about Trine 2 myself. Of course, that may be because I don't yet own a Wii U.
I tried Trine once and my boyfriend loves it but I guess it's just not my cup of tea. :(
But looks great (awesome graphics on the Wii U).
Nothing wrong with that, Lizzi. I encounter the same issue all the time--a game looks/sounds great, but it just isn't for me. Oh, well!
aww thats a shame :(
have you looked at Nano Assault NEO? It's basically an arcade shooter, but you're shooting viruses.
If you like pinball type games, Pinball 2 is in eshop to download free and you can try some comic book themed boards, though you have to buy each one to fully play them.
In any case, you should check you the eShop, you might see something you'll like :)
when you do get Wii U, you should definitely give it a go!
Is there a demo for it? I ask because, if not, it's probably unlikely I'll buy it, as I'm sure there'll be a LOT of Wii U games I'll want once I finally buy the system.
You know what I hope for, Igor? I hope Nintendo fills its Wii U eShop with as many great, original, first- and second-party digital games as it has the 3DS eShop. It's amazing how good some of the company's eShop-only titles have been so far.
I believe a demo just came out for Trine 2
Ah, well, there you go. Thanks!
Nah I don't like digital version (only if it's a mini or really short game) but I think Nintendo would show NA and EU that we're important enough to share great games with us if they offer as many games as possible (especially former japan-only-games) so it's in their interest. I a bit pissed off of Nintendo's behavior with other countries. The Code of Princess only-digital-eu-release makes me so mad!! òó
I agree with you for the most part, Lizzi, but I don't think the Code of Princess situation is Nintendo's fault. Sure, I guess they could have made some deal to distribute the game in your region, but I can't see Nintendo doing that for every third-party game that would otherwise be ignored.
I would say be mad with the developer/publisher - they decided to go that route with the release. But also think, it may not have come out at all if they didn't use the digital option.
Europe almost always tends to get the short straw.
Devil Survivor Overclocked is ONLY just coming out on April 5 (US release was Aug '11) - in the same month as Fire Emblem!!
I agree, Igor. I mean, Nintendo *could* release these games themselves in some cases, but to expect them to do so w/ every release is a bit much, I think. Also, it's not like we expect Sony to release every third-party PS3 or Vita game outside of Japan, so why should we expect Nintendo to do the same?
Sadly, Lizzi, I think in this case you have to just be OK with Atlus, etc., releasing this game in Europe at all at this point, as that's as good as you're going to get, it seems.
Oh it's an Atlus game...enough said... -_-
Ah, well, there you go. Really, this is their fault. That said, it would've been nice if NIntendo had made the 3DS region-free so folks like Lizzi (and you, Igor) could pick up North American copies of this game.
Touch My Katamari.......... Very suggestive title ;)
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