By the way, is anyone else wondering why in the hell Nintendo has never given us a Duck Hunt sequel? Sure, a similar game was packed within the first Wii Play, but that wasn't what I was looking for.

I can understand why the company wouldn't want to release such a title via retail, of course, but doing so digitally could be a pretty successful endeavor, if you ask me.
Or maybe I'm completely alone in wanting to return to Duck Hunt's grassy plains?
You're certainly not alone there, I was just playing Duck Hunt a few days ago (and Gumshoe, which I wish I had known about a long time ago because it is bonkers). Duck Hunt and Mario are my earliest gaming memories...we were convinced that if you shot the bottom of the grass it would always score a hit on any target. I also used to rail against Clay Shooting even though my older brother preferred it, because, obviously, no cartoon animals. Now I see that gameplay wise it's probably superior but I'll still go with the ducks first.
In the past few years we've seen things I wouldn't have believed possible from Nintendo (Ice Climbers in Smash Bros, new Kid Icarus, everything in Nintendo Land) so I think it can still happen. And if it doesn't, I can at least make a fake sequel for it!
Ah, yes, I agree about Gumshoe. I always sucked at it, but I liked it all the same, and I wish I could play it today.
Also, I agree that anything's possible and that we could see another Duck Hunt someday soon. I'm not going to bet on it, but I won't completely reject the possibility either.
BTW, since you brought it up, you know what I'd really like? Another Ice Climber game! I thought the DS would've been perfect for it, what with the two screens. I guess I thought wrong :|
Next announcement on Nintendo Direct:
Duck Hunt 2: All Qwacked Up
Fall 2013 - Wii U and 3DS
Duck Hunt Dog comes out of retirement. Money is made. Cigars are lit. Everyone's happy.
Game of the Year 2013.
In all seriousness, I'd like to see a new Duck Hunt on the Wii U. One person could control the movements of the ducks using the tablet while the other players use a Wiimote to shoot. That'd be so much fun! :o
Oh, I like the way you think, Mineeva! Seriously, I thought Nintendo would have released a real Duck Hunt game for the Wii, esp. given the ability to use the Wiimote as a gun, but making one for the Wii U would be even better, I think. Here's hoping! :)
Has someone modded this game so you can kill that stupid laughing dog yet?
I don't know, Tom! I wouldn't be surprised to find out someone has, though :)
We need this. The art AND a new Duck Hunt game.
YES! Sadly, I'm not sure we'll ever get the latter...
I remember a while ago IGN April Fools'd that the NES Classic Series for GBA was continuing on DS with touch screen versions of Hogans' Alley and Duck Hunt. Like, with little NES Zapper Styli. Cool idea right? Also thanks for the publicity again. I thought I was totally original in coming up with these Duck Hunt compositions but then realized that another pixel artist at Green Castle Graphics had the same idea at somepoint. So yay. Hey also Bryan, if I were needing to ask you things in the form of a PM or something, how would I go about that? Does Blogger even have PM capabilities? I can't work it out. I think I attempted to PM you on dA but maybe it didn't send I dunno'. I mean it's no big deal.
Oh, I would've loved it if the IGN idea had come true. Damn.
You're very welcome about the publicity, BTW. I really love your stuff and your thinking, etc., so expect me to keep pimpin' out your works in the future :)
As for sending me something privately, you can e-mail me at bochalla(at)yahoo(dot)com, if you'd like.
If you tried to do something through dA, I probably didn't get it, as I don't go on there much these days, I'm afraid.
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