Friday, February 08, 2013

Another installment of The Nichiest Podcast Ever is on the way

You know how I spent the latter part of last night? I spent it chatting (via Skype) with Anne and shidoshi. We weren't just shooting the shit, of course; we were recording a new episode of The Nichiest Podcast Ever. (The finished product should be available sometime this weekend or early next week.)

We covered a lot of ground this time around, beginning with discussion about a bunch of niche-y games that we're all looking forward to playing this year, including Atelier Ayesha (PS3), Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (3DS), Killer is Dead (PS3/Xbox 360), Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Vita), Rune Factory 4 (3DS) and Valhalla Knights 3 (Vita).

We also talked about the physical edition of Class of Heroes 2 that may or may not be offered the game-starved PSP owners in the coming months, the not-so-well-received-by-shidoshi-and-Anne Corpse Party: Book of Shadows (PSP), the recently released PS3 RPG, Ni no Kuni, and the awesome outfit-creation aspect of Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS).

Oh, and during this podcast's "Cheerleading" segment, Anne trumpeted Pandora's Tower (Wii), while shidoshi did the same in regards to Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS) and I once again blathered on about that wacky PS2 "classic," Chulip.

One more thing before I hit "publish" on this sucker: be sure to stick around for the end, when I am deemed (by shidoshi) to be the "bad boy" of this niche-game-loving trio.

See also: previous 'Nichiest Podcast Ever' posts


  1. and I suppose you can't tell us now what makes you such a "bad boy"?

  2. I can only tell you one part of it, Steve, as the second part relates to my pick for the "Nichiest Ever" section--and I don't want to spoil that for anyone :)

    The first part of it, though, is that I was responsible for the podcast's first swearing incident. Ha!

  3. You run a "clean" podcast? Does that mean Shidoshi's going to have to bleep your cursing? How shameful!

  4. Oh, no, we don't try to be clean or anything. We're all just so damn pure (for lack of a better word) that we never seem to swear. Which is funny, because in real life I can swear like a sailor. Hmmmm...

  5. That's hilarious! But it's true your blog posts and and podcasts do make you seem very "wholesome" to me. It's hard to imagine you swearing at all.

  6. Well, I guess in many ways I am "wholesome" (damn midwestern upbringing), but it other ways it's not entirely the truth, if that makes sense. In reality, I can be bitchy and snarky and everything else under the sun, but for some reason I've always tried to cover that up when it comes to interacting with strangers. I'm sure a psychologist could tell me why that is (beyond having a need to please people--duh!) ...

  7. I can't wait! I was wondering when and if this would be in the works. Keep them coming, guys!

  8. Thanks, Justin! We meant to do another one around/shortly after the holidays, but it never happened for various reasons. Anyway, we're now planning to do another in early-ish March, so hopefully we can keep it going for a while :)

  9. apricotsushi4:43 PM

    Love how you swearing on the podcast for the first time was such a big deal. Who thought we were such puritans??

    I'm actually known to swear quite a bit if I'm in the right company, hah

  10. Ha ha! Yes, Anne, I think we've been labeled puritans. Or overly wholesome podcasters. Or something like that.

    Maybe our next podcast should include a swear word in every single sentence :P
