Friday, January 18, 2013

Hubba hubba, part quatre

Can a single blog publish too many posts about the hottest hunks in video games? I hope not, as this is my fourth such post on the subject. (The first three can be found here, here and here. Oh, and the quatre mentioned in the headline is French for four, in case you didn't already know.)

Will I pen more of them in the future? I'd say it's pretty likely, although I don't have any particular studs in mind right now.

In the meantime, here's a look at the game-based beefcake that's been bouncing around in my brain as of late:

1. Simon Belmont (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow--Mirror of Fate)--Truth be told, I have little to no interest in the gameplay of this Konami-published 3DS title. I have quite a bit more interest, though, in two of its main characters: Trevor Belmont and Simon Belmont. As for why I decided to highlight the latter rather than the former in this post: Simon isn't afraid to show off his guns. Oh, and he's a ginge.

2. "Conversationalist" (Ana Holic!!)--Don't worry if neither this character nor the game in which he appears ring any bells. After all, Ana Holic!! is a Japanese PC game (a rather adult RPG, more specifically) made by the folks at Underground Campaign and, as such, it hasn't received much press outside of its home country. Given this guy's, er, "fashion sense," I'd have to say that's a crying shame, wouldn't you agree?

3. Marlon (Pokemon Black 2/White 2)--I realize that this choice is a bit suspect at first blush. In fact, I didn't even consider Marlon (aka Shizui) until after I came across the piece of fan art that can be seen above. Now that I've seen what a few years and a little time in the gym could do to him, though, I can't imagine this post without him.

4. James Vega (Mass Effect 3)--There's no question Mr. Vega has a great bod. I can't help but agree with the person who commented here, though, that it would be great if we could "cover up that Jersey Shore Situation face." Oh, well, no one's perfect, right?

5. Zwei (Soul Calibur V)--I haven't been a fan of fighting games since about the release of Street Fighter III, but I'm seriously considering giving the genre another go thanks to the abundance of hunky characters like Soul Calibur V's Zwei (above). Granted, I wish he'd ditch the silly 'do and even sillier vest, but everything else about him works so well that those two missteps are easy enough to overlook.

See also: 'A dungeon-crawling, turn-based, X-rated RPG aimed at gay guys, you say? Put me down for a dozen copies!' and 'There's something about Brycen (or, Pokémon Black is pretty gay, isn't it?)'


  1. "Can a single blog publish too many posts about the hottest hunks in video games?"
    - No. There's no such thing as "too many blog posts about hottest hunks in video games". ;P

    And I approve of putting Simon Belmont on your list. He can whip me anytime he damn well wants *Just sayin'* <3

    Now if you'll excuse me... I need a cold shower.

  2. Bring 'em on, Bryan! Oh, and while you're at it, have you seen the new Dante that's in DMC? He's pretty.

  3. Ha ha! Thanks, Sonji :)

    And, yes, Simon looks like one of those bad boys all of us want to be whipped by, er, I mean loved by, doesn't he?

    Oh, and speaking of cold showers, I think mine's about ready, too...

  4. Ah! You know what, Justin? I think I've seen him in passing, but I've never really focused on him. Hmmmm, maybe a candidate for the next 'Hubba Hubba' post??

  5. BTW, Justin, I just looked at some images of the new Dante, and although most of them disappointed me, I found one that was more my style, if you get my drift :)

    So, don't be surprised if he pops up in 'part cinq (five),' whenever that should be published!

  6. Most of these guys aren't my type, but I do have to agree with you on the beefy muscle studs from Ana Holic. However the picture here doesn't really match up with the link you provided, so are you sure they're the same guy? Also your last post about the game was almost a year ago, and I don't remember hearing about it being translated to English, so have you been playing around with the Japanese version since then?

  7. Ack! Actually, Steve, the link that was attached to Ana Holic earlier today was incorrect. (I just corrected it.) I'm actually not sure who that guy is or what game he's a part of. Sorry!

    I do like that (incorrect) guy, though--probably even more than the one I included here :)

    As for this game being translated into English: unfortunately, it hasn't. Not sure it ever will be, either. I haven't yet played the game, by the way, although I hope to sometime this year.

  8. OK that makes sense, tho I'm still not sure which one on that link is the Conversationalist. Not that it matters, since the cop has won my heart:

  9. This one is the conversationalist, Steve:

    Notice how both the guy in the linked image and the one included in this post are wearing the same do-rag?

    Also, I like the cop, too. And this guy:

  10. Errrrm what about the 'regular guys' ... E.g. Nathan drake, lee everett (walking dead)???

  11. Note to Chong Tiann Nerng: unfortunately, Disqus seems to have blocked your comment for whatever reason, and I'm not able to push it through.

    To answer your question, though, I included some regular guys like Nathan Drake in past 'Hubba Hubba' posts, actually. Links to the first three can be found in the first paragraph of this post. Click on them and I think you'll see at least a few regular/'normal' guys.

    That said, I have to admit that the guys I choose for these posts are ones that I'm personally attracted to--and I tend to be attracted to guys who are muscular.

    I don't mean for my selections to be taken as commentary on guys who don't fit that mold, though, so please don't take it that way. These posts are just supposed to be fun/silly looks at male game characters that attract me for whatever reason.

  12. Jeremy Hobbs10:38 PM

    I am totally fine with more gameboy posts, they're fun. I'm not gay myself but I wouldn't mind that new Simon Belmont catching me in his arms and telling me everything is going to be okay.

    By the way, I think I used to be able to comment under my blogger name but I can't seem to now-- this is Nightmare Bruce from Simply Awful, thanks for the link in your sidebar!

  13. apricotsushi11:47 PM

    Glad to see you've finally warmed up to Marion/Shizui, Bryan! :P He's probably my favorite gym leader. Love that tan line :P

    Honestly, I can't help but want to see more of those adorable-looking purple enemies in the Ana Holic!! screenshot, haha

  14. Hmmm, did you just put the word 'gameboy' to new use, Jeremy? I think you did :)

    Also, hello again! Sorry I didn't know you + Nightmare Bruce.

    You can't comment under your Blogger name any more because I switched to Disqus. Actually, I didn't know until now that doing so would keep people from using their Blogger usernames/accounts, so sorry about that :(

    I do think you'll find Disqus much more enjoyable to use if you sign up for an account. Many sites and blogs use it now, and commenting using a Disqus account is easier, faster (no more CAPTCHAs!) and allows you to keep track of comments and responses, etc.

  15. You know what, Anne? I completely forgot until now that *you* are responsible for me warming up to Shizui! In fact, you shared this image of him on your blog, didn't you? If so, thanks for that :)

    I'm determined to pick up a copy of Ana Holic!! sometime soon, by the way. Assuming I do so, and assuming I can get it running on my PC, I'll have to share some screenshots (PG, of course) of it here!

  16. I freely admit I'd planned to buy the new Devil May Cry strictly on the basis of the new Dante. The developers seemingly built him from the ground up to appeal to me. I was relieved when the reviews started pouring out saying it's also a good game. Whew. Now they just need to give us a shirtless skin like they did in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, ha-ha.

  17. Ha ha! That's great, Zaphod65 :) I hope you end up liking the game as much as you like Dante!

  18. I like it a lot. I'm close to the end, but one of the bosses is kicking my butt. That's what I get for starting on the harder difficulty setting at the outset. lol

  19. Well, at least you're enjoying it, right? Or are you just enjoying the eye candy? ;)

  20. apricotsushi1:55 PM

    Sorry for the late reply! I was collecting Shizui fanart for a while there, so it very well could've been me ;)

    And I hope you do get a chance to play Ana Holic!! so we can hear all about it!
