To see it in action, head on over to and watch the trailer that was uploaded yesterday afternoon.

Will this mini-game, called "Balloon Trip Breeze," also contain a multi-player mode? The folks at Game Informer don't seem to know, unfortunately. Personally, I hope it does--despite the fact that it's likely I'll be playing Nintendo Land (and practically every other Wii U game I purchase) all by myself.
See also: 'Welp, it seems I'll be buying a 3DS XL a bit sooner than I initially thought I would'
Game does look intriguing :)
I'm still hoping it comes bundled, but if not I'm very likely to get it with the Wii U
I'm glad they're bringing Balloon Kid/Balloon Fight back. That Game Boy Color version you turned us onto was so much fun.
I'm hoping it'll be bundled, too, Igor. Really, I think that's the best option here for Nintendo, bit you know how they can be sometimes :| Anyway, we'll find out in a couple of days, I think, so we won't have to wait too much longer!
warp: Me too! I honestly thought we'd never see the day. And this ... this looks soooooooo good to me. I honestly could see myself playing this mini-game for quite some time. I'll probably play it so much everyone who is 'friends' with me in/on the Miiverse will tell me, "Uh, Bryan, don't you play anything else?!?" :)
BTW, I'm glad to hear you've had fun with Balloon Kid! Oh, how I love that game!
This looks so cute and entertaining.
I really like most of the games which come directly from Nintendo.
Also I loooove such mini-games!
Wario Ware, Rythm Paradise and the upcoming Rythm Hunter HarmoKnight or the new Denpa Nigen RPG.
I need those!!!
Yours Melody
Hello Melody! (Or do you prefer Lizzi?) Ah, it seems that you and I are pretty similar -- I love all of those games, too! I'm especially looking forward to the western release of Denpa Ningen RPG and HarmoKnight. Hurry up, NIntendo!
My real name is "Lizzi" but I don't like it because in Germany no one can pronounce it right ^^
Greetings from Hamburg~<3
So you prefer Melody then? Sounds good to me!
Thanks for the comments, and for the warm greetings, too! Greetings back at ya from Seattle :)
I'll be buying it just for zelda battle quest
Ah, that's understand able, Adam! That's one that I'm definitely curious to play. I really hope it can be played solo, though, as I doubt I'll get anyone to play that particular mini-game with me :(
I would play it with you!
If there will be an online coop-mode xD
I think I will buy the Wii U to play Pikmin 3!
Sure there will be lots of good games for Wii U like New Super Mario Bros. U, Zelda U, Super Smash Bros. (U?) and for sure a new Animal Crossing game.
But I was wainting for a new Pinkmin game for such a long time and now...ITS ENOUGH! >.<
need it... ;-)
Hello again, Melody :) Ah, I'd love if it Nintendo Land allowed for online co-op play! I doubt it's going to be an option, though, given Nintendo's past :( You never know, though!
As for Pikmin 3: Yes, I'm looking forward to buying and playing it, too -- along with this game, New Super Mario Bros. U and Wii Fit U (at/near launch). And maybe ZombiU.
I'm especially looking forward to the Wii U's Animal Crossing game, by the way. Hopefully we won't have to wait too many years for it.
It's nice to see more of this! I can't wait to see what the rest of the offerings from that title are!
I also can't wait, Justin! I'm beginning to believe we're going to see six mini-games that are single-player focused and six that are multi-player focused, which would be OK with me.
Also, it's interesting that we have yet to see the Mario and Yoshi mini-games as well as a few others). I wonder if we'll be seeing them during Nintendo's event/press conference on Thursday?
This looks beautiful. It warms my heart to hear that theme song get remixed and redone for a new system. But yes, surely there must be a two-player mode: And not a co-op mode but a versus mode, a la every version of the original Balloon Fighter where the person you're playing with decided to be a dick.
Ah, memories.
Hello Drew! So glad to hear from someone else who not only has fond memories of the original Balloon Fight, but also of its soundtrack. As for a VS. mode being included in Balloon Trip Breeze: Yes, please!!
I hope they keep some of them a surprise. I don't want to know it all yet.
I can't imagine they'll show them all on Thursday, Justin. That said, I'm not sure I can imagine them keeping any of them a surprise all the way until launch either. Doesn't seem to me to be the best idea from a marketing standpoint...
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