Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My kind of house plants

Something most of you probably don't know about me: I have the opposite of a green thumb. (Which I guess would mean I have a reddish-purple thumb--right, color theorists?)

Don't get me wrong: I like flowers and plants well enough. I just don't like taking care of them.

As such, I think Swedish artist Sandra Talving's "pixel plants," a number of which can be seen in the photo below, would be the perfect addition to our house or even our yard.

Of course, I'd have to put them in the backyard if we went with the latter option, since you know some jerk would steal them on sight, but that's OK with me. I'd put them on our back deck, right below our kitchen window, so I could look at them as I wash dishes.

Oh, who am I kidding? In reality, I'll salivate over them for a few minutes and then chicken out when it comes to buying one.

Should you have more guts than I do, you may want to check out Talving's etsy shop at your earliest convenience.


Adam said...

A bit too much, but I really like those too.

Bryan Ochalla said...

A bit too much money, or a bit too over-the-top, Adam? I'm guessing you meant the former...

sir jorge said...

haha, those are so creative

Adam said...

Nothing's over the top for me. I would display them proudly.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, sir jorge! Yeah, they're definitely creative -- and cute :) If only the husband were interested in such frivolity...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ha! That's good to hear, Adam. I would, too :)

Viewtiful_Justin said...


Bryan Ochalla said...

Ha ha! I love your respond, Justin :)