It was made by Flickr user lego27bricks and, yes, I really do think his/her creation looks better than the the red DSi and red 3DS XL that will soon hit store shelves across North America.

I'm guessing most of you have heard about and have seen photos of the red and black 3DS XL that will be released in a few weeks, but are you similarly aware of the "matte red" DSi that will beat it to the punch?
If not, you may want to check out this recent Tiny Cartridge post. Just be warned that, in the opinion of yours truly, it's one ugly mofo.
I sort of love their simplicity. In a world where devices are all shiny and sexy and cool, it's sort of refreshing to see something that's completely simple in color and finish.
I wouldn't trade in my white DSLite for it, and the timing is super weird, but...I don't hate it.
So, you love both the DSi and the DSi XL, Justin?
Me, I love the DSi's design, but the matte red paint ... ugh. The shiny red one that was released in Japan ages ago, though? LOVE it!
As for the 3DS XL: I actually like the design well enough. I do think it's a bit too toy-like, or something, but that doesn't make me hate it.
What I *don't* like about it is the two-tone paint job. I hated that kind of thing on the DSLite and the DSi, and I hate it here, too.
I'll pretty much only pick up a 3DS XL when an all-pink or a pink-and-white one is released. Or the all-white one, if I get desperate :)
that Lego gbasp is really neat
Glad to hear you like it, too, Adam! This guy/gal really does some great stuff, doesn't he/she?
Ooh that looks nice! I can build Lego from a set but I couldn't plan something like that SP without a lot of help :S
Yeah, I can't imagine how this person does it, Kimimi. Must take a lot of trial and error!
It's very pretty, I must say. It doesn't, however, have a hope of competing with this (comment box won't allow HTML):
LEGO, or no LEGO.
I agree with you completely, Jyr! What I would give for one of those GBA SPs. I don't suppose you have one, do you?
I wish. I've found my wife tends to frown on me prioritizing novelty systems over things like rent, food and the like.
I mean, can you imagine?!
Ha ha! Yes, I guess you're right. Honestly, though, I don't know what they tend to go for. I'm guessing quite a bit? (Off to Google I go!)
How cute! Yeah, I'm REALLY not feeling these 2-tone 3DS XLs. Really sad we can't see some solid designs to drool over this generation. On the flip side, I would kill for a GBA SP that looked like that!
Anne: Thank you in joining me while I shun these two-toned abominations. I'm hoping Nintendo will release 3DS XL systems that are all one color eventually -- like the all-white one that Japan just got :|
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