Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Warm up your Xbox 360s, boys and girls: Spelunky's finally on its way

And when I say "on its way," I mean it: This highly anticipated part-platformer-part-roguelike title, made by Derek Yu and Andy Hull, will hit XBLA a week from tomorrow (that would be Wednesday, July 4) with a price tag of 1,200 Microsoft Points.

Although I've never played the original freeware version of Spelunky, I've looked forward to the release of this XBLA-based remake ever since I first heard about it this time last year.

Here's the trailer that announced the XBLA re-imagining of this platformer-cum-roguelike, by the way. It includes footage of both versions--in case you've never heard of, let alone seen, Spelunky before now.

Curious about the history behind this well-regarded game? Check out Russ Frushtick's recently published (over at article, "Spelunky: The Everlasting Platformer."


Viewtiful_Justin said...


Viewtiful_Justin said...

And having just read the article, WANT! Holy cow. Wish there were plans to bring it to PS3!

Unknown said...

I watched a fantastic Let's Play of the PC version a while back and wanted it ever since. Might have to get around to replacing my 360 now!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Justin: Me too! Obviously, I guess :P

As for it coming to PS3, too: That would be nice, wouldn't it? I don't believe it's been mentioned or even suggested yet, but who knows?

Bryan Ochalla said...

Alois: I loooooove the look of the PC version! Can't believe I haven't tried it yet. Actually, I can, as I don't like playing games on my PC, but you get the idea. Anyway, this certainly seems like a fun version, too.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

I just downloaded the PC version and played it for a few hours. It's genius. There were times that I was laughing out loud, times I was cursing, and once I actually made it to the Jungle stages...but SUPER FUN! Oh man.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, that's great to hear, Justin! Honestly, I should try the PC version before I buy the XBLA one, but I've waited this long so I'm just going to hold out, I think. Anyway, glad to hear the PC original is a blast!

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Oh yes. Even better with a gamepad.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, yes, I would imagine so! Playing PC games with a keyboard = :| (IMO).