Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dear Square Enix head honchos: When in the hell are you going to announce a North American release for Bravely Default?

There are three major reasons I'm eagerly (some would say impatiently, especially after reading the headline above) anticipating Bravely Default: Flying Fairy's North American release.

The first: As I've said before (here and here, for instance), the oddly-named Bravely Default strongly calls to mind one of my all-time favorite DS games, Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light.

The second: It also reminds me of many of Square Enix's PlayStation-era RPGs--games like Final Fantasy IX and SaGa Frontier.

The third: The completely lovely screenshot below.

Are any of you also looking forward to Bravely Default being released in your region? If so, why are you looking forward to it?



Viewtiful_Justin said...

I still have to acquire and make it through Four Heroes! But I'm all for a 3DS RPG to hit...

Bryan Ochalla said...

This isn't an actual sequel to 4 Heroes of Light, though, Justin, so you don't *have* to get that game before this one. Technically.

Also, I'd wait and see what folks say about this one before jumping into either of them, as SE may fix some of the issues people had with 4 Heroes of Light (lack of inventory space and inability to target specific enemies being the two biggies).

Milki said...

I'm heavily intrigued by this but I'll definitely wait and see how others liked it before buying it myself. I want to know if the story is worth playing, as I've lately been a little disappointed with Squeenix's story telling. The last DS game by them I really enjoyed story-wise, was The World Ends With You.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, miruki! I'm interested to hear what others think of it, too, although I'll likely get it unless literally everyone says it's a total stinker. After all, a lot of people disliked The 4 Heroes of Light, but I absolutely loved it. As for The World Ends With You: I really gave to get that one. I've heard amazing things about it!

Milki said...

You definitely have to. TWEWY has flaws as well, but it's such an interesting concept and the game play had me hooked, even tho I'm not too much of a friend of actioney game play.. :>

And I think I'm sold on Bravely Default now as well, after reading that famitsu interview about the story. 8) ..wait, that means I need to get a 3DS.. oh well, the little one wanted one anyway. :>

Bryan Ochalla said...

OK, miruki, I'll pick up TWEWY ASAP. Actually, I've had my eye on it (via Amazon) for some time now. I'm just waiting for the price to drop a bit (to, say, $14.99).

As for you getting a 3DS, all I can say is that it's likely you won't be disappointed -- especially since its game library is only going to get better and better over the next year or two.

Milki said...

I'm not so sure, so far the only 3DS game that has made me want the system was Zero Escape, but then they announced it would be for the Vita as well and that version gets localised as well and I already own a Vita..., so now Bravely Default is the only game I'm really looking forward to on the 3DS... but yeah, there's probably lots of good stuff to be announced for it sooner or later. The DS was definitely my most beloved and played-on game system I ever owned, such a great library of games. <3

And TWEWY is definitely worth the $19.99! I paid much more for it and never regretted it. :>

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, yes, I agree that the DS is a great, great system, miruki. One of my all-time faves, too :) As for TWEWY being worth $19.99: I'm sure it is, but for some reason I'm too cheap to buy it at that price right now. I'm sure it'll come down in price sooner or later, though.

Unknown said...

When, indeed?! I still need to play 4 Heroes of Light, though. But first, I must find a copy... Anyways, this looks GORGEOUS!!

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Well, yeah...I knew that, but game list is so big that adding another one to it is like throwing it into the abyss...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Anne: I'm hoping they'll announce their AU/EU/NA plans for the game soon, especially now that Theatrhythm has been announced.

It'll be interesting to see what they do with the name, don't you think? I really can't see them leaving it alone, but what will they change it to? Something involving Final Fantasy or something new entirely?

Anyway, you really should try The 4 Heroes of Light at some point. I'm not entirely sure you'll like it, but I'd love to hear your opinion of it regardless.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, Justin, I'm with you there. My Japanese retro game wish list alone is scarily long. I don't even have a wish list for current-gen games -- it's just to sad/scary to think about :(

Anonymous said...

I played the Japanese demo on Japanese eshop, this game looked amazing! In the demo you can explore a mountain town and the palace, the full views of these 2 places are so cool in 3D! Yes you gotta see it in 3D, 2D images don't do any justice to this game.
They say there is a combat at the end of the demo, but you know my poor Japanese... didn't make it to the battle.



Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, Jeff! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences with this game's demo. I'm reallllllllly hoping SE releases it outside of Japan, as I absolutely love the looks of it!