Saturday, January 28, 2012

This trailer for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy (3DS) makes me sad

You know why the trailer below makes me sad? Because I'm getting the feeling that I'm never going to get to play this strange little 3DS game.

After all, while Square Enix is readying Theatrhythm Final Fantasy's Japanese release as we speak (it'll hit store shelves in that region on Feb. 16), it has yet to even suggest a North American release for this rhythm-based (duh) title.

Should they ever get around to releasing the game here, I hope it features the same colorful and whimsical box art that will appear on the Japanese version. (See it here.)

Also, I hope the folks at Square Enix aren't through with this art style. I'd love to play an actual Final Fantasy title--you know, with turn-based battles and stuff--featuring these visuals.



Linnea said...

Wow, that is a tounge twisting title. It's a shame I'm really not into Final Fantasy at all, the estethics and gameplay really appeal to me.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Yes, Linnea, it's definitely a tongue-twister, isn't it? As for being a Final Fantasy fan: I'm not sure you have to be one to enjoy this title. Sure, you won't know who the characters are, etc., but that isn't the biggest deal, is it? Also, you're sure to encounter some absolutely wonderful music. Not trying to sell you on this game, by the way -- just trying to point out that your lack of interest in FF doesn't necessarily mean you can't enjoy this one. Heck, I haven't been a fan of the FF series since the sixth game (on the SF/SNES), but I'm *very* interested in this one...

warp said...

I agree, I really like the old-school aesthetics going on here. I just wish I wasn't completely retarded when it comes to rhythm games. And this one looks particularly difficult. I've also heard some complaints (on the 8-4 podcast) that there's not a lot of content for the money.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, warp! I'll agree that this one looks kind of difficult. That makes me like it more, though, as I think too many rhythm games are too easy. Hopefully there'll be a variety of difficulty levels, though, so everyone can enjoy it.

As for some folks saying the game doesn't have a lot of content for the money: I've actually heard the exact opposite. I have to wonder if the 8-4 podcast crew have actually played the game or if they're just speculating based on what they've seen in trailers.

Also, I know a lot of people have looked at this game and said it's not worth whatever Square's asking for it because it looks like an iOS game. I can't say I agree with that sentiment at all.

Chalgyr said...

Like you, I'm a bit worried this title may not make it to N. America. I've long been a huge fan of FF music and this looks like some light-hearted fun.

I agree with your last thoughts here Bryan - I think the difficulty is a good thing, and I think the content looks quite promising.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, Chalgyr! Welcome to this blog :)

I hope we're wrong to be worried, to tell you the truth. I really want to play this game! The good news for us is that pretty much every Final Fantasy-branded game makes it to North America these days. Also, someone just (well, a few hours ago) informed me that Square trademarked this title a while ago for North America (and Europe), so that's a hopeful bit of news, too.

Finally, I'm glad we're of one mind when it comes to the difficulty of this game. Here's hoping it's difficult enough that folks like you and I aren't bored by it, but not so difficult we destroy our 3DSes in rage! :)

Anonymous said...

I was quite dubious about this when it was first announced a year or so ago and the trailers I'd seen before looked ok but this one clarifies it a bit more. I don't mind the art style (I did like the almost Chibi style used in FF tactics advance 1 & 2 hope 3rd comes to 3DS hehe), in this trailer the battle sequences look interesting.
I do hope this gets a western release in general, and I think it will - look at Dissidia, both games came out around the world.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, diaglyph! Nice to see you around here again :)

I can understand being a bit doubtful about it, especially at the beginning. It certainly looked as though it could be a rather shallow affair, at least early on. I do think Square has done a better job since then of making it seem like a fairly "full" offering. Let's hope that's exactly what we get when it's finally released.

Also, I hope you're right that, like the Dissidia games, this one will be released outside of Japan eventually.

(Oh, and I'd love a third FF Tactics Advance game, too. I quite liked the first one despite a few issues, although I never played the second. Maybe I should rectify that sometime soon...)

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm starting to get a bit worried... But didn't we hear FF Type-0 localization was coming after the game was released in Japan? So maybe there's still hope?

The chibi art style is the same that was used in a Japanese Kingdom Hearts cell phone game, so the fact that they're using it again shows that someone likes it well enough. Hopefully that means this won't be the last you'll see of it!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, Anne! Actually, we haven't yet heard an official announcement that FF Type-0 is going to be released in the west. It's been strongly rumored/suggested, but nothing official -- which has me as worried as the lack of an announcement regarding Theatrhythm, as I really want to play both games.

I've heard that a cell phone game used this art style, but I didn't realize it was a KH game. Interesting! I'll bet you wish you could play that one, eh?

As for the art style used in both games: Yeah, I really like it. I understand why some think it's odd or cheap or whatever, but I find it really attractive :)

chaosyoshimage said...

I also really like the art style in this game. I don't get why people are so quick to call it cheap or whatever (I know I've read a few articles that call it out as having "low production values"). I'm still betting on it coming out over here for it's Final Fantasy name alone. Square Enix hasn't confirmed many of their 3DS titles for US release yet for some reason (Dragon Quest Monsters and Rocket Slime 3D for example), but they did release nearly every Final Fantasy DS game.

I think Jupiter made this and they also did the rhythm heavy The World Ends With You which is my favorite DS game, so, yeah, this is one of my most anticipated 3DS games.

Bryan Ochalla said...

I'm with you, CYI--I think this art style is great :) Also, I hope you're right that it's released here. Actually, I hope those other SE-made 3DS games are released here, too. What's the deal, Square Enix?

I seriously have to buy The World Ends With You, by the way. I can't believe I've yet to play it. Argh!!

RetroKingSimon said...

Haha, nice box art as you say! :) I hope this gets released over here for your sake but I'm not sure I'll ever have the chance to play it :P

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, Simon! I'm guessing you're saying you may never get the chance to play it because you don't have a 3DS -- and may never get one, right? If so, that's understandable. You don't have a DS either, do you? Now *that* is a travesty! Really, the DS is one of my all-time favorite systems at this point...

Lumi said...

At first I was like, meh, just another rhythm game, but then I saw the battling and then the cut scenes and I was like Ooooh. I doubt though that it will be like Elite Beat Agents where if you miss they screw up. I would have loved to have seen Squall step on Rinoa's foot. Muwahaha.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ha! I like the way you think, Lumi. It'll be interesting to see how fun and challenging this game is. Folks who have tried the two demos that have been released in Japan seem to like it, so hopefully that means the finished product will be worth picking up--assuming it leaves Japan, of course :|

Anonymous said...

The japanese lady's reaction to the game is amusing :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ha! Thanks for pointing that out, diaglyph. Wish I knew what she was saying :)