Monday, January 16, 2012

If someone doesn't bring Beyond the Labyrinth to the States, I'm going to bust some skulls

Thanks to the 20 minutes of gameplay footage (below) of Beyond the Labyrinth that hit the Interwebs over the weekend, I'm once again frothing at the mouth for an English localization of this tri-Ace-developed, Konami-published, dungeon-crawling RPG.

Although I'm still a smidge unsure about this 3DS game's battle scenes--what's with all of the shifting around of those blue, green and red tabs on the bottom screen?--I'm feeling the exact opposite about the rest of it. I especially like the seeming omnipresence of its chatty, white-haired (or is it blue?) protagonist.

Are any of you also hoping Beyond the Labyrinth makes its way westward sometime this year? If so, why?

See also: 'Beyond the Labyrinth's battle scenes are as beautiful as its box art' and 'Konami's Beyond the Labyrinth (3DS) has some classy box art'


Anonymous said...

I'm really hopeful it comes out! I messaged Ghostlight Games in the UK to bring it to the Euro region so that I'll be able to import (if it doesn't come to Australia). Certainly a game I'd like to play!!

Anonymous said...

Here's a nice video showing some battles in HD:

It's quite impressive!

Anonymous said...

Oh forgot to add! Click the CC buttons to see subtitles.

Anonymous said...

LOL one more comment: I really like the music! The couple of videos I've seen have had some great samples of the music from the game.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

I'm looking forward to it because it looks so different. A little Ico-esque, maybe?

Retr0gamer said...

Definitely on my one to watch list. Looks really interesting.

Unknown said...

I pray someone will bring this to the States! It looks awesome!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, diaglyph! Well, I'm certainly glad someone else is as interesting in and excited about this one as I am. Here's hoping it actually makes its way to Australia, Europe and North America...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, and thanks for the link to the battle video. I'm still not sure what's going on in some of these scenes, but I still think it looks interesting :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Justin: Yeah, I get an ISO-esque vibe from it, too. Not in terms of gameplay, of course, more of theme/feel, etc. Anyway, that's always a good thing in my book!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Retr0gamer: Yay! Another person on board with this one :) Now it just has to be released...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Kevin: You and me both. Who knows, maybe the folks at Konami will bring it over themselves. I mean, what else do they have to release these days other than that soccer series??

Mark Ayala said...

I've always liked Tri-Ace games and had a postive experience two years ago playing Resonance of Fate. To be completely honest, if they localize this game, this is the game I would buy a 3DS to play. Plus like Resonance of Fate, you can choose the characters outfit! I'm always a sucker for that and crossing my fingers for Konami crossover outfits like Snake, Goemon or Gradius (RoF had some cool Sega clothes).

I don't have much hope for Konami bringing it here. They are more interested in marketing something cheesy like NeverDead to the US and releasing more Love Plus games to Japan. Makes me sad as before this generation, they were my favorite developer/publisher, but they've seem to drop severely in quality lately.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, Mark! I like the idea of choosing the girl's outfit in this game, too. Oh, and a Goemon or Gradius or even TwinBee outfit would be amaaaaaaazing, IMO :)

I have to agree with you that it's probably unlikely Konami will bring it to the States. Hopefully they'll let someone like Aksys or Atlus or Xseed do the job, though.

If not, I'm going to ... oh, hell, I don't know what I'll do. Probably mope for a few minuted and then look forward to playing something else ;)

Kaze said...

Oooh, this game looks interesting! I have a fondness for dungeon crawlers. Have you played the newest Wizardry game that came out a little while ago on the PS2? I was obsessed with it for a bit. lol

Bryan Ochalla said...

Kaze: I love dungeon-crawlers, too. Dungeon-crawling fans UNITE!! :P

As for whether or not I've played the newest Wizardry game on PS2: I can't say I have, unfortunately. Actually, I can't even say I know which game you're talking about.

Off to consult with Amazon, Google, Wikipedia and YouTube!

Kaze said...

Oops! That was a typo! I ment PSN! lol The game is called "Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls" its a downloadable only PSN exclusive. ^^

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, yes, I know about that game, Kaze. Unfortunately, I don't yet have a PS3. As soon as I get one, though, I'm downloading that game! I love the looks of it, and I also love that it's supposed to be old-school difficult :)