To the rest of you: Enjoy this rare glimpse of my rear end!

This photo was shot--by my sister-in-law--during our recent family vacation, by the way. All six of us were walking through a park (I think) in Leaven- worth, Wash., when we came upon a swing set. Being the juveniles that were are, David (the hubs) and I raced toward and jumped into the swings. Thankfully we didn't break either of them!
Since the photo above doesn't show my face, I'll share one that does. I'm all the way on the left, wearing the same outfit seen in the first pic (hopefully both photos were taken on the same day?), while my mom is over my right shoulder, my dad is over my left shoulder (in the baseball cap) and David's dad is all the way to the right, shrouded in shade.

So, there you have it. I know none of the above has anything to do with gaming, but I thought some of you might be interested all the same.