Sunday, December 25, 2011

For the twelfth game of Christmas, the UPS man brought to me ...

... the brand-spanking-new copy of Nintendo's Super Mario 3D Land seen in the photo below.

Oh, and a "flame red" 3DS system to play it on.

I know I went on and on in previous posts about wanting a coral/misty/pearl pink 3DS, but I have to say I'm more than happy with the shiny red 3DS I got instead. It looks like a giant cherry Jolly Rancher that plays games! How could I not be pleased with such a device?

Anyway, I've yet to pop Super Mario 3D Land into my system, so I can't say anything about it at the moment. I plan on playing it tomorrow, though, so look for a post about it on Tuesday (or sometime later in the week).

I'll also share some thoughts on the 3DS itself later this week, in case anyone cares.

In the meantime, I hope all of you have enjoyed this seasonal series of posts. If not, at least it's over today, right?

See also: Previous '12 Games of Christmas' posts


coolpowers said...

Charlotte (my daughter) got a shiny red 3DS too! I think Santa saw that the pink one is only bundled with a Nintendogs game and he was already bringing that so the red one was the next choice.

Isn't it fancy though? I'm kind of (completely) jealous.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, that's great! Was your daughter happy with the 3DS? I hope so!

I was ridiculously happy to open it myself. And Super Mario 3D Land was a surprise! I didn't even ask for it -- my parents just knew to get it :)

Now to get the darn thing on line and buy some games from the eShop. Unfortunately, that isn't likely to happen until Tuesday morning.

Anyway, happy holidays and merry Christmas to you and your family, coolpowers!

Linnea said...

I got a 3DS and SM3DL from my boyfriend! (We celebrate on december 24 here.) I am so happy, I really hope you enjoy the game and system as much as I do. And while you're at it, try Pushmo/Pullblox for the 3DS Ware! It's stunningly cute and addicting! (Also, I've made a level that looks like Opa-Opa from Fantasy Zone, just tell me if you buy the game and I will share it with you!) :)

A merry, merry christmas to you!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, Linnea! We celebrate on the 24th in my family, too -- I just waited until this morning to write about my gifts :)

How great that you got a 3DS and SM3DL, too. Which color 3DS did you get, by the way?

As for Pushmo: I'll be getting it as soon as I can get my 3DS on line, which will be Tuesday morning. So, I'll ask you for the Opa-Opa level after that :)

Other than that, a merry, merry Christmas to you, too, Linnea!

Viewtiful_Justin said...

I got just the same for Robb! I'm glad you've got one, too! If anyone needed one of those, it's you! Super Mario 3D Land will keep you busy for a while!

Thanks for sharing your holiday joys with us!

Bryan Ochalla said...

You got Robb a 3DS and a copy of SM3DL, Justin? That's great!

Did you ever get a copy of Mario Kart 7, by the way? I'm ordering it for myself tomorrow, I think. Can't wait to play it.

Other than that, you're very welcome. Also, merry Christmas to you two -- and everyone else visiting this blog :)

Retr0gamer said...

Nice! Didn't get a 3DS fro chrsitmas but have some money from my videogame hating parents that is expressly not for games but is also the right amount of money for the Mario 3D pack... Do I dare to be so bold? :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

You have game-hating parents, Retr0gamer? That's too bad :( As for whether or not you should spend your Christmas money on the Mario 3D pack, I say yes!

Unknown said...

Yay, congrats! And Merry Christmas! Can't wait to hear all about your 3DS adventures :)

Retr0gamer said...

I'm going to see if I can get away with it ;) Then blame you if it doesn't go well!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks, Anne! And merry Christmas to you, too. You can bet I'll tell you all about my 3DS adventures in the coming days/weeks/months :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

I don't mind taking the blame, Retr0gamer -- especially if it means you'll get a 3DS :)

Unknown said...

Glad you were able to get your gift! Isn't it absolutely fabulous?! :D

Anyways, if you're looking for a few more friends for your friends list, my friend code is 2707-1608-7576. I'll be sure to add you if you want.

Super Mario 3D Land. Such an awesome game! Definitely worth every penny. :D It's a good thing your parents know what to get you! Haha

Unknown said...

Also, another game you might be interested in ('Sides Mario Kart) is Star Fox. It's a great remake, even without online multiplayer.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, Kevin! Yes, it is fabulous. I was *very* happy to get one finally :)

Thanks for sharing your friend code. I'll add you -- and post mine here on the blog -- tomorrow, OK? I don't even know what my friend code is at the moment...

As for SM3DL: I've only played a few levels so far, but I've really enjoyed the ones I've played. I especially like the 3D perspective, and of course the abundance of Tanooki suits :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks for suggesting Staf Fox, by the way. I'm not sure I'll get it, to tell you the truth, as I'm just not the biggest Star Fox fan in the world. In fact, the only one I've really played was the SNES original. Anyway, I appreciate the recommendation all the same.

Did you get any gaming-related gifts, Kevin? If so, what were they/

Unknown said...

No direct gaming gifts, since I need to pay for college soon, but I have treated myself to some eShop games and bought the 3DS version of "Sonic Generations." I think it's coming Wednesday.

Marco Grande Arbitro said...

I hope you enjoy the game! Today I bought "Mario Galaxy" Nintendo is making an offer to sell many games. Not bad!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ah, which eShop games did you buy for yourself, Kevin? I'm going to pick up FreakyForms and Pushmo in just a few minutes.

Also, I've heard good things about Sonic Generations. Hope you enjoy it, too!

Bryan Ochalla said...

I'm enjoying it so far, Marco! The graphics are amazing (to me) for a portable system. They're very much like Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, in my opinion.

Speaking of which, I hope you like Galaxy. I looooooooved it!

Unknown said...

Treated myself to both of those, and the 3D Classics version of Kirby. :) all amazingly fun!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ah, that's great that you're enjoying them, Kevin. I have a feeling I'll have to pick up Kirby 3D, too. I can't resist that little pink puffball!

BTW, I just spent a bit of time with Freakyforms and Pushmo and love both of them for completely different reasons. I guess I'll have to write up a few impressions posts later this week or early next.

Linnea said...

Oh, you do celebrate on the 24th as well? I thought just a handful of european countries did that. :)

I got a Cosmos Black, but I would be happy with any colour. Your red one looks delicious. :D

Bryan Ochalla said...

I think most folks in the US celebrate Christmas on the 25th, Linnea, although many celebrate on both the 24th and 25th. My family has pretty much limited our celebrating to the 24th since I was a teenager, although I couldn't tell you why. These days, all we do on Christmas morning is make a nice breakfast/brunch.

Anyway, I'm with you in that I'd be happy with any color 3DS -- even an aqua one! I don't say that because I think the aqua one is bad, by the way -- I've just never liked the color :P