Full disclosure: I actually received this game as a birthday gift. Of course, I mentioned in yesterday's post that all of the games included in this series were acquired between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I guess there's no reason for me to apologize.
Anyway, its packaging is pretty spiffy, don't you think?

I've already beaten the game's main campaign, by the way, although that isn't really much of an accomplishment given its overall lack of difficulty. Of course, Kirby games generally aren't about presenting players with overtly challenging enemies and levels, are they?
No, Kirby games are all about having fun--or at least they are in my experience--and I certainly had a blast playing through this one. (My favorite part: Obtaining and using Kirby's screen-filling super abilities.)
Have any of you played Kirby's Return to Dream Land yet? If so, what did you think of it?
See also: 'The 12 Games of Christmas'
Bleh. I would've played this long ago, but some complications came up and I don;t have a Wii anymore so sadly I wont be playing it for a while. But I still have mass attack to try and get. BTW, glad you enjoyed the game.
Oh, that's too bad, Motherplayer! Hope you get a Wii and a copy of this game at some point, though, especially if you tend to like Kirby games. I absolutely loved this game and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys having fun :)
As for Mass Attack: I still have to get that one, too. Hopefully after the holidays...
I haven't played or even really thought about buying it yet but... It has such a great cover! It's so colorful and seems to pop right off the paper. I'd like to see more happy, colorful covers this gaming generation :P.
Are you any kind of Kirby fan, Marcus? If so, you definitely have to get this one. And if you're not, well, as long as you like platformers I'd highly recommend this one.
This is coming from someone who, until I bought this game, had played just one mainline Kirby game (Kirby's Epic Yarn). This game certainly has piqued my interest in other games in this series, though!
Other than that, YES, the cover is great, isn't it? Like you said, more game covers should be so cute and colorful :)
I played a little bit of Kirby's Epic Yarn, casually at work, y'know, when I was meant to be working. Like you said, it's fun, and fun is good. Some games take themselves very seriously, which we love and we immerse ourselves into. But every now and then we all like to leap into a colourful world.
Touching on your post about Xenoblade Chronicles and the box art. I really like the North American design for Kirby here. So vibrant.
Hello again, Lucy! Ah, glad to hear you've played and enjoyed Kirby's Epic Yarn. I agree wholeheartedly with what you say about sometimes needing to leap into a colorful world :)
Also, I'll say this: As much as I loved Epic Yarn, I think I like Return to Dream Land even more. It's more challenging, for starters, but it's also just more enjoyable. I literally had a grin on my face for most of my playthrough of this game -- something that can't be said about many games in my collection.
So, if you're up for another romp through a colorful world anytime soon, I'd highly recommend giving Return to Dream Land a try.
Oh, and in response to your comment about this box art being vibrant: I agree with that, too! Pretty much the perfect way to depict this game, in my opinion.
Argh! I absolutely have to have it!
This requires a lot of sacrifices, but I have to have Kirby in my collection!
Honestly, I prefer this chapter to "Kirby's Epic Yarn", perhaps because I see it as a beautiful colorful classic platformer!
I agree:
packaging = spiffy
Kirby games = not much of a challenge but generally fun to play.
Well, Marco, I'm glad you're willing to make sacrifices to play this game. It's definitely worth it, in my opinion. Well, depending on the sacrifice :P
Sean: I love your succinct way of commenting :)
Which Kirby games have you played, if you don't mind me asking? Just the Famicom one, or have you played others -- such as the Super Fami or N64 ones?
Bryan: Hahaha! Fortunately, things are quiet, how to save money on comics, and various entertainment
Ah, yes, Marco, I understand this need to save money for many forms of entertainment :)
I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet, but I'm looking forward to getting some people together to play it once I get it. The four player option makes me happy.
Ah, I was wondering if you were planning to get this one, Justin. I think you'll really like it. As for the four-player mode: I love the idea of it, but I don't even have a second person to play with. Oh, well!
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