Monday, December 05, 2011

Chunsoft's Extreme Escape Adventure (3DS/Vita) has some sexy cover art

I don't usually get all hot and bothered over game characters (despite what I've said in posts like this one and this one), but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel at least a little tingle "down there" after catching my first glimpse of the cover art that was produced for Chunsoft's Extreme Escape Adventure: Good People Die (aka Kyokugen Dasshutsu Adv: Zennin Shibō Desu, due out in Japan on Feb. 16).

That's chiefly, if not completely, due to this 3DS and Vita game's main character, Sigma, who takes up the right half of said cover, of course. (Speaking of whom, more shots of Sigma can be ogled, I mean seen, on the game's official site.)

As nice as this game's cover art is, it's all for naught if it never leaves Japan, right? After all, Extreme Escape Adventure: Good People Die, like its predecessor--the DS-based sleeper hit, 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors--is an "adventure game," which means lots and lots of text.

Unfortunately, no one has admitted to working on an English translation of the game at this point. That doesn't mean one isn't in the works, though; in fact, I'll be pretty shocked if Aksys Games doesn't lay claim to it sooner rather than later thanks to success the company had with the aforementioned 999.


Motherplayer said...

Artwork looks like it was done by the same guy who did it for Devil Survivor 2.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ah, I see what you mean, Motherplayer!

Have you played either of the Devil Survivor games, by the way? I was curious about them, but never got around to buying/playing either of them :|

Motherplayer said...

I have actually. I've played and got one ending from the first games. They play like tactics games and can be quite difficult for beginners let me tell you. Got interested in them thanks to a recommendation from a friend in the Netherlands and currently eagerly awaiting the next game to be released on our shores. I would say get them but make sure you pay attention to elemental weaknesses. They can be real lifesavers in these particular game.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks for the insights/impressions, Motherplayer! I love tactics games, so this one sounds right up my alley -- especially if it's tough.

Have you also played Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, by the way? That's another Atlus game I've been curious about for some time...

Darwin said...

I like!

I'm going to have to hunt down this art book if/when it's out.

Unknown said...

I heard about this game a little while back while I was still obsessed with '999'. Definitely enjoying the artwork, too. Thanks for pointing it out! :)

Not to jump on another conversation that I'm not a part of, but I endorse Devil Survivor (and, to a lesser extent, Strange Journey). It's a tough first play through, but the New Game+ makes it easy to collect endings.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, I agreem Darwin! An art book for this game would be *great*. A localized/North American version of the game would be nice, too, of course :P

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, Matthew! Ah, nice to hear from another fan of '999' :) I'm guessing you'll get this one, too, if it's released outside of Japan?

As for jumping into the Devil Survivor conversation: Don't feel bad about that! I welcome any and all comments, esp. about that game.

It sounds like you prefer Devil Survivor to Strange Journey, eh? If so, why is that, if you don't mind me asking?

Unknown said...

Not sure if it's the style (I'm not a huge fan of dungeon crawlers) or the more modern story vs. the sci-fi settings. I think I just connected more with Devil Survivor- and I've had an unhealthy love of SRPGs for the past year or two. They're both really good, but the Devil Survivor has more of the 'Persona' feel to it. I've gone through about there different endings, and I'm ramping up for another soon. :)

And if that comes out, I'll totally jump right on it! I haven't gotten a good ending to '999' yet, but I'm still looking forward to getting through it again.

Unknown said...

Lovely lovely cover art, indeed! I quite like the girl's character design, actually (it probably stems from wanting hair like her's).

So, I actually asked an Aksys employee directly on Twitter a few weeks back if he could drop any hint as to whether or not Aksys was considering localizing this, and he said "we don't have any plans at this time."

I know that is pretty vague and people say it a lot, but I kind of got the vibe that they weren't going to do it? I have a feeling that even though 999 did pretty well it still probably didn't do well enough for them to want to put the time and money into releasing a sequel. But I'll eat my hat if it does come out in English eventually :D

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks for answering my questions about Devil Survivor and Strange Journey, Matthew! Sounds like I probably should give both of them a try at some point, Devil Survivor especially.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hi Anne! Oh, yeah, the design of both characters on the Extreme Escape Adventure is nice, IMO. The girl actually reminds me of a character from Fragile Dreams for the Wii. Anyway, as for Sigma: He surprised me in that I actually thought, "Oh, he's handsome," when I first saw him -- which is something I rarely if ever think about a game character.

That's too bad about Aksys Games' response to your tweet, BTW. Like you said, it's possible they are working on it and just don't want to say anything, but it's just as likely (if not more so) that they are telling the truth. Bummer.

Oh, well, hopefully someone will released in English in some form or fashion. I really want to play it!

Motherplayer said...

Sorry this post took so long but yes I do indeed have SJ. I've been so busy with other things that I haven't had the time to complete it :P. But it plays more like a traditional SMT title in that its first person perspective and you have to use a map to move around. Another tough title and it comes recommended if you like Devil Survivor as long as you can adjust to the new perspective,

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks for coming back to post this info, Motherplayer! Well, it sounds like I should give both Devil Survivor and Strange Journey a try at some point. Now I just have to find the time and the money :P

Mark Ayala said...

Seems like more art by Kinu Nishimura after the success of her 999 character designs.

Her ladies tend to be much more outlandish than her men. She worked on characters like Morrigan from Darkstalkers, Chun-Li in Street Fighter II, Elena from Street Fighter III and most crazy of all, the girls of the game Code of Princess where clothes seem to not be made for comfort, but just to cover up a few parts.

From what I've heard too, the rumor on Japanese sites is that she herself is a lesbian, but I have no clue where that info is drawn from. Probably just speculation.

Anyways, it is very nice cover art! All these Vita covers are turning out nice (Have you seen the one for Gravity Daze?) and hope they come over here like that!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks for all of the information, Mark! I really like the style of these characters, so I'm sure I'd like her other stuff, too.

As for this game being released in NA: I certainly hope so! Hopefully at least one of the versions (3DS or Vita) will be released here, if not both. Also, I'd love for it to retain its box art, but I have a feeling it would be changed -- kind of like how 999's box art changed. As long as the box art is still nice, though, I won't make too much of a stink about it :)