Actually, the first edition of said handbook--all 240, full-color pages of it--was sold via Fangamer back in early 2009. As far as I'm aware, though, it quickly sold out and, as a result, many Mother 3 fans have been clamoring for a reprint ever since.

Well, it appears their wishes have been granted--and then some. Not only is it up for sale once again, but this version is some 30 pages longer than the original printing and is available in both hardcover and softcover formats. (The former will run you $29 plus shipping while the latter will run you $20.)
For more information on what's included in this 270-page guide, or to order one for the EarthBound/Mother fan in your life, go to
Wow, I've never had much of an interest in Mother but that's still one incredible book! :O
I've got one of the's SO wroth the price. I want a hardcover!
You ... you've never ... had much of an interest in Mother, Kimimi? Honestly, that surprises the hell out of me! Why are you so disinterested in the game, if you don't mind me asking?
You have one of the original printings, Justin? Ack! So, you think it's worth the price, eh? I've literally had the Fangamer site open -- and a copy of the hardcover version in my "cart" -- for the last few days, but I haven't been able to pull the trigger yet. Arrrrgh!!!
I just haven't seen anything about the series that's made me think "I really should get one of those ASAP".
Before I'm chased off the internet I should also say I've seen nothing that's made me think "Those games look rubbish" either - they just don't appear to be my cup of tea, that's all.
Oh, you don't have to worry about being chased off, I was just curious. I know people can be a bit rabid about this series, and that alone can be quite off-putting, I'm sure, but in my experience the interest in the Mother games is pretty well warranted. Are you worried that they're just too ... silly for you?
Anyway, I'd highly recommend giving Mother 2 or 3 a try at some point, just to see if they're your cup of tea or not. If not, no biggie, but, man, I wouldn't want you assume that without knowing one way or the other!
After Bishi Bashi Special I don't think anything could seem all that silly :)
I've not written them off as not worth playing or anything like that, they just don't "blip" on my gaming radar if you see what I mean.
Ah, that's good to know. I fully understand a game not blipping on your gaming radar. That's how I feel about Skyrim at the moment. Everyone talks about it like it's the Second Coming or something, and I'm all like, "Which system is that out for again?" :P
I'm glad I was able to make myself understood ^^~
(I'm totally with you on Skyrim too, by the way)
Do it. It's awesome.
Yes, fully understood, Kimimi. Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one a bit uninterested in -- or at least uneducated about -- Skyrim :)
Is that directed at me, Justin? As in, "buy the damn handbook"?
Ahhhh man I've wanted one of these for so long even though I have never played more than 10 minutes of any Mother game (shameful, I know). One day...
But, you remind me that I DO have a Mother fan in my life and she'd probably appreciate it a heck of a lot more than me. Christmas gift here I come! :)
Oh, that's great that you're actually going to buy one of these as a gift for someone, Marcus! Which one are you buying her, if you don't mind me asking -- the hardcover or the softcover version?
Never played Mother 3. I have Linux and the GBA options on it don't work well
Hey there, Adam! Actually, as far as I'm aware, playing Mother 3 using GBA emulators on any OS is problematic. You can play the game, but the rhythm aspect of the battle system is thrown off due to the lag introduced via the emulators. So, I'm guessing the best way to play Mother 3 is using a real cart and a real GBA (or GB Micro) or a flash cart and a real GBA/GB Micro. Harrumph.
I'm thinking I'll go all out for the hardcover version. Nothing against softcover, but there's something a lot more "official" about a hardcover book, if that makes any sense. Besides, it's nice to show extra support projects like these!
Bryan, you know that in Europe and Italy on Mother 3 (and tuti previous titles), never made it.
We lost a game that belongs in the history of video games!
Oh, I'm with you, Marcus! If I get one, I'll definitely get the hardcover version, especially since it's just $9 more.
Hello again, Marco! No one but the Japanese got the first or third Mother games, sadly. North America got Mother 2 (aka EarthBound), but I think that was it outside of Japan? (Correct me if I'm wrong.) Anyway, it's a cryin' shame that so few people have been able to experience these games officially. That said, thank goodness for fan translators and emulator makers! :)
Yes. Yes it is, Bryan.
OK, Justin. I'll let you know what I wind up doing :)
I don't think I have screamed louder in joy than at this moment. I think I shall tattoo its existence on my forehead so everyone knows what to get me for the next decade,
Well, I'm glad this post brought you such joy, Jyr! Also, please send me a pic of that tattoo after you have it done -- you know, so I can spread the word about you wanting the handbook :)
Wow... I've never played Mother 3, but that is BEAUTIFUL! I think... I have to buy it (maybe I'll start an oversized game book collection with my Ni no Kuni DS set lol).
Actually, I'm sure they probably don't ship outside of the US... I might settle with the PDF version (especially since I've never played Mother).... Oh, the decisions...
Ha! Yes, Anne, I think you should start an oversized game book collection :)
Speaking of which, I can't wait to hear what you think of Ni no Kuni DS! Are you planning to get the PS3 version eventually, too?
I don't know if they ship outside of the US, unfortunately. If they don't, and if you'd like me to, I can always order it for you and then ship it to you. Just let me know...
The Ni no Kuni book's like nothing else I've ever seen and really does add to the game, it's a shame they didn't incorporate it into the PS3 version in the same way.
Do you own the DS version of Ni no Kuni, Kimimi? If so, what do you think of it?
Yep! It's basically Studio Ghibli: The Game, so how much fun you have with it depends directly on what you think of Ghibli-style storytelling/characters/design.
I thought it was wonderful from start to finish, and the Magic Master was obviously created with a lot of care and attention - it's not just a glorified walkthrough/copy protection book, if you read it thoroughly you'll find secrets in game you wouldn't otherwise find and it really fleshes out the world.
Oh, that sounds wonderful, Kimimi -- and makes me sad that the game will never be released in English (or that I've never learned Japanese).
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