Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Any game that 'looks like someone tried to port Gunstar Heroes to the Atari 2600' sounds like a winner to me

I can't take credit for the quote that appears in the headline above, by the way. That honor belongs to NeoGAF user Fine Ham Abounds.

Anyway, I so completely agreed with what Fine Ham Abounds had to say about an upcoming, tantalizing-looking game that I couldn't help but quote him in this post's header.

As for the game he compares to a 2600 port of the Treasure classic known as Gunstar Heroes: It's called Super T.I.M.E. Force and it will be released at some as-yet-unknown date and on some as-yet-unknown platform (or, more likely, platforms) courtesy of the folks at Capybara Games.

I know, the lack of info in regards to the game's release date and platform(s) of choice stinks, but it stinks a lot less (or more, if you're a 'glass half empty' kind of guy/gal) after you watch the following teaser:

Super T.I.M.E Force - First Peek from Capy! on Vimeo.

I'm not at all sure what's going on in the trailer above, to tell you the truth, but I like what I see all the same--especially the part where the little soldier dudes and dudettes leap from missile to missile.

Anyway, here's hoping the Capybara crew loosen their lips soon and let all of us slobbering fools know when and where we can expect to play what looks to be a fabulously frantic title.

Oh, and one last thing: If you're looking for a good chuckle, check out Capybara's official description of the game here.


  1. Loves very Cave Story with added insanity. Love the Contra 3 homage with the missiles :)

  2. Ah, it does look similar to Cave Story, doesn't it? Yet another thing this game has in its favor, IMO. Now we just need to hear when and where it will be released. Oh, and exactly how it plays :P

  3. It looks WAY fun! Umm...and the description? Hilarious! "Everything's gone to shit."

  4. Yeah, Justin, the description is the best part, I think. I sure would like to know how we're going to control all of the characters that appear in the trailer, BTW. I mean, I don't think it's some kind of massively multiplayer game. So, if that's the case, what's up??

  5. Thank you for posting this video, that looks like a great game! I was a little confused about the "2600" part at first (thinking "They really got those graphics running on a 2600?!")... but that's because I've just woken up -_-;

  6. Oh, you're welcome, Kimimi! Sorry for confusing you. It would be great if such a game *did* exist for the 2600, wouldn't it? Sadly, I have no idea what system(s) this will actually get this game. I have a feeling PSN and XBLA are distinct possibilities, although 3DS would be nice, too...

  7. Oh son't apologise, the confusion is all my own fault :)

    XBLA would be perfect for this, I hope there's a co-op mode so I can get my husband involved too!

  8. Yeah, I have to imagine PSN and/or XBLA are among the target systems for this game. The devs have said that we shouldn't expect it to be released for iOS systems, so that leaves those out. Also, as much as I'd love to see this on 3DS, I think that system's screens may be too small to see all that's going on. Anyway, I guess we'll see!

  9. That looks insane! I've no idea how you're supposed to work out who you're controlling though - reminds me of the "everything and the kitchen sink approach" taken by Power Stone 2.

    I also like the Contra 3 reference (or 'Super Probotector' as they called it on these shores).

  10. Hello, Lewis! I don't know/understand what's going on in this video either, to tell you the truth. Hopefully it will be explained soon. Oh, and, yes, the Contra reference is awesome :)
