Sure, it's great to hear that Yukio Futatsugi and Manabu Kusunoki, the two men chiefly responsible for the series' first three installments, are working on this Microsoft-backed iteration, too, but I highly doubt even that info will be enough to get me to invest in a Kinect between now and whenever Project Draco hits the XBLA service early next year.

Should its developers be so kind as to throw in an option that allows folks to play the game with a good, old-fashioned controller, though, I'll of course pick it up without a second thought.
Anyway, for more information on Project Draco, including a fairly in-depth description of how it's played, check out this NeoGAF post.
I hope this game will have the same sort of functions as Child of Eden. Even though you COULD use the Kinect you could still go and use the regular old controller instead. It's nicer when games are just "better with Kinect" rather than flat-out requiring it. Well, at least in regards to games that aren't dancing or exercise ones.
Do you have a Kinect, Marcus? If so, which games are your favorites?
BTW, speaking of Child of Eden, this game is supposed to control like that one did. At least, the Kinect-controllable parts.
As far as I can tell, though, this one is, indeed, Kinect-only. Sigh.
I do have a Kinect and only have three games for it. So.... Two of those are my favorites and they are Dance Central and Dance Masters. Honestly, Dance Masters is a really fantastic game and great fun but for some reason Dance Central was the one that got all the praise (and an upcoming sequel). Ah welllll...
I'm hoping that after the wave of Kinect-only games then people will make control methods for controller or Kinect. Aside from exercise/dancing games motion controlled-gaming isn't that great. At least, it's not when you have to stand up for the entirety of your gaming session to simply fly around a level or something :P.
Ah, thanks, Marcus! I've definitely a lot about Dance Central, but I haven't heard much about Dance Masters. I guess the former got a lot more of a marketing push than the latter.
Anyway, I'm definitely with you RE: more titles allowing both forms of control -- kind of like how a lot of Wii games allow you to use the Classic Controller or the Wii Remote.
I am looking forward to Draco, even if it's kinectified.
I would also be happy with a Panzer Dragoon 2 HD remake :)
I'm guessing you have Kinect, too, Darwin? If so, what games do you like for it so far?
As for Panzer Dragoon remakes -- I'll take remakes of any or all of them. Also, I'd love a 3DS Panzer Dragoon :)
I like Dance Central and Child of Eden. Child of Eden is fun with Kinect, but I had to switch to the controller to finish the game. I still feel goofy playing any Kinect game with someone in the room though :)
Ah, yes, Child of Eden. Was it too difficult to finish with Kinect, Darwin, or did you use the controller for some other reason?
I thought it was a bit more difficult. I read that they toned it down when you are using Kinect, but I still had difficulties with the last level. When it gets crazy, I sometimes just rapidly pressing the homing button, so it would more or less give you the benefits of both weapons. Can't really do that with Kinect since you have to fling your hand to fire the homing gun.
One you finish you can replay any stage without dying, and I've gone back and played it with Kinect that way. Just more relaxed, and experiential.
Huh. Well, it certainly sounds like an interesting game. I may have to try it out sooner or later...
Thanks for explaining it, BTW!
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