Sunday, September 25, 2011

Question of the day: What are some of your favorite gaming blogs?

I know I often publish posts in which I ramble on about gaming blogs that have captured my attention for one reason or another, but today I'm turning the tables and asking all of you to tell me about any such blogs (or tumblogs) that trip your proverbial trigger.

Oh, and please feel free to pimp out your own game-related blogs or tumblogs, especially if it seems that I don't know about them already (i.e., they don't appear in the "other great sites for gay gamers" section on the right side of this blog).


Unknown said...


Jason Leavey said...

Well obviously my site, Daft Bit! ;)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks for the suggestions, Queerrilla! I'm well acquainted with both sites -- hardcoregaming101, especially -- but I appreciate your help all the same :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ah, thanks for pointing out your site, Jason. Just checked it out and it's very nice. I esp. liked your alternate use for those old GameBoy cart cases :P

Darwin said...

These aren't blogs necessarily, but they are awesome archival sites:

The Video Game Atlas
Maps of classic games!

System 16: The Arcade Museum

The Arcade Flyer Archive

Hidden Gems of Previous Generations


Famicase Exhibition (art on famicom carts)


Bryan Ochalla said...

Thank you, Darwin! I've visited some of these sites before -- such as SHMUPS and Famicase Exhibition -- but I don't think I've visited the others. So, I'll definitely be checking them out today :)

Jason Leavey said...

Haha, thanks Bryan! Who would have thought they'd still be so useful :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Just make sure you don't use those cases to carry condoms on one day and then use them for another purpose -- like carrying breath mints -- the next, right? ;)

RetroKingSimon said...

My own blog (Red Parsley - keeps me so busy I barely get time to read anyone else's... just the ones that I follow really - your, Bryan, and Sean's, a few others that catch my eye...

kidicarus222 said... does some cool stuff with game music.

And is great for archival pixels for create endeavors.

Bryan Ochalla said...

I hear ya, Simon. It definitely can be difficult to keep up with others' blogs when you've got your own.

I'm glad you keep updating yours, though -- I especially enjoy reading your Master System, NES/Famicom and PCE posts :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thank you for the suggestions, Drew! I'll definitely check out those sites this afternoon. I'm esp. interested in the sprite site...

Viewtiful_Justin said...

You're actually my #1 gaming blog, Bryan...

#2 is obvious reasons.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Aw, thanks, Justin!

As for gameswithboys, I've been checking it out regularly. I like it a lot :)

Unknown said...

I know bryan has seen this already but i personally do my own gaming videos on this even if its game demos.

I made this named after an old youtube channel i had but now i'm using blogger so my content is indexed easier on google.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks for the comment, guyver -- and for mentioning your blog! I have to spend some more time looking it over, to tell you the truth, but I've definitely enjoyed what I've seen so far :)

Retro Game On said...

Well there is my blog at lol.

Thank you and good night.

Kimimi said...

I'm still new to this blogging lark so I haven't got much to add there, but as for useful websites I recommend a look here - if you need a walkthrough for an old Japanese game.

Sean said...

You don`t seem to have Guru Meditation on your blog roll. I think you would enjoy it:

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks for sharing the link to your blog, Brendan! I'll be sure to check it out tomorrow.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, if only I knew Japanese, Kimimi! Maybe someday. I'll keep the link in a special place until that day arrives :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Sean: As soon as I saw Guru Meditation's banner/header image, I could tell I'd love the blog. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll be adding it to my blog roll tomorrow -- and checking in on it regularly.

Two of the blogs included -- along with yours! -- in Guru Meditation's blog roll look interesting, too. Old School Game Blog,, and Retro Otaku,

Kimimi said...

I know my link's not a lot of use to most people, but it really saved the day when I was stuck playing Silent Mobius so I hope posting it here may help someone else :)

Unknown said...

Well after The Gay Gamer I always check out

For all the latest gaming news and reviews from a bloke in his undies.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, Kimimi! I know a few people who read this blog know Japanese and play Japanese games, so I think the site you mentioned indeed could be helpful. Thanks again for sharing it :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks, gamefreak431! I doubt you really check out my blog before you check out your own, but I appreciate the sentiment all the same :P

SeeEmSee said...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks for the suggestion, SeeEmSee! I love reading reviews, so I'm sure I'll be paying regular visits to the blog you pointed out :)

IvaNEC said... - The best PC Engine site ever. Has like a billion reviews with lots of cool screenshots, plus interviews, walkthroughs, and other neat articles. - My favorite site. Lots of good anime- and games-related stuff. Run by a great writer and good friend of mine. - Very cool PC Engine blog run by a really good guy. Too bad he hardly ever updates. :P

Bryan Ochalla said...

IvaNEC! So happy to hear from you again. Really, I will be so pleased if you ever open up comments on your site again, because I would comment all the time. Of course, that may the exact wrong thing to say if I want to allow comments again, eh? :P

Anyway, I agree with your choices 100 percent. Folks, if you're at all interested in the PC Engine, check out Sure, you can check out my second blog, I Was A Teenage PC Engine Fan, too, but IvaNEC's site is much better.

(BTW, IvaNEC -- I promise to update it again soon, although most of my next posts will be mini-reviews. I should be getting a bunch more games in the coming months, though, so that's sure to spur me to write more posts, take photos, etc.)

Oh, and one more thing, folks: Also check out unlimitedzigworks if you're at all interested in Japanese retro games. Honestly, that site -- along with IvaNEC's, above -- is one of my few go-to blogs/sites...

Anonymous said...

Well, seeing as 101 Video Games That Made My Life Slightly Better is all over, I'd like to take the opportunity to plug my new blog, A Most Agreeable Pastime:

It's an overly complicated gaming blog set in a Victorian manor - eventually you'll be able to navigate through the rooms in a style of a Choose Your Own Adventure book, although a lot of the rooms are under construction at the moment. Have a go for yourself - I suggest you start in The Entrance Hall and try stepping back through the front door...

Keep up the good work on The Gay Gamer Bryan, it's always an enjoyable read!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, Lew! Thanks for mentioning your new blog -- I'll definitely check it out today. I'm sad 101 Video Games That Made My Life Slightly Better is Over but, man, it was a good ride :) Folks: If you haven't checked it out yet, do so soon. A link to it is in the "other great sites for gay gamers" section on the right side of this blog.