I don't want to jinx it by saying so, but it appears I'll be receiving a third free game sometime this week. Which one? Cladun X2.

Yep, that looks like Cladun!
As I did with its predecessor, I'll share my thoughts on Cladun X2 as frequently and thoroughly as possible. (Assuming my contact at NIS America comes through, of course. If not, I'll likely have to wait a bit before picking it up.)
How fantastic! That sounds like the perfect setup. You get to do what you love--play video games--for free so you can do what you love--write about them!
I agree, Justin! Hopefully I actually get the link (for the download) as promised -- otherwise I'll feel kind of dumb. Oh, well, wouldn't be the first time! :P
NIS America has pretty nice reps, so I expect they should get back to you. :) If not, don't worry, as there will be more opportunities!
Fingers crossed, Marcus! I'm supposed to get it sometime this week, so we'll know soon enough :)
Oh, Bryan, I just sent you a message on Twitter and I hadn't seen this post! Now I feel silly.
Anyways you probably saw my message... It's awesome that you might be getting a review copy! You totally should, I know your coverage of it would be great. NIS America kindly offered the staff at VGW a download code and apparently I'm the only one who's good for these kinds of games, so my editor passed it right on to me :) It'd be great to compare notes as we play!
Hey there, Anne!
Don't feel silly. I *just* saw the message. In regards to that, BTW, yes, I definitely can give you some pointers, if you think that would help. Let me stew on it tonight and get back to you tomorrow, OK?
Anyway, it's great that you got or are getting a download code, too. Are you looking forward to playing it? If you like roguelikes and RPGs, you'll love it (I think).
I just got my download code, BTW. Seems it can't be used until launch day (Aug. 30), eh? If so, that's OK with me -- I'll have plenty to keep me busy once my copy of Xenoblade Chronicles arrives :)
Yayyyy I got my code too! We can all review the game and compare notes when we're done :P.
Hey, that's great, Marcus! Did you play the first Cladun, BTW? If so, what did you think of it?
I didn't even know you had a PSP for some reason...
I have the first Clandun, but have yet to bring myself around to playing it! I picked it up initially due to you sharing your thoughts about it on here :).
Haha, now you know! Yup, I've had a PSP since near launch and probably will get a Vita around the same time frame (despite my wallet objecting).
So, now that the sequel is out (or will be shortly) and you have access to it, will you ever play the original?
As for Vita, although I like the looks of it, I'm definitely going to hold off on it for quite a while. I'll more than likely get a 3DS first (next year?) and then wait a year or even two before pulling the trigger on the Vita.
Yeah, I'm probably going to give it a shot since there's all this time before we gain access to the 2nd game.
Yeah, I see where you're coming from. I just really loved the multimedia capabilities of the PSP and since I don't have a super cool smart phone (nor do I expect to get one anytime soon) I could use the extra features of the Vita. :)
Yes, I'd definitely recommend at least giving it a shot before you start the sequel. It can only make the sequel easier to get into, right?
Are you planning to wait until the Vita is released here before buying it, or are you going to import a Japanese one?
Yup! Besides, with all this time before release what else am I gonna do? I've been lacking good portable games lately...
I'm probably going to buy a US Vita. There's not *that* much of a hurry for me to get my paws on one :P.
The Vita's coming to NA in spring 2012, right? In a way, I'm surprised they aren't releasing it this fall in Europe and NA and in 2012 in Japan, considering how the PSP is doing in each of those regions.
I agree, it's a very odd choice to release the Vita at the times they've chosen. Spring 2012 isn't that far off, but they're going to miss the holiday season in America! It just seems strange that would be the most appealing business decision.
Yeah, and on the flip side, the Vita probably doesn't *need( to be released before the holidays in Japan, as the PSP continues to hold its own against the DS and 3DS.
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