Friday, August 05, 2011

Dewprism's colorful Princess Mint, courtesy of Curtis Bathurst

I have to admit, I've never played Square's Threads of Fate (aka Dewprism in Japan).

Artist Curtis Bathurst's colorful sketch (below and here) of one of its main characters, Princess Mint, makes me want to track down a copy of this game and finally give it a go.

Have any of you played this PlayStation-based ARPG? If so, do you think it would be worth playing today--11 and 12 years after it was first released (in Japan and North America, respectively)?

(To see more examples of Bathurst's work, check out his Flickr photostream.)


Mark Ayala said...

I played it back eleven or twelve years ago when I was in middle school. Pretty fantastic action RPG. I don't remember much about the story, I just remember the gameplay was excellent.

LottieTwintails said...

This is one of those games that I've picked up and played for a while, got sidetracked from it for a long time, started it up again from the beginning because I forgot what was going on, then got distracted AGAIN!

... but my point is, it's nothing the game did wrong. You get two distinct characters to play as with different abilities, and the game itself is a lot of fun. Luckily it's available on the PlayStation Store, so you won't have to go hunting for a copy if you want to try it out.

I should really go back to it, but you know how gaming backlogs are. I want to give it a "fair chance" in my gaming schedule, so it might be a while.

Bryan Ochalla said...

As long as the gameplay is excellent, Mark, I'm all for it!

Bryan Ochalla said...

I'll probably pick up the full, retail release, Kamiwoo, since I'll surely want to play the game on my PSone + monitor :) I'm glad I could buy it via PSN, though, if I wanted to do so! Do you have the retail release or the PSN release, by the way?

Unknown said...

Thanks Bryan!

Actually, I've got the disc, but here's the thing for me:

YEARS AGO (feels like twenty years ago at this point) when I bought my PSP, there were rumors that one day Sony might release PS1 games for download on it.

I waited and waited, and it never seemed to happen. Eventually I sold my PSP.

Even with tons of PS1 games hitting the PlayStation Network, Threads of Fate / Dewprism never seemed to make the cut.

Then just last month (or so) when I finally heard it was out, I was ecstatic. This is definitely my favorite PS1 game. The ambiance, and writing -- the great dialog and absence of cheesy voice acting -- the setting and characters... it's all perfect in my opinion.

Anyway, I recently repurchased a PSP (don't care about a Vita at the moment...) just specifically to fulfill my dream of playing Threads of Fate on a portable. It's super-great. I'm taking my time and doing all the secrets and grinding and side-quests and things. There are so many of those types of goodies in Threads of Fate.

The soundtrack by Junya Nakano is something I have never stopped listening to over the years. Over and over. He's one of my top artists on because of that!

I guess I can just say I'm an outrageous fan of this game.

Unknown said...

P.S. Here's the video I made of my process, in case that interests you. I really sort of made the sketch as a test for this kind of video, on future, more complicated projects.

LottieTwintails said...

Oh, I picked up the original PS1 disc version years back. I nearly snagged it when it was first released, but it unfortunately didn't fit into my limited gaming budget back then.

A quick peek at eBay seems to indicate the game isn't THAT expensive for a used, complete copy, so that's good to see! I suppose I should know you're the collector type like I am by now ;D

I'd like to add another thumbs-up to the game's soundtrack, as well. I've known people who have overheard the game's music without even knowing where it comes from and have loved it!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ah, that's great, Curtis! Thanks for informing me about this game. I honestly can't say why I've ignored it over the years. Maybe it's because it's 3D/polygonal, and I definitely preferred 2D/pixelated games back in the PS1 era. Anyway, I'll definitely give it a shot once I have some money, as it sounds like my cup of tea :) Anyway, thanks for producing such great art -- and giving me yet another thing to blog about!

Anonymous said...

Princess Mint is one of my favorite characters in all JRPGs. I am glad that not everyone has forgotten her.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

I've never even heard of this game. I just put it on my Amazon wish list.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, anonymous! I'm glad to hear you like this game, too -- or at least Princess Mint :) Anyway, thanks for the comment!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ah! I'm glad I'm not alone, Justin. I mean, I knew about the game, but only barely. It'll be interesting to hear what you think of it (when you get around to buying and playing it, of course).

Unknown said...

I actually *just* purchased the disc the other day! Just the disc, though, because I just wanted to get my hand in and try it out... I believe I got it for $5 or so. If I end up loving it I'll probably have to get a full copy someday.

Unknown said...

@apricotsushi I know you'll like it! It's a little frustrating by today's standards, but if you take yourself back to the '90s and get ready to try things a few times before they work in certain sections -- the theme, visuals, music, story... god, they're just so cool.

Unknown said...

@Curtis 90s JRPGs are among my favorite games, so I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it! Your art is beautiful, by the way! Looking at it makes me so excited to play the game :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Can't wait to hear what you think of it, Anne!

Curtis: I also love 90s JRPGS, so I guess I'll like this game (when I finally get it), too :)