Thursday, July 28, 2011

Will you buy a 3DS now that it costs just $169.99?

You're probably well aware by now that earlier today the powers that be at Nintendo dropped the price of the 3DS around the world.

In Japan, for instance, the system's price was slashed from ¥25,000 to ¥15,000 (from approximately $320 to $190), while in North America the price was reduced--or will be as of Aug. 12--to $170 from $250.

Some of you who bought a 3DS between its launch date and now probably are feeling a bit bummed at the moment, right? Don't worry, Nintendo has your back--at least partially. You see, starting Sept. 1, "early adopters" (those who buy or bought the system before the price drops) will gain access to 20 free NES and GBA games. Among them: The Legend of Zelda (NES), Mario Kart: Super Circuit (GBA), Metroid Fusion (GBA) and Super Mario Bros. (NES).

Don't worry, this isn't the 3DS you'll be getting when you fork over 
$169.99 at your friendly neighborhood game shop.

All that said, how do those of you who have yet to buy a 3DS feel about this? Are you planning to pick up Nintendo's latest handheld now that it'll soon be $80 cheaper, or are you still holding out for one reason or another?

Personally, as amazed as I am with its new price, I doubt I'll add a 3DS to my handheld arsenal until Nintendo releases either a killer app (Luigi's Mansion 2 could be it) or a DSlite-esque hardware revision.

(Via and


Linnea said...

The price drop defenitly makes it more interesting. But still, I'm waiting for the games. I want about 7-10 DO WANT-titles for a new console to be interested in it.

As much as I find french bulldogs adorable, I wouldn't buy a 3DS for just a Nintendogs title. :D Off course there are more cool titles out there, but not interesting to me at the moment. Huge titles from Nintendo is mostly what I'm waiting for. (Mario, or my fav Kirby)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, I agree, Linnea! I need more games, too. Mario 3DS, Mario Kart 3DS, Luigi's Mansion 2 and Animal Crossing will help, but I want more than that. Maybe a FF remake or spin-off -- or two? Some other RPGs? Other third-party games? Yes!

LottieTwintails said...

It's definitely welcome news and has shifted my attitude from "definitely not until a redesign" to "MAYBE not until a redesign". At least, I'll feel less bad if I get a 3DS as a Christmas present this year, since it'll cost my loved ones less ;D

As of right now, there are only a couple of 3DS games out that I'm interested in, and I have such a huge DS backlog, that it still doesn't seem worth it. I don't doubt that it'll eventually become a must-have machine, but after buying so many DS revisions, I'm a little burnt out on the idea.

I'm also sad that I won't be able to import any supercool Japanese limited edition models this generation, as I did with my DSi and PSP. Still, at least the Aqua Blue color is my favorite shade!

xerosbeat said...

Atlus is bringing Devil Survivor Overclocked in August, I'm really over Final Fantasy as a whole except for Type-0. Heroes of Ruin is also due out this year which from what I've seen will be like FF Crystal Chronicles but with hideous western-esque art direction.

Bryan Ochalla said...

I'm with you, Kamiwoo -- I'm sure it'll eventually be a must-own system, but it's not there yet for me.

Also, it's definitely a HUGE bummer that Nintendo decided to not make 3DS region-free.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Xerosbeat: I can't tell if this means you want a 3DS or not :P

Mark Ayala said...

Unless EDD decides to raise my unemployment, I'll continue being 3DS-less and continue eating beans out of cans.

Anyways, it's silly to temp people with what are essentially just ROMs.

famicomfreak said...

I'm actually going to get it once the price drops on August 12. I can wait for the games but I do need an upgrade from my phat first generation DS. I also love that it takes photos in 3D although you can only view them on the 3DS, that's still awesome!

Viewtiful_Justin said...

I am so pissed off right now that I could scream. Fucking hasn't even been a YEAR!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Mark: I hear ya, although they're not really tempting people with those ROM downloads. At least, they're not tempting them to buy a 3DS. Instead, they're trying to tempt people who already own a 3DS to refrain from revolting against them. I think.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Well, that's cool to hear, Famicom Freak! I have to imagine you'll be one of many, especially as the year moves on and more of Nintendo's big games (Mario, Mario Kart) are released. Are you planning to get any games alongside the system?

Bryan Ochalla said...

I can understand that, Justin. At least you'll get 20 free downloadable titles, though, right? I actually think that's kind of cool -- esp. the GBA games.

RetroKingSimon said...

I'd certainly want one for that much but I'd better not, the wife will kill me! :P

Viewtiful_Justin said...

The peace offering is a good one, for sure. I hope the other games they announce don't suck. It's an $80 price drop, and that's a shit ton of money when you're kind of poor like me...but so is $130-150, which is what the value of those 20 games is.

I'm not quite so mad now that I've had a chance to stew it over...but I'm still miffed.

Anonymous said...

No. I have no reason to, nintendo hand held games are almost always rubbish apart from their first party games. Pokemon would usually be the only reason I would buy it, Mario Kart is tempting me but not nearly enough, and I have never cared about Legend of Zelda.

I think I'll just buy a Vita, to me it just has way better graphics and WAY better games.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Never cared about Zelda?! Wow.

Bryan Ochalla said...

I hear ya, Simon. It's a great price, but the hubs would kill me, too! Maybe for Christmas...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Justin: Yeah, I can understand being miffed. This was a pretty extreme situation, though. Honestly, I never thought they would cut it at all until after Christmas, and even then I thought it would be to $199. Anyway, it'll be interesting to see what the price drop and more games do for sales.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Trxd: Hmm, I think Nintendo's first-party games more than make up for any crappy third-party games that appear on its systems, IMO. But, if you're not into Nintendo's IPs then, well, I guess I can understand your position. Of course, the DS had some good third-party titles, so I imagine the 3DS will, too.

As for the Vita, I like what I know of the system and I'm sure it'll get some good games, but barely any have been announced and, just like the 3DS situation, far too few interest me at this point.

At this point, for the next 6 months to a year I'm going to spend my money buying a few last Wii games and a bunch of PSP games. If I get a PS3 or 3DS, it'll probably be after the new year, and I doubt I'll buy many games for either.

The Vita is a wait-and-see system for me. If some killer apps come out for it, I'll consider it, but at this point I kind of doubt I'll get one any time soon.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Justin: I can understand a lack of interest in the more modern Zeldas, but not "classic" Zeldas (the NES, SNES and N64 ones, especially). Honestly, the last Zelda I spent any time with was Wind Waker! I own Twilight Princess, but barely played it, and I've yet to play any of the DS offerings :(