Thursday, June 09, 2011

The art of Dragon's Crown kind of scares me (or, it's obvious Vanillaware's George Kamitani is a thigh man, isn't it?)

I've been a fan of George Kamitani--and his games--ever since I laid eyes on the gorgeous Sega Saturn title he designed, Princess Crown.

As such, I'm going to give the Vanillaware founder the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the rather creepy art he's created for his company's upcoming four-player ARPG for PS3 and PS Vita, Dragon's Crown.

What do I mean when I say Kamitani's art is creepy? Well, take a gander at the following illustration (of one of the game's Amazon characters):

To see more of the thigh-rific characters that are set to appear in Dragon's Crown, which is due to be released in spring 2012, check out this article at

Also, be sure to read this post and this post at if you're at all interested in this otherwise beautiful brawler.


Anonymous said...

scares me too XD
greetings from

Marcus said...

Oh dear lord.

The male main character is also pretty weird looking, but in not nearly as creepy a fashion as this lady!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks for the comment, anonymous! I'm glad I'm not alone in being a bit creeped out by this art :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Marcus: "Oh dear lord" is the perfect response to this illustration, I think :)

LottieTwintails said...

Man, Vanillaware games have often had over-the-top character designs here and there, but I think this takes the cake (or maybe I should say chicken thigh instead?)

I mean, the Sorceress in that same gallery of art also has some very obvious "assets" but she doesn't seem to bother me as much, even if she is a liiiiitle bit top-heavy.

Still, I've enjoyed every Vanillaware game I've played thus far, so I'm not worried about the quality of the game or anything. I'll just live in constant fear of the Amazon's thunder thighs, that's all.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Yeah, these designs definitely take the cake, er, chicken thigh, Kamiwoo :)

I'm not worried about the quality of the game, either. That said, I'm somehow less enamored with the look of this game than I am with Grand Knights History and than I was with Muramasa...

Viewtiful_Justin said...

I'm kind of grossed out by everything in this image. From her thighs to her face to her boobs to the weird's all shades of bad news bears.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Yeah, I think my eyes bugged out of my head when I first saw this image. Yeesh! I mean, I know Kamitani's art has always been 'interesting,' but this is really out there!

Unknown said...

Haha, I was going to post about this but you beat me to it! All kinds of "ick" from me. I know it's the angle, but her head looks so tiny... It's super-creepy!

Bryan Ochalla said...

You should still post something about it, Anne -- I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, esp. in light of your last blog post.

eric_c said...

i love the style -- he's like the Japanese R. Crumb!

Bryan Ochalla said...

I hate to admit it, Eric, but I had to Google R. Crumb. Anyway, after scanning a sample of his work, I have to agree with you!