Monday, May 30, 2011

Super Studly Mario Bros. 2

Admittedly, the illustration below isn't even half as hot as the photo splashed across the cover of the soon-to-be-released issue of MUTO Manifesto magazine that was highlighted in my previous "Super Studly Mario Bros." post.

Still, there's a certain, strange appeal to Angela Zavala's cheeky, Super Mario Bros.-inspired drawing, isn't there? (To see more of Zavala's creations, check out her deviantART gallery.)


kidicarus222 said...

Are you actually seeking this out? Or does it just come to you? Does it seek YOU out?

Jacob Woods said...

Never thought of mario being sexy.

Anonymous said...

Well... from the neck down.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Drew: In the case of my first 'Super Studly Mario Bros.' post, it sought me out. While writing that post, I remembered seeing a strangely sexy illustration of Mario a while back and went searching for it (so I could mention it in the aforementioned post). I couldn't find the illustration in question, but while searching for it I came across this one. It intrigued me so much that I decided I had to give it a post of its own :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Jacob: Me neither. I'm not entirely sure I find him sexy in *this* image, but I definitely find him sexy in the photo included in my first 'Super Studly Mario Bros.' post.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Yes, Trxd. Yes! Well, except for those gloves...

kidicarus222 said...

Hmm... Strangely sexy illustration of Mario. Could it be this one?

Bryan Ochalla said...

Yes, I think that's it, Drew! Thanks for the link. That's a great little tumblog, BTW :)

Also, here's another strangely sexy Mario Bros. link, to anyone who is interested --

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Yikes, Drew...that one's straight-up scary.

This one, though...I find the overalls/shorts combo to be HILARIOUS! Like they're overgrown toddler or something...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ha! You're right, Justin -- the overalls-shorts are hilarious. Add in the hats and gloves and mustaches and you have a whole lot of "WTF?" in this image :)