I've held off on buying the colorful beat 'em up, developed by The Behemoth, for one reason and one reason only: I'm waiting for the "Pink Knight Pack," which allows gamers to play as the oh-so-fabulous Pink Knight and has been available to owners of the PS3 version since early February, to be released.

According to a moderator on The Behemoth's community forums, the company is working on it. "We warned you that it would not be a fast addition," the moderator commented on Aug. 13. "There is a lot of work to be done to do a Title Update! Rest assured ... it is coming."
And as soon as that day arrives, I'll give the folks at The Behemoth the 1,200 Microsoft Points needed to buy their game.
See also: 'I guess this means I'm going to have to get Castle Crashers soon'
Well, I'm eagerly anticipating your review. I'm also wondering what your feelings are on Super Meat Boy and, even more so, Costume Quest.
Ah, you know I'll blab about it as soon as I play it, Justin -- Costume Quest and Super Meat Boy, too. I'm especially looking forward to trying Super Meat Boy...
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