Monday, May 16, 2011

Maré Odomo's Uncharted 2

I've yet to play Naughty Dog's Uncharted 2, so I can't say if artist Maré Odomo's cartoonish look at this popular PS3 game's main character (below and here) is at all accurate, but I'm more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt thanks to how cute it is.

I'm not sure which part of Odomo's comic I like best, though: Nathan Drake's scruffy "side eye" in the lower-left panel or his pursed lips in the lower-right one.


  1. I love the shifty eyes! That might be my favorite look in all of everything...that "Is anyone looking?" look. Love it,

  2. Yeah, Gaelach Rose, that Mare is a talented guy :)

  3. Justin: Yes! That shiftiness was captured perfectly, wasn't it?
