No worries if you're not a fan of the XBLA version's new graphics;
the pixelated ones of the PSP original will be available too.
Unfortunately, the much-ballyhooed PSP title (buy it here) may never make it off that list thanks to the developer's decision to bring an updated version of it to Xbox Live Arcade.
This sort-of remake (more on that in a second) will be added to the Xbox 360's download service on June 29 with a price tag of 800 Microsoft Points, a subtitle ("Super Mega Neo Climax") and a visual overhaul.
The one thing that may keep me from purchasing this iteration of the game instead of the PSP original is that it appears the former will only include one of the four modes that were featured in the latter.

The new art style displayed in Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax
is sure to earn mixed reactions from fans of the original.
For more information on Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax, check out GamePro's recent hands-on impressions of the title (here).
I definitely don't like the new graphical style. It just... completely takes away the visual appeal for me. I know they must've wanted to make it look "prettier" for an XBLA release, but I'd have preferred 16-bit-looking sprites or something instead of this. At least the option to change it back is there.
The lack of the other modes is a bummer, as well. Even if Hero 30 mode is the real "meat" of the game, the other modes are fun to play as well. Hardly seems worth purchasing if you're an owner of the original.
The PSP version is highly recommended, though! And it's gotten pretty cheap lately, whenever you do feel up for a bit of splurging ;D
Of course, now that I actually go looking around online, it seems like the PSP version has gotten a bit rare since I got it last Christmas. The XBLA release might end up being useful after all...
Hey there, Kamiwoo! Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of the new art style either. Thankfully, the old art style is still selectable.
RE: the PSP version -- yeah, it's definitely harder to find/more expensive at the moment. Honestly, I think I'm going to hold out and buy the PSP version eventually, as I'd like to have the whole package, so to speak.
I'd say the PSP version is where it's at even now. It's super fun and even though Hero 30 is my favorite mode there's something to say about those other modes too. They add more to the game and taking them out seems kind of dumb to me. Also, nobody needs that fancy new art style :P.
Yeah, I think it's kind of weird that the folks at Marvelous decided against remaking the whole game. Maybe they wanted to give people a few reasons to buy the PSP version?
As for the art style, I can see why they went for it, as a lot of current gamers like slick graphics, but I think the original ones look a LOT better.
Boo and hiss. That's all I have to say about that one.
Because you want to play it and it isn't available for the Wii, DS or 3DS, Justin? I understand that. Maybe they'll put it on the eShop at some point?
That'd be great. I just don't like the changes. Why do they do that to a great thing?
I love the style for the 360 conversion. I think a game as goofy as Half Minute Hero can really benefit from a storybook style. It is peculiar to see that only the main game mode is in there (although it is 1/2 the price of the PSP game).
I will have to read up on that. I -_- sadly never finished half minute hero... the poor baby just sits on my PSP begging to be played... anyhow I don't remember 4 player characters on screen at once...
I hear ya, Justin. I'm guessing they changed the graphics in order to attract more people to the game. Also, I think they're leaving out the other modes so as to give people some reason to pick up the PSP version. Just guesses on my part, though.
Hey there, GaymeBar! Hmmm, am I talking to Jeremiah or Toups? :)
Anyway, RE: the new art style -- I actually don't mind the style overall. I'm not much of a fan of the character art, though. They just look kind of, well, cheap to me.
Still, they're giving folks the ability to choose between the new and old graphics, so there's really no reason to complain.
Also, you're right that this version will be cheaper than the PSP version, so there's that. Personally, I think I'll be picking up the PSP version at some point rather than this one, as I'd really like to get the full experience of it.
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