Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saucy or simple?

I'm a bit torn when it comes to choosing a headline for a post--a Q&A with Anna Anthropy, aka auntie pixelante--that's going to be published this coming week.

Should I go for something "saucy": auntie pixelante's goal for Lesbian Spider-Queens of Mars: to give gamers 'a big, fat orgasm'

Or should I go for "simple": Ten questions with auntie pixelante

It probably won't surprise anyone to hear that I prefer the saucy option, but I have to admit that it also gives me pause. Is it too sensational? Does it scream, a little too loudly, "click on me! PLEASE!!"

Regarding that latter comment, the fact is that I do want people to click on it. Not because I'm desperate for hits, pageviews, etc., but because I think Anthropy is a brilliant woman and I want as many people as possible to read what she has to say about her latest creation, Lesbian Spider-Queens of Mars.

The question, then, is will the saucy headline draw people in or turn them away? 

Of course, the same could be asked of the simple option. Sure, it's the complete opposite of sensational, but it's kind of boring, too. Also, it doesn't really give any indication as to the content of the post.

What do all of you think? Should I go with saucy or simple--and why do you think I should use that option?


Viewtiful_Justin said...

Just do what I do: subtitle! "'A Big Fat Orgasm' OR 'Ten Questions with Auntie Pixelante'"

RetroKingSimon said...

A creative, saucy title is certainly eye-catching :P

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ha ha! Hmmmm, I'll have to consider that, Justin :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks, RKSimon! I'll have to fit some sauciness in there somewhere, won't I?

Bryan Ochalla said...

You got my creative juices flowing, Justin. Now I'm thinking the header may be:

Ten questions with auntie pixelante (or, why Anna Anthropy wants you to have a 'big, fat orgasm')

Or something like that :)

LottieTwintails said...

I think combining the two ideas definitely sounds the best! That way the sauciness kind of leaps at you in the end there, when you're not expecting it.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks, Kamiwoo! Yes, I think mixing them together in some way is the best idea here. That way, both needs are met -- in a way :)

Gaelach Rose said...

I third that!

Looking forward to reading it!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks, Gaelach Rose! I'll be posting it shortly...