I say "followed" in the past tense because I just blocked him.
Unfortunately, I didn't realize until this morning that I could block a follower, so all of you have been forced to stare at the aforementioned profile pic whenever you came for a visit. Sorry about that.

I actually wrote to the follower in question and told him I'd gladly un-block him if he changed the image, but I kind of doubt that's going to happen.
Anyway, there you have it. Hopefully it won't happen again. If it does, though, I'll block the follower so fast it'll make his or her head spin!
Whats was on his pic?
How do I put this without being too graphic? Well, it was an close-up shot of one guy "inside" another guy. Take my word for it when I say it wasn't at all hot.
LOL - the trials and tribulations of managing a blog! I went through the experience of deleting a comment for the first time on mine last week.
And I did notice the profile pic in question - "risque" would be an understatement!
Yes, Sean, you're absolutely right. Thankfully I've only had a few instances of comment spamming here. (Knock on wood.)
As for the pic -- yes, "risque" definitely is an understatement! Honestly, I've been worrying about it since it showed up. Thankfully I finally figured out how to get rid of it :)
I had to do the same thing to the same guy a few months ago. It took me about ten minutes to figure out how.
Oh, sure, rub my nose in it! ;) Why didn't you say something?
BTW, I *know* I clicked on his name right after he started following me, but I don't remember seeing a "block" option. Sigh.
At least it's gone now...
Thank you.
That pic was bothering me, to be honest.
I believe that should be incredibly private, thank you very much.
Oh, and I do like the picture of the cat.
Oh, well I had blocked him months before I even FOUND your blog, I think. Anywho, no harm, no foul. I felt crappy about having to block someone, but I didn't want my blog being one of THOSE blogs. And I didn't want people coming in for the first time thinking I was friends with porn fiends.
Oh, I'm sorry it was bothering you, Gaelach Rose :( And, yes, that kind of thing definitely *should* be private. I'm surprised people use images like that as their profile pics, to tell you the truth. But what can you do? Other than block them, I mean :)
That's interesting, Justin. (About you blocking him before you even found my blog.) I'm pretty sure he showed up here just a few months ago, although I may be wrong.
Anyway, I also felt crappy about having to block someone, but I didn't want people to be uncomfortable coming to this blog.
Ditto that. I guess that's the price they pay for having a profile pic like that, though...
Exactly. I guess it's OK for porn sites and stuff like that, but otherwise? Yeesh.
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