Monday, March 14, 2011

I have a confession ...

I wasn't busy with work last week. In reality, I was in Hawaii (Kauai, specifically) on vacation.

Sorry for lying. I did it because someone (*cough* my sister-in-law Jan *cough*) made me feel paranoid about telling people via the Interwebs that David (the hubs) and I were going on vacation. I wanted to warn all of you that things would be a bit slow while I was gone, though, so I fibbed and said I was overrun with work.

Anyway, we're back, so expect things to return to normal this week.


Viewtiful_Justin said...

Well, there goes my sympathetic thoughts of you crouching over a desk aching with backbreaking work. Dang. I'm jealous now.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Well, I certainly deserve that, don't I? Probably won't make you feel any differently, but I was overly busy for the past month or so, and now that we're back I'm going to be busy again.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm way glad you got vacation! I hope you took a million pictures and had time to relax.

Bryan Ochalla said...

I definitely took a ton of photos and I'll be posting them to Flickr in the next week or so far. I also relaxed quite a bit. The best part of the whole thing was getting some warm weather and sun :)

Gertie said...

Aaagghh! I just got inserted into a *cough* comment!

(Next time I'm going to hire someone to rob you, just so I look smart.)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ha ha! Well, you deserve it, Gertie :)

Statii Tir said...

Do you have more picturse, the landscape seems to be great. I want so much to visit hawaii, but it is so far from me :(

Bryan Ochalla said...

Actually, Statii Tir, that isn't my photo. If you're interested, though, you can see a bunch of the photos I took here --

Thanks for the comment, BTW -- and for stopping by this blog!

Gaelach Rose said...

Ooo, Lukcy you! Wish my girlfriend and I could go on vaca!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks, Gaelach Rose! I hope you and your girlfriend are able to go on a vacation soon. Everyone deserves/needs to go on vacation once in a while :)