Granted, it's possible you won't find all (or any) of the guys in the videos "pretty." (The second one from the left in the photo below looks a bit lesbian-ish to me, for instance. Not that there's anything wrong with that!)

Regardless, I believe these "boys" are Japanese celebrities, but I couldn't tell you their names or why they're famous.
If you'd rather watch a video that, you know, actually shows (some) of what Nintendo's upcoming portable system is capable of, watch the video at the bottom of the same web page.
Eh...they're all a little lesbianesque. But I'll watch, because I'm thirsty for any and all info about the new system.
Yeah, you're right about them all looking a little lesbianesque. Oh, and the one all the way to the right looks a little ... unhinged.
That is the group "Arashi" who are insanely popular here. I don't count myself as a fan, but then I've never gone for Japanese music or the whole "boy/girl band" genre. If you've seen the Clint Eastwood film "Letters from Iwo Jima", one of them plays the main character. I forget which one. Maybe the lesbian one, but I'm not sure.
Thanks for the clarification, Sean! I have to say, I find it a bit scary that three members of this boy band seem to have the same hairstyle. What's up with that?
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