Why? Honestly, it has nothing to do with me being anti-Microsoft or anti-Xbox 360. (Hell, I plan on buying an Xbox 360 before this generation is over--assuming the system drops below $149 at some point.)
I know I've made fun of Microsoft's "me too" (or maybe I should say "Wii too") Kinect ads and games (Kinect Sports, anyone?), but that's also not what has kept me from getting behind the company's controller-free product.

No, my problems with Kinect are: 1) the peripheral seems to be a buggy work in progress, and 2) the games--with the possible exception of Dance Central--seem boring and uninspired.
Granted, I've yet to go "hands on" with Kinect, so it's possible that both of the above-mentioned "problems" (especially the first one) will be proven to be anything but after it launches on Nov. 4.
See also: 'It's déjà vu all over again' and 'Let's try this again ...'