Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yet another reason to be envious of iPhone owners

iPad (I think), iPhone and iPod Touch owners the world over gained access to what seems to be a great new app yesterday: Hudson's PC Engine Game Box (aka TurboGrafx Game Box in the States).

This free app, which comes with a copy of World Sports Competition, serves as a portal for PC Engine games, a number of which--Bonk's Adventure, Bomberman '94, Dungeon Explorer, Military Madness and Ninja Spirit among them--could/should be considered classics.

Each title costs $2.99, although a daily "featured game" can be sampled, free of charge, for three minutes.

(Via 1up.com and andriasang.com)


Viewtiful_Justin said...

Oh. My. God. Why don't I have anything that this runs on? That's brilliant!

Bryan Ochalla said...

I wonder if it'll be downloadable/playable on your MacBook after Apple expands the App Store in early January? I'd certainly love it if that happened :)

Starfighter said...

Since App Store got a fairly descent port of Espgaluda II (and an exclusive Dodonpachi-title) I have been crying over the pricetag on iPhones. :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Yeah, sadly there are quite a few reasons for gamers to be envious of iPhone owners these days. That said, I have to wonder how well some of these games control. I just can't imagine using an on-screen d-pad and buttons to play a game...

Viewtiful_Justin said...

I'm sort of sad that mac owners can't use apps on their computers...it's kind of lame.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Well, not yet, Justin, by they/we will be able to use them soon -- or some of them, at least. Apple is launching a Mac App Store on Jan. 6. I'm not sure if the apps in this store will be the same as those in the iPad/iPhone store or if they'll be different/unique, but I'll bet there'll be some overlap.

Here's more on the Mac App Store -- http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2010/12/16macappstore.html

Gertie said...

Well, do you really need the phone capability? Because you could get a "Like New" used iTouch on amazon for less than $170. :-)

Bryan Ochalla said...

I don't *need* the phone capability, Gertie, but I do *want* it :) Maybe I'll cave at some point, though, and get an iPod touch at some point.