Well, I pre-ordered it again a few days later, despite the fact that I've never been much of a fan of Nintendo's 16-bit re-workings of its NES Super Mario Bros. titles.
I changed my mind for three reasons: 1) I wanted the CD soundtrack, 2) I wanted the 32-page "Super Mario History" booklet and 3) I thought the entire package seemed well worth the $29.99 price tag--especially since it's supposed to be a limited release.

Was it worth it? I think so. Hell, I'd have paid $29.99 for just the booklet, CD and embossed exterior packaging (above).
See also: 'Super Mario Extravaganza!'
I 'caved' when I bought mine also. But in truth, I didn't think the booklet was that good, nor was the CD. Nice collection overall (Like you said, embossed exterior packaging, yay!) but I couldn't help but be like 'meh' afterwards. Oh well. I would've been more frustrated if I hadn't bought it anyway.
Hey there, SUIKA. I like the booklet, but I agree it could have been so much more. It could have been larger, made out of better/thicker paper, etc. It definitely should have had more in-depth interviews. Still, I like what I got, too.
I know I've said this before, but you know what I would have *really* liked? I would have liked it if the folks at Nintendo had remade these games again using the NSMBWii engine. In that case, I would have gladly spent $50 or $60 on the package :)
So...you'd recommend this, then? I was on the fence. I'll ask my mom for it for Christmas.
Do you like Super Mario All-Stars in general, Justin? If so, I think you'll find this worthwhile. Like I said, you get the game plus a (fairly short) booklet about the Mario games, a CD soundtrack and some cool packaging.
If you already own SMB, SMB: Lost Levels, SMB 2 and SMB 3 on the Virtual Console and you have no real interest in All-Stars, though, I'm not sure I would recommend it.
I know I'm kind of hedging, but I really think it depends on what you think of All-Stars in general. If you loathe it, there probably isn't enough here to make you happy you shelled out $30 for it.
That said, I'm not a big fan of All-Stars and I'm glad I bought this iteration -- so maybe you should take what I say with a grain of salt :)
No, I like it. I have the original SNES cart without SMW.
Maybe it's time for a more reliable copy. That one only works when it wants to and periodically kills my save data...
Well, if you like the SNES original then I think you'll like this version even more -- especially since you'll actually be able to save :)
To me, the best thing about releases like this one -- and VC releases, too -- is how crisp the emulation is.
If I would buy this I would just keep it sealed and play the games on my SNES. I think as a collector I would keep it to see its value grow over the years. That's just me though....
I just couldn't do that, Famicom Freak. For starters, I wanted to see the booklet and CD. Also, I wanted to get the Club Nintendo code. And then there's the fact that I wanted to give the game another try. Still, I can understand when people keep such limited releases sealed -- at least sometimes :)
Ah, there's nothing like a lovely bit of embossing...
Yes, Lewis, you're completely right :)
By the way, speaking of Nintendo codes. The rewards that were sold out are back! I just spent 550 coins to get the messenger bag! I can't wait for it to get here!! AHHHH!!!!
Congratulations, Famicom Freak! I'm waiting until I get to 800 points so I can buy the second Game & Watch Collection for DS :)
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