For those of you who have, sadly, never experienced this Balloon Fight sequel, here's the lowdown: It's a flying platformer that was developed by Pax Softnica (yeah, I've never heard of the company before either) and published and released, in Europe and North America, by Nintendo in 1990 and 1991, respectively.

What in the heck is a "flying platformer," you ask? Well, it's a platformer--think Super Mario Bros.--that calls on players to navigate the game's many stages using balloons à la Balloon Fight. Balloon Kid turns the genre on its ear in few other ways, too, such as by forcing gamers to move from right to left rather than left to right and by making the protagonist a girl (Alice) who is out to save a boy (her little brother, Jim).
As for how I'd like Nintendo's developers to remake this gem of a game: In my dreams, they'd make it look like it was drawn with colored pencils--the game kicks off in Pencilvania, after all--à la the masterful Yoshi's Island.
I know the likelihood of either of the above happening is somewhere between slim and none, but I'll hold out hope anyway.
See also: 'Balloon fightin' kid to the rescue!' (at
havnt played this yet
There you go digging up gems from the past that I've never even heard of but now NEED to play. When do you suppose they'll start releasing Game Boy games on the DSi Shop Channel? I can't believe they haven't started that yet...
Hey there, Trophy -- welcome to this blog! And thanks for commenting :)
If you have a GB, I'd definitely recommend giving this a try. Or, if you're OK with emulation, download and play Balloon Fight GB, the Japan-only, GB Color version of the game.
Sorry Justin :) A post on another site ( made me think of this game, for some reason -- and then I thought, "man, I'd love to see a remake of that one!" Hence this post :)
I'm not sure GB games will ever show up on the DSi Shop Channel, to tell you the truth, but I have a feeling the 3DS will launch with such capability. Also, I have to imagine Nintendo will release this game for such a system at some point -- esp. in North America -- as the game definitely has a bit of a cult following yet isn't widely available anymore.
You think they'll bypass DS and go to 3DS for the GameBoy games? Interesting. I was shocked when they didn't announce Game Boy games with the DSi channel...
Well, with the 3DS coming out in March I just can't see them releasing GB games on the DSi Shop at this point -- unless the 3DS and the DSi share the same Shop. I'd be happy to be wrong, though!
I thought they would...but maybe not...
Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it -- unfortunately.
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