Monday, November 22, 2010

Well, *now* what am I going to do?

I've said on a few occasions that if the following image (created by by Stuart Colebrook) ever made the transition from design to t-shirt I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

Well, it's currently available (for $18 a shirt) at (here's a direct link)--so I guess I'd better go get my credit card, eh?

See also: 'Spooky' and 'Yep, another t-shirt'


Nuts) said...

promise is promise, will you take a photo of you in it?

Viewtiful_Justin said...

I know! I'm so sad it came out NOW. I'm broke as a joke...but I hear that Threadless is going to sell $10 shirts starting Friday, so maybe this one will qualify...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hmmm, we'll see, Nuts! ;)

Justin: That would be great! I'll have to keep an eye on on Friday, I guess :)