Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Of all the threadless t-shirt designs I've mentioned over the last few years, this one (titled "Haunted by the 80's") may be my favorite:

Its only competition (in my mind, of course) is "Medium Difficulty," which, interestingly enough, also features that icon of the 1980s, Pac-Man.

Anyway, if you like Terry Fan's design enough to buy it in print or t-shirt form, go over to when you have a second and give it a good score.



Viewtiful_Justin said...


Bryan Ochalla said...

Ha! I thought you might like it. Sure hope this one is made into a t-shirt soon...

Nuts) said...

Faaa-ntastic. Moon

Bryan Ochalla said...

Yes, the moon is the best part! Although I like the glowing ghosts, too :)