Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I don't get the hate for the Famicom/NES version of Donkey Kong

Late last week, I, along with a number of other gaming bloggers and writers, pointed out a video of the as-of-now-Europe-only Donkey Kong: Original Edition, an updated--to include the cement/pie factory level and a few (also previously MIA) intermission animations--NES version of Nintendo's arcade classic. (Here's my post about the game, in case you missed it.)

That news caused quite a bit of chatter on the Internet, with most of it being negative. The following par-for-the-course comment, for instance, was posted on in response to that site's coverage of the video: "It's bizarre that they bothered adding to the crappy NES port."

I have to say, I completely disagree with the opinion that the NES version of Donkey Kong is "crappy." Sure, it's not "arcade perfect"--it's missing an entire stage and a few intermission animations--but other than that it's remarkably faithful to its forefather, especially given its age.

As such, I think it's kind of cool that the brass at Nintendo decided to add some of the missing elements back into their 8-bit port of the game. I hope they eventually give it a wider release, though; it would be a crying shame if the only folks who get to experience it are those who pony up for a Wii bundle that's currently only available in Europe.


  1. I never loved the game, but I also never thought it was crap. I just think it's odd to release a DK game (which, I know, stars Mario) for Mario's 25th Anniversary...

  2. Oh, I agree with you there, Justin. I have a feeling Nintendo was testing the waters a bit -- by bundling the Euro red Wii w/ this game, the Japanese red Wii with the special version of SMB and by bundling the NA red Wii with ... nothing :(

    Anyway, back to the NES version of DK -- I'm just glad I can play a "good enough" version of the game on my TV (using the Wii).

  3. I've actually only ever played the Famicom version of DK, I don't know what the missing level is like.

    That said, I love my Famicom Donkey Kong.

    I kind of want to get a ColecoVision though, I've heard the DK for that one was good.

  4. Oh, that's interesting, Sean -- that you've only ever played the Famicom version of the game.

    The arcade features one more level -- set in a cement factory -- and also features a slightly different progression through the levels. (Rather than playing through all four in a continuous loop, arcade DKers play through 1-2-1-2-3-1-2-3-4, etc. -- if that makes sense.)

    Although I wish the Famicom/NES version included that missing 4th level, I'm OK with it as it is, too :)

  5. If anyone's still reading this post and its comments, here's a post on another blog that expands on the differences between the red Wiis that have been released around the world, and the differences between the existing NES version of DK and the DK: Original Edition that comes with the Euro red Wii --

  6. I agree that this game needs a US release. Europe doesn't deserve good things!

  7. Yeah, those Europeans already have enough great things, right Zigfried? :)

    Of course, another option would be for Nintendo to release it in all territories.


  8. Yeah, it would be best if it were released in all areas. Eventually, it probably will be -- just not for free, because Nintendo hates us. They could get back in my good graces by giving us a Jedward ad.

  9. Oh, of course it won't be for free, Zigfried! It'll probably be either 600 or 800 Nintendo Points -- because it's special, etc. Still, I'd gladly pay it.

    You know, I'd LOVE them to release the Jedward ad in the States -- just to see how people react to it :)
