Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Fabulous flash game alert: Action Escape Kitty

Twitter has proven to be a nice source of gaming news today.

First I discovered (a few years late, admittedly) the Super Mario World hack known as Kaiso Mario World thanks to a tweet about Super Meat Boy. Then I was introduced to a cute, Flash-based shooter called Action Escape Kitty (screenshot below) thanks to a tweet from the folks behind

I completely suck at this kind of game, so I didn't make it very far when I tried it earlier today, but don't let that keep you from giving it a go. (Pssst... you can play it here.)

See also: GunBlood, Robot Unicorn Attack, Treadmillasaurus Rex and Winterbells


  1. Ooh. I think I'll play this for a bit this evening,

  2. Great! Let me know what you think of it -- esp. if you're any good at it :)

  3. Starfighter10:05 AM

    I liked the game (love the genre) but it was controlled with the keyboard AND was horisontal - the two biggest NO-NO's for me. :/

  4. Well, I'm definitely with you when it comes to your first complaint, Starfighter -- playing shoot 'em ups with a keyboard is pretty horrible.

    BTW, now that you've admitted your love of vertical shooters -- what are some of your favorites?

  5. Starfighter12:27 PM

    Most of my favourites comes from Cave but I have a few from others as well. I like the bullethell-kind so I've played a lot of Espgaluda, DoDonPachi, ESP.Ra.De, Zero Gunner 2, Psyvariar 2: The Will to Fabricate as long as consoles goes and on PC I really like the touhou (maybe I spelled that wrong) series including Mountain of Faith, Perfect Cherry Blossom, The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, eXceed 3rd Jade Penetrate etc etc etc. :) Do you like shooters as well?

  6. Oh, yeah, I love shooters -- though I have to admit I prefer more 'old school' ones (like Gradius, R-Type, etc.). Actually, I don't think I've ever played a bullet-hell shooter -- they kind of intimidate me. I may have to give them a try sooner rather than later, though -- especially some of the ones you mentioned.

  7. Anonymous10:41 PM

    'Glad to pass along the good times. Keep up the fine bloggings, sir. -DJI @shmups

  8. Thank you, DJI!I've really got to get back to this game...
