Tuesday, November 23, 2010

'And that's what this game is ... you're inside their thoughts ...'

Calling all MMO fans: One of the guys behind Flickr (Steward Butterfield) is about to launch a new one, called Glitch, and, boy, does it look weird.

Don't take my word for it; check it out for yourself:

I'm not entirely sure what's going on in the teaser trailer above, so I'll just nod in agreement with the folks who suggest it's going to be like "Farmville mixed with Maple Story."

Glitch will launch in early 2011, according to its official site, though impatient MMO-ers can sign up here for access to an alpha build of the game.


Viewtiful_Justin said...

Preeeeety sure I just pooped a little in my pants watching that. Holy cow. It looks so strange and WONDERFUL.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Well, I'm glad you liked it, Justin! I definitely think it looks strange -- not so sure I think it looks wonderful, though. The art style rubs me the wrong way, for some reason...

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Really? Oh...not me. But hey, it takes all kinds!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ha! Yes, it does :) Anyway, let me know what you think of it if you ever play it, will you?